The Phonogram, Vol. 1:9 (1891-09)

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THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ArrOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS PROPOSED SAILINGS, AUTUMN SEASON, 1891. From Pier 26^North River, Foot Beach Street, N. Y ALL STEAMERS SAIL AT 8 P.M. FROM NEW YORK First-class Tickets include Meals and Stateroom Accommodation on Main Lines of Company. The Wyanoke” ‘sailing Wednesdays) and Old Dominion” ‘sailing Satur- days 1 go up the James River. (These ships make the round trip, New York to New York, in 5 days ) The 44 Old Dominion” passengers have Monday and Tues- day in Richmond. Passengers on the “Wyanoke” arrive Friday morning and leave Friday night. Time, to Norfolk, Newport News, Virginia Beach and Old Point Comfort, about 24 hours: To Richmond, Va., 40 hours: to Petersburg, Vat>, 40 hours. Norfolk to Washington, D. C., 15 hours: Norfolk to Baltimore, 12 hours. Steamers leave Norfolk, Va. (up the Potomac River), for Washington, D.Q., daily. Old Dominion ships sailing from New York Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, generally connect following evening after leaving New York. SPECIAL NOTICE. —Tuesday's. Thursdays and Saturday's ships stop to land passengers at the Government Pier, Old Point Comfort, 100 yards from the Hygeia Hotel. PASSENGERS can secure stateroom accommodations two or three weeks in advance of day* of sailing. This can be done by' letter, telegram, or telephone. Staterooms will NOT be held later than 2 o’clock on day ship sails, unless tickets are sold at time reservation for stateroom is made. W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. Company's General Offices, 235 West Street, Cor. Beach, New York . •* A FEW FACTS,* 1 w ith 808 (Junctions nnd Answer*. lOlh Edition Enlarged, with Map# and other additions. Copies of this book con tic- obtained on nppiiration at Company’* Ofllce. NEW YOKE PHONOGRAPH COMPANY, 257 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Phonographs and Graphophones Rented for Business Purposes, for Family Use, and for Exhibitions. No modern oflice or home circle complete without them. Run by eWcfHcity, water power, or treadle. Phonograph supplies of all kinds; musical and other record cylinders in great variety con- stantly on hand for sale. Automatic Phonographs furnished. Send for pamphlet and price list. The public are invited to visit our wareroom* to examine and hear the machine*. * During the coming month this company will make a specialty of the following carefully made musical cylinders: Night Alarm (descriptive!. Volunteer March. My Pretty Minnie, with Cornet Solo Vocal and Orchestral. 7 Hearx -fEdward Clarance ... Edward Clarance Joe Natus A. E. Burton Series of Humorous Recitations, witfiTmitations by. - Bussell Hunting