The Phonogram, Vol. 2:2 (1892-02)

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The Phonograph and the Typewriter go Hand in Hand. BY E. D. EASTON, PRESIDENT COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. tin* vast body of type- writers now existing: and to those learning the use of writing machines. the phonograph ami the graph- ophone offer great ad- vantages. Indeed, they perform almost a iniraele. They make the typewriter operator more than an efli- eient stenographer, without the labor or expense of learning shorthand. Unt'l recently, typewriters desiring to reaeh the greatest pos>ible elerieal effi- ciency have been compelled to learn or attempt to learn shorthand. This com- plicated and elusive art has had a long and useful life : but the means it provides for recording and reproducing speech are so cumbrous, so difficult to acquire, ami. in the hands of the average person, so un- reliable when acquired, that tin- death knell of shorthand was rung when the lirst C 7 cylinder of a talking machine began to re- volve. A working knowledge of shorthand sufficient at least for office dictation mav be secured after assiduous studv for from six months to two years, according to the number of hours per day devoted to the purpose. It is only necessary to learn the use of the talking machine, when, presto ! you are equipped for more efficient and more certain service than shorthand could ever give ; and this, in only a few hours of application. There are many objections to the use of the typewriter for direct dictation. Its speed can never equal the rate of speech of a lluent dictator. Its noise in opera- tion tries the voice, unless the dictator is^ silent while the machine is at work, in which case, of course, much less is ac- complished. Some of the ad vantages talking machines offer the typewriter operator are as fol- lows : 1st. lie can work alone. When writ- ing from direct dictation the presence of the dictator is required. •d- Being entirely independent, he can work at any hour of the day or night. 3d. As he works alone, he can con- f V