The Phonogram (1901-01)

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recently. One contrivance, originated by a Jerseyman, is a nickel-in-the-slot machine, which is so arranged that the record cylinder, as it moves along, disengages a series of photographs. These drop into view one after another, while the instrument talks off an entertaining description of them. Though the notion, so far as its practical application is concerned, is as yet in its infancy, there is no doubt that before long machines for combining the motion-picture with the talking voice will be placed on the market. One will then have the advantage of listening and seeing at the same time, which will be very striking and interesting. The performance of a skirt-dancer, as watched in moving photographs, will be accompanied by suitable music, and similarly with other forms of entertainment. It seems altogether probable that, as predicted by the Wizard, phonographic records and motion pictures of musical and other stage performances will be taken simul- taneously in the not-distant future, so that both may be reproduced together.—From Saturday Evening Pott. Editor of The Phonogram. I read with much interest Mr. Browning's article in the November Phonogram, headed “ His Master's voice,** and I thi n k his point is very well taken. My impression, * upon seeing the advertisement r efer red to, was that the little dog looks very sorrowful as though he was listening to the voice of one of the departed. It is wonderful what intel- ligence a dog does possess; for what person ever heard one of those noisy disc machines but that he was repelled