The Phonogram (1900-11)

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THE PHONOGRAM Chorus Then John began to pump the pump, pump, pump. Pump, pump, pump up the pump, pump, pump ; They couldn't get him to drink a sup, He'd pump, pump, pump, but she wouldn't cough uj*. Then Sal said “John the stage is my next jump," “ I can act" said she, “For there’s money in me," Quite working the pump, pump, pump. John told Sal he lored her, At the old town pump day $ And if you'll allow. I’ll tell you how It happened in this way. He disappointed her one night. Beneath the old oak tree ; She called him to the pump next day, “l*m thirsty John" said she. Chorus Then John began to pump the pump, pump, pump, Pump, pump, pump up the pump, pump, pump ; “Where were you last night" said she, “Why right here pumping the pump," said he. They're married now, his head she’ll bump, bump, bump, That’s the best he’ll get From the girl he met While pumping the pump, pump, pump. SHOCKING. “ They say the young man Melissa Perkins is going to marry is a reg’lar paragon." “ Land sakes 1 Do tell! I thought he was a clerk in a grocery."—Chicago Ttmes-Hcrald.