The Phonogram, Vol. 1:8 (1891-08)

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THE PHONOGRAM. premacy of the business phonograph, they A phonogram from the resident must advertise it. An advertising bureau correspondent of the interna- oould be established at the New York office TI0NAL telegram company. and conducted at small expense, while the BT ORAKTH am o. bain. benefits to the phonograph business all over the country would be of wonderful value. Before the phonograph was perfected I Matter of general interest regarding the used the graphophone for a long time, doing business uses of the phonograph could be the dictation at my room at night, and hav- prepared and furnished publications which ing the work -transcribed by my operator would willingly print it as news matter, the following day. At that time I was busily without charge, if properly approached, engaged in news work during the greater The writer prepared a column of matter part of the day, and my special writing was regarding the phonograph and 6ent it to necessarily done at night. It was not prac- the editor of a daily paper, who printed it ticable to have a stenographer at my room, and asked for more. Clippings from the especially as my work was done, at inter- press throughout the country could be serft vals, and much of it was done at midnight, in by local agents, and they in turn sup- Mv graphophone was always at hand, and, plied with fresh readable matter for use in coming to my room at night with a good their home papers. A first-class article story which I had picked up during the regarding the phonograph, particularly its day, or with the ideas for a special article business utility, could be placed in the which I had developed at odd moments, I prominent periodicals, and some of their could sit down at the machine and reel oil valuable advertising space should be taken a thousand words or so in very quick time, for the phonograph. Frequently 1 would sit at the graphophone Scores of ways could be utilized in bring- uutil 1 felt sleepy, and stopping in the mill- ing the phonograph to notice through the die of a paragraph, would take up the public press. The Phonogram is assist- thread of my story the next day. During ing materially in diffusiug much needed that time 1 accomplished more than I hail knowledge regarding this wonderful ma- ever done dictating to a stenographer or to chine, but millions of business men can the type-writer direct. I did several maga- only be reached through the medium of zine articles and a large amount of special their favorite magazine or paper. newspaper work with the aid of the grapho- Advertise the business phonograph. Ad- phoue, and found with that instrument the vertise it by a systematic application of number of mistakes in transcription was ho brains and money, to the one idea of fore- greater than was made by an operator tak- ing the practical utility of the business ma- ing dictation direct on the type-writer. Chine upon the minds of the biisiuess I find the phonograph in many ways men. much more useful than the graphophone. The money expended will be but “ bread though I will always have a lingering fond- upon the waters,” and it is safe to say the ness for the old machine. I now keep a business phonograph will find its place in phonograph in my office, but I will have to the business world with a celerity that will put one in my room before long. Working astonish its promoters. If the phonograph down-town at night, as I do rather from is not properly advertised, it will be like force of habit than from any necessity, I the lion that never roared; the average find that the phonograph answers the same business man will not think or care any- purpose in my office that it once did in toy thing about it, because he will not know room. I think almost every newspaper anything about it - writer will admit that there is no better