The Phonogram, Vol. 2:2 (1892-02)

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* A MM1A/.INK dcVofcd lO all illlfreslK cnnucl^! with (lie rccordmir *»f *»und. Hie reproduction and preservation of apeecli. ili»* Telephone*. the Typewriter, and the progress of Electricity. The statement that “ a complete course of stenography comprising thirty lessons will he furnished by mail," though doubtless not intended to misguide, is in fact utterly mis- leading. True, such a course may confer on the student a smattering of that much-cov- eted knowledge, but will it enable a pupil graduating from a course of thirty lessons sent bv mailfto tak^a place alongside those now employed in that business, and compete with them V This is the kernel which the student should try to extract from the nut—the question he must decide. It is a part of the mission of The Phonogram impart information to its readers and the general public, on subjects appertaining lo-its^’.'Sn line of business, and it stands ready to perform this oflice at all times, especially in cases like this where the experience*of others may he beneficial. Premising it as ou* honest belief that sten- ography taught by mail will only secure two results, the lirst being the laying a foundation for future usefulness in the art—the second, that it will have the effect on some minds of making the stenographic system a mystery, we proced to state that there is now in use a simple instrumentality T>y which all the tedi- ous and painful steps taken to acquire this intricate art may he avoided—and that is by learning how - to operate aaphoriograph. ^ny ordinary office hoy can. in a few hours, pick up the few* easy technicalities required for this, wkil% to learn stenography he would pass long, weary hours in memorizing and learning to write the curves and dots and dashes belonging thereto. Let this teacher change the advertisement and substitute the following: PUBLISHED MONTHLY ADVERTISEMENTS. The Piion«k;kam. Iiavinirxim'ial faHlhi*** in ir* circula- tion through the vn*t commercial *\»tein oc<ni|tiw| by Hit* Pin•nogrnph. Teleptu*ne. nn«l other Electrical Device*, pre- sents mi exceptionally vuln ihle adverlsini: medium. The rates are rens« •liable and will l*e furnished on application (OKU ESPON PENCE itinjr i" the Phonograph. Typewriter, or Electricity, in of their practical application*. is cordially invited, and •iteration of nil electrical thinkers mid workers ••nr- ily d-si.ed Clear, concise, well written articles are eciallv welcome; and communications. views, new* ns. I<h*hI newspaper clipping*, orany information likely interest electricians, will I** thankfully received and erfullv acknnwledired. Shorthand by Mail This is the headline of an attractive adver- tisement appearing in one of tlie Washington weeklies, anil tlie advertiser states that a com- plete course of thirty lessons will he sent by mail for a moderate sum. Now, while such zeal and energy are com- mendable, and we rejoice in the success of all alert and stirring business men and women, we say in this especial case, stop and consider what those words convev to the unwary and uninitiated who read with avidity each line, pondering these fascinating words and better- ing that at the expiration of thirty days they will emerge full-fledged stenographers.