The Phonogram, Vol. 2:10 (1892-10)

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fit of the people at large, and are always effec- The Phonograph m Business, tire. To these observations, we add the follow- * v — *ng explanations, thrown out to reach the new Intelligence from the Texas Co. shows us that tnhacribers and readers of Th* Phonogram, ibe interests of the phonograph are being pushed who, as yet, are not informed about the mech- with assiduity in that region. Mr. Thomas R. an ism of this instrument. Conyngton, general manager of the Texas The phonograph borrows from man two im- Oo. f receives reporis as to progress from five of portant functions, those of speech and writing; . the principal cities and towns, and all are entliu- tbatis, it repeats and records. Its construction elastic in praise of it. Borne of the writers state enables it to catch the waves of sound entering the amount of work that can be transacted by the through the tube, whether they bp words, music, aid of the phonograph, others order more instru- orany other form of sound, and echo them. ments, and again certificates of the satisfaction When a waxed cylinder is attached to the phono- it has given come in from various firms, graph and certain adjustments are made, it will All of which shows that Mr. Conyngton ap- repeat ail sounds directed towards the dia- predates the necessity of communicating fact9 phragro, and these vibrations move a stylus or like these to headquarters ; and that he is liiin- needle which stamps the movement upon the self most energetic and far-seeing In his own surface of the waxed cylinder. ' • methods. To all persons unacquainted with tlie opera- tion of the instrument, we state that it only re- flects and copies the sound which man forces it Never on Sale Before. to reproduce. All sounds of every kind and character may As astronomers watch from time to time the be treasured up in these extraordinary machine^ planets that come within the range of their and reproduced—not once—but a thousand vision, to ascertain what changes take place on times and may be mechanically duplicated and their surface, so do the eyes of our country, multiplied to any extent. men turn with eagerness to the great luminary who has, after Franklin, done more to familiar- ize man with the unseen, potent elements of. nature and subject them to hi9 control, than any other American. It is well to assign him a place beside Columbus ; for if the great discoverer succeeded io finding another world, the savant Edison has^levated it and conferred upon it a new title to usefulness and universal considera- tion. We have a planet of the first order revolving majestically in its orbit within range of our per- ceptive faculties, whose appearance we are con- stantly tempted to scrutinize, and in which every American takes a personal pride and interest. Everyone who has any degree of patriotism will take occasion to secure a portraiture of this world-wide “ notability,” and we believe will ap- preciate the information we here impart that through the influence of a friend of The Phono- gram. photograph’s of Mr. Edison can be ob- tained from the office of that magazine. They consist of portraits of this gentleman, taken at different ages, from four years old up- wards. of his mother, of his birthplace, liis pres" ent home, library, laboratory, and workshops* Theee are aU copyrighted and cannot be duplicated. Additional portrains of Mr. Edison will ap- pear from time to time, taken while at work in various departments of the laboratory. We commend to our readers in general, and to parents and children in particular, the article by Mr. Tost ou the subject of typewriters, in this issue. He has given to this country a great variety of models of that machine and justly de. serves the title of M Father of the Typewriter/’ More than that, he now ukes the pains to write, for the Instruction of this and coming gen- erations, a sort of practical essay on business, which will be for pareuts and their offspring “a lantern unto their path.” This is purely a labor of love on his part, for his success in business has been such that he does not need .encomiums. Mr. Tost sees the important functions that the phonograph performs in connection with the typewriter and does not hesitAte to pronounce eulogies on the machine tliattalk9. Oar General Manager in Chicago. The tariff pmd the Slate bank issue may at. tract the attention of common mortals at present, but the Western phonograph companies are much more interested in the presence and doings of Mr. Lombard in Chicago.