The Phonogram (1901-01)

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wo. 3 The PHONOGRAM VOL. IV ili ! ir 1 1 \\ AS AN AID TO POLICEMEN.. I heard a Phonograph one day, an* mammy, on my word, It was de sweetest singin* dat I mos*ly eber heard. To* ought ter hear de lubly songs dat Phonograph kin sing, "When it commenced, I didn’t want ter do a single thing •But jes* come back to Cottonville, de place whar I wus bom, An spen* my life amongst de coons, de cotton an de com. We drapped a nickel in de slot an’ Ole Kaintuckey Home Wus fust upon de program—my eyes commenced ter foam, An den anudder nickel an* dar came de sweetes* tune— sCak'y me back ter ole Virginny; (sounded like a home-sick coon.) But when it struck up Dixey lan * we all commenced ter “ swing” .An* dance de li hoe down” tl pass-ma-la, an’ il cut de pidgeon wing,” A crowd began ter gather an* dey passed de hat aroun’ Mut a p'liceman got it, hat an' all , an now he cant k foun. Most. -—From the New York He rail.