Screen Guilds Magazine (June 1935)

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Ckracferizafion Caesar.. .Charlemagne... Queen Victoria... Nero.. .Wellington.. .Columbus... Andrew Jackson... all the romantic characters of his¬ tory or fiction assume forceful reality when brought to life with the Factor Hairlace wig. Characterization is a word that has made the Factor Hairlace wig famous. Ours is the largest and most unique Hair Service in America. Our staff of creative artists are skilled in translating your hair problems to the needs of the screen. Our hair suggestions take into considera¬ tion the personality of the player, the spirit of the part and the photographic effects. Our own library, probably the largest one anywhere exclusively devoted to hair, is an important guide in furnishing us with the authentic appearance of every hair style throughout human history. We invite you to bring your hair problems to us. We can follow your own designs and specifications, or we can work out complete hair ideas for a single character or for an entire production or cast. (flux Factor IHakeip Studios HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA ‘•The Largest Hair Service in America