The Phonogram (1901-09)

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SEPTEMBER 1901 U. S. S. “Brutus,** At Anchor Cavite, P. I., May 3, 1901. Dear Sir : I would like to give you in the following lines a few words of commendation on the World Famous Edison Phonograph, and especially of the records. Some people are under the impression that Edison records are very delicate; and so was I and my shipmates until the following experience happened to our outfit a short while ago. It is wonderful how the records stood all this rough handling and usage. We bought our Phonograph from an agent in Manila, P.I., about a year ago. Our ship—the ill-fated “Yosem- ite”—was ordered to Guam, P. I., in the latter part of August, 1900, and we had the machine playing until the fatal day of November 13, 1900, when the ship was lost in a typhoon. We did not expect to save our own lives, much less the Phonograph, and it seems strange that this now far-famed machine was the only personal property of the crew which now survives. I think some one of the crew prized it more than anything else aboard the ship. When we were safe ashore, we found to our great joy that the machine was in as good working order as it had ever been. We were then transferred to the U. S. S. “ Bru- tus. We sent to San Francisco for some more records and in the meantime sailed for Manila, P. I. On our arrival at this port the records had arrived from San Fran- cisco and I was on the gangway to receive the box. As I was in the act of taking the box away I slipped and fell overboard with it. I do not need to explain how we felt but after a few hasty conclusions we picked up the box, took out the records, dried them carefully and put them