Show World (January 1908)

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THE SHOW WORLD 2)///ergnf/ THE TEMPLE FILM SERVICE is different than the common variety* Why? We give you the film you ask for r no excuses; if it is not in the house we go out and buy it* We can do this ‘Because We have ample capital and we want your trade* One customer writes , “after being with all the big ones, Fve tried you, and now I’m satisfied that you are the best; Ben- Hur making good.” Unless you are actually to some film renting concern, get on with us and we will send you the good ones* Don't wait, go and tele¬ graph us ./Vo W Temple Film Co. Masonic Temple CHICAGO 500 MAIL TO YOU " Magazines, Papers, etc.—No Two Alike, irv tUTYour Winter’s Reading, onlyi®“ THE MAIL, B.I.. KENNEDY, N.Y ARTHUR SANDERS DRAMATIC DIRECTOR Address, La Salle Theatre :The tired come for Rest^y —the Sick to get well There are three springs at French Lick and West Baden Springs Each has different qualities— that is why these springs are world famous for the great variety of their cures. No fin¬ er hotel in the country; every comfort; splendid table. ASK FOR BOOKLET. B. E. TAYLOR, Frank J. Reed, Gen’l Mngr. G«a'l Agt. CHICAGO MONDNROUTE Columbia Amusement Co. KNOXVILLE. TENN. Can always place first-class Vaudeville Acts if salary is reasonable. JOS. J. PRICE, Mgr. WILL ROSSITER’S CORNER “STINGY” Newton ana Durand's “HIT” If you can use a T eddy Bear to advantage with this song, write me at once. Get in on this white it’s HOT. “NAPANEE” It may be another 50 years before you’ll have a song to equal this one. Don’t be a mutt, get busy. KEEP YOUR EYES turned on us, We’ve more surprises for ’98. Drop in at our prof, offices, GRAND OPERA HOUSE BUILDING. IMAIL ADDRESS: WILL ROSSITER 152 Lake St., CHICAGO. Everything in NEW and S.H. Motion Picture Machines "MW' Wanted. Catalogues free. 7 Harbach & Co., 809 Filbert St„ Phila., Pa. PLAYS ttons, Dialogues, Make-up Goods,etc. Catalogue fr« T. S. DENISON, Pub., Dept. 22. Chicago WANTED!! LEADING MAN FOR HEAVYS, CHARACTER AND GEN. BUS. MAN; MAN WITH SGRIPTS to direct Stage. Singing and Dancing Comedian and Soubrette. LEADING and CHARACTER WOMAN with Good Wardrobe; those doing Specialties preferred. Permanent stock opens Feb. 24th. State salary for all summer; pay own. JACK AUSLET, Orange, Texas ARPER ACT. > 20Ui CENTURY OPTISCOPE GO. Films, Motion Picture Machines and Supplies PIONEERS OF THE BRANCH OFFICE FEVER 91 Dearborn St. I Kansas City, Mo.Shukert Building CHICAGO j Ogden, Utah.Eccies Building