The Phonogram, Vol. 2:2 (1892-02)

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•*? -C. /' Iv • 32 THE PHONOGRAM. *4 4 “ Do you transcribe from the phonograph ? If not. why not? A course of lessons at a cost almost nominal will fit you for any office position.” This would be in the line of jtrogress, and it goes without saying that such an advertise- ment would bring scores of answers. The time is fast approaching when inaptitude in phonographic work will be a death knell to the hopes of employment entertained by laborers in industrial fields. We therefore urge typewriter operators to familiarize themselves with the little instru- ment now playing so important a part in the world. Take time by the forelock in this matter, so that you first may win the reward of large salaries. The hint that women are physically unable to make use of mechan- ical appliances does not deserve attention, because the majority of typewriter operators are women, and these are of necessity obliged to keep the mechanism of their apparatus in order. Besides, the phonograph can bo managed by a child and can he operated with no difficulty. Schools are now established both in New York. Washington and.other cities to teach the use of this instrument, and are conducted on strict business principles. So soon as a large corps Of trained phonograph operators is known to be ready for service, and business men come to learn that the ordinary routine of ollice business will be con- ducted smoothly and uninterruptedly, and with a great saving of time, just so soon will this species of handicraft be brought into requisition and phonograph operators become 44 all the rage,” Tho Bradbury Stono Storage Coll for tho Phonograph. We have received a sample of the Bradbury Stone storage battery for phonograph use, and are testing it. Reports come in that this battery is meeting with great, success among many phonograph companies. The battery is packed in a most thorough and conve- nient way for freight and express handling, and the cell is inclosed in a neat wooden case, the whole weighing but little over twenty pounds. Instructions how to set up and re- store t his battery for the phonograph will he found on another page of this issue. We understand an agent has been appointed to take charge of the coin-in-tlie-slot business in New York City and Brooklyn. Washingtonians' Appreciate the Pho- nograph. From the bureau of tin* The Evening Star, a testimonial to the great usefulness of the phonograph emanates, and the writer, who has charge of a department of its business, Mr. Wm. A. Hungerford, enumerates its excel- lencies most earnestly, and sums up the ad- vantages derived from its employment, by saying that in the near future “ it will come into universal use by all busy men who desire to obtain the maximum of work at the mini- mum of cost and effort.” The firm of C. A. Snow & Co., atttorneysat law and solicitors of patents, Washington, 1). C., also write that they keep on hand two phonographs, one of which stands on the desk ready at all times for dictation, while the other is operated by the typewriter for transcribing the cylinders. By this method the work of transcription is never interrupted, which is a great gain in facilitating the progress of cor- respondence, and Mr. Carrol ID. Jnelson, who occupies a prominent position in the ollice of Examiner Bureau of Claims, also voluntarily tells us that after six mont hs’ experience with it. lie is able to dispose of fifty to one hundred letters per day, more easily and satisfactorily than in any other way. Mr. Judsou says, “ After a thoroughly practical test, 1 would not discontinue its use.” His last sentence Is by far the most valuable part of this overwhelm- ing testimony in favor of the phonograph, namely : *' Aside from its great utility and con- venience in dispatching business, it is more economical than the employment of stenog- rujthcrs , to which it is in point of accuracy and spe.ed superior , and in no respect that 1 have hem able to discover , inferior. Attention, Manufacturers. Madame Reynier has sent to us a model of the celebrated battery constructed by her hus- band the late Mr. Emile Reynier, of Paris. The patent right to manufacture it is for sale in the United States. As previously stated in The Phonogram, it. has points of excellence not possessed by other accumulators, and we confidently recommend inventors and owners * of accumulators to visit the ollice of The Pho- nogram or communicate with, us because we believe that the merits of the Reynier battery must b«* fully understood to be appreciated. We also opim* that when scrutinized tins in- strument will supply the wants of the public in this line. v