Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 4, No. 8 (1930-05)

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c MUSIC LOVERS’ AXEL B. JOHNSON Associate Editor ROBERT DONALDSON DARRELL Managing Editor Published by THE PHONOQRAPH PUBLISHING CO., Inc. Qeneral Offices and Studio: 5 Boylston Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW appears on the twenty-eighth of each month. All material is fully protected by copyright and may be reproduced only by permission. Yearly subscription price $4.00 in the United States and $5.00 in Canada and other foreign countries, postage prepaid. Single copies 35 cents. All communications should be addressed to the Managing Editor at the Studio, 5 Boylston Street, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. All unsolicited contributions must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. All checks and money orders should be made out to THE PHONOGRAPH PUBLISHING CO., Inc. jf&ttorial As a result of the shock occasioned by my dear wife’s sudden death in November of last year, my health has been seriously impaired, and my doctors have ordered a complete rest and change of environ- ment. Consequently I am turning over the active management of The PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW to my able assistant for the last four years, Mr. Robert Donaldson Darrell (R. D. D.), who for the last four months has been practically managing the magazine’s affairs (both artistic and commercial), as on account of my steadily increasing ill health I have been unable to take much active part. It should not be thought that I am by any means divorcing myself from The Phonograph Publishing Company. It is the result of too many years of planning and effort for me to ever cease to have its best interests very close at heart. I remain a major stockholder, Vice-President, and a director of the company; also as Associate Editor of the magazine. Later, if my improved health permits, I hope to take an active share in promotion tvork for the magazine, and also to contribute articles from time to time on various aspects of the phonograph movement in which I am especially interested. I wish to thank my many friends for the whole- hearted support they have given me since the very earliest days of this undertaking. I am rather proud to be able to say that there is not one magazine in our entire United States whose founder and Managing Editor has enjoyed such close personal friendship with its readers, advertisers, and other associates as The PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW. The cordial tributes that I have received from the various manu- facturers’ officials and other leaders in the phonograph movement, to whom I have written about my retire- ment, have been a source of the keenest gratification to me. The sincerity and warmth with which they are written, together with the flourishing state of the recorded music and the phonograph movement today, are indeed full reward for the hopes and the efforts 1 have put into The PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW. I most sincerely trust that the support and friend- ship that I have enjoyed to so rich an extent will be accorded also to my successor, who has stood by me bravely through all the difficulties of establishing the magazine, and who I can assure you is fully worthy of your co-operation in his honest efforts to advance the magazine and the popular appreciation of recorded music still further. Once again I extend my most heartfelt thanks to all those whose participation has been so essential to the grotvth of the magazine, and whose friendship and generous co-operation have been a source of such keen pleasure to myself. See last page for Table of Contents Copyright, 1930, by the Phonograph Publishing Company, Inc.