The Phonogram, Vol. 1:6-7 (1891-06)

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THE FHOSOGRAM. 14P THE ASSOCIATION OF EDISON ILLUMINATING COMPANIES. The next meeting of the Association of Eilison Illuminating Companies will be held in New York City, beginning Tues- day, August 11th. The meeting will take place at the Murray Hill Hotel. The programme for the convention will be substantially as follows: First Day, Tuesday .—Owning address by the President; roll-call; election of officers for the ensuing year. Report of Executive Committee and action by the Association, regarding appli- cations for membership. Reports of Secretary and Treasurer. Report of Committee on the Prevention of Damage from Crosses of High Tension Circuits, by C. P. Gilbert, of Detroit, Chairman. Report of Committee on Lightning Pro- tection, by A. E. Kennelly, of the Edison laboratory. Chairman; and the results of experiments at the laboratory on new forms of lightning-arresters. •Report of Committee ou Grounding the Neutral Wire in Three-wire Systems, by A. E. Kennelly, Chairman. Report of Committee on Fuel Gas, by J. • j{.‘ Markle, of Detroit, Chairman. ' A visit to the office and stations of the Electric Illuminating Company, of New • York, in response to an invitation from the company to inspect the special features of their three plants, and plans for the pro- posed comprehensive station near the City Hall. Second Day. —Addresses bv officers of the Edison General Electric Company as to matters of commercial interest to the Association aud the patent litigation. rtiper: 44 How tie get a Paying Load for Stations,” by William I>. Marks, of Phila- delphia. Paper on the “ Meters in use in the Sta- tion of the Brooklyn Company/' by R. S. White. ' * ' Paper: 4< How can our Association best gerve Central Station Interests?'' by Fred- eric Nicnolls, of Toronto. Paper by W. L. Garrison, of the Brock- ton (Mass.) Company. Subject to be an- nounced. Paper on 44 Important Details in Under- ground Conductors, ” by Mr. Stevenson, of the New York Illuminating Company. Paper: 44 Some Practical Ideas on Dis- tribution ,” by Leigh Carroll, of Birming- ham, Ala. Paper by C. L. Edgar, of Boston. Sub- ject to be announced. Paper: 44 Peculiar Features of the Edi- son Feeder System,” by Nelson S. Howell. 44 The Success of the Mutual Insurance Idea m Electric Light and Power Sta- tions/' by the Secretary. Paper by H. J. Smith, of the New York Illuminating Company. Subject to be an- nounced. Visit to the station of the Edison Electric Illuminating Company, of Brooklyn, in re- sponse to an invitation by the officers of tnat company. Third Day. —Visit to the Schenectady Works of the Edison General Electric Company. The courtesies of the New York Electric Club have been extended to all members of the Association attending the convention. The Edison Electric Illuminating Com- pany, of New York, and the Edison Elec- tric Illuminating Company, of Brooklyn, are all interested in the success of this con- vention, and will extend delegates all the privileges in their ]>ower. Theefficersof the Association are: Presi- dent, John I. Beggs, Chicago, 111.; Vice- President, C. L. Edgar, Boston, Mass.; Secretary, W. J. Jenks, 44 Broad Street, New York City; Treasurer, Wilson S. Howell: Executive Committee, A. L. Smith, Appleton, Wis., Chairman; C'. P. Gilbert, Detroit, Mich.; Thomas P. Mer- ritt, Reading, Pa.: E. R. Weeks, Kansas City, Mo.; Leigh Carroll, Birmingham, Alii.: John 1. Beggs (ex-officio). Chicago, 111 .