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THE PHONOGRAM dexterity in climbing fifth-story win- and before the new duties of the day are dow with a life-saving apparatus. entered upon. Besides the regular office The conversazione at the McGill College correspondence, there are special conditions was also a grand success. A large tent under which the phonograph does valuable was erected on the grounds of the college, work, as in the following instance: around which was tastefully arranged “ Whether 1 am in Philadelphia, Wash- tables freighted with the choicest edibles. ington, or Baltimore, in Erie or Buffalo, in A band of twenty-five pieces was sta- Kochester or Boston, the morning mail is tioned in one corner of the tent, which ren- read to me over the long-distance telephone dered delightful music throughout the from New York by one of our stenogra- evening. A large banquet was given by phers, and the answers taken down in short- the citizens of Montreal on Thursday even- hand at the New York end of the wine, ing at Windsor Hall. His Excellency the Ten minutes after I hang up the telephone Governor-General of Canada occupied the in Buffalo or Washington, the stenog- place of honor at the banquet, while Sir rapher is reading his overflow * notes Donald Smith presided, with President into the phonograph for distribution, and Huntly on his left. the mail, dictated over a wire from two to five hundred miles long in the morning, “the business phonogbaph/’ goes out of the office in the evening, just „ ^ . TY , as though I had been there all day. This is not a dream or a future possibility; it is K what is done in this office as frequently as TTT , i y ? , . , T 7 absence makes it necessary, and what many HE Electrical En - t A . . A , A more houses are doing from day to day as fjnuci o a recen ^ advantages of modern electrical facili- c ate con ns le £j eg are raore appreciated and understood. o ar c “These suggestions are certainly suffi- J /* ral ^ rr.K* cient to convince anyone that the phono- ( o \iii, on e g^pjj j s> Qr iq capably pf being, a really onograp m j m po r *l an t factor in certain lines of busi- in which the writer negs Ifc ig no more Uan fair that its home o t e manj availability should be understood and ap- ; of this machine, p rec j a ted ”