Show World (February 1908)

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Wiruary 8, 1906. THE SHOW WORLD 5 THE LARGEST STOCK OF Films for Rent IN MINNEAPOLIS [nCENE CEIIE 3rd and Nicollet Aye. PLAYS PLAYERS BY JOHN PIERRE ROCHE. EVl ATTHEW WHITE, JK., dramatic edi¬ tor of the Muneey publications and author of Stop, Look and Listen, in jview of The Morals of Marcus has the It cross-legged on a couch, but a sufficient dramatic equipment >ven when coupled with large debut under t t appearance ii international reputatTon, Darleigh pd to be at a railway station wnere Edna’s car was waiting and visited the car. Whrn she saw him Miss May dropped every¬ thing and grasped both his hands. “Old Stebbins, by gosh,” she said, i*’. P. Morse, the sane and clever critic the Washington Post, remarked in a recent issue of that journal: “A particu¬ larly bad theatrical season is always ac¬ companied by a tirade against dramatic critics . . . this hysterical denunciation ■ critics was not heard last year when theaters were oifering a satisfactory number of deserving plays; it will not be sard next year if conditions improve. The •itics of critics have chosen the wrong ■ason to air their complaints.” George Ade’s new comic opera, which the Harlequin Club of Purdue University will produce early in April, has been officially ; present being e f the Studebaker Edeson’s dual ] scored heavily in The Girl Rangers ive Wyndham, from Home nouse, modestly puts forth her the most be-photographed young _ last month. The dramatic departm' nearly every magazine Issued last offered a portrait of Miss 'Wyndham appears in the Tarkington-Wilson play. The Witching Hour is established pregnably at the Garrick theater, C ‘ Several of the players have rented ments on the strength of the n ticket sale. The play haj publicity in the public duction of the season. ^ George Cohan pewailing t comedies. Joseph I. Sullivan, the stock company Chicago, wherd h - by his appearance Salome, is playing Kentucky. Charles Frohman has sel ing of the Shrew as the v( Adams’ appearance before the facult Harvard university next June. Sion will mark her first appc Katherine. Cecil Lean, formerly the chief laughter at the La Salle theater has scored heavily in The S ' wise youth from Wall Street. Marie Doro Is not long for Th< of Marcus. W. J. Locke, author Doro's present play, submitted the of a new drama to Charles Frohman week which proved eminently satisfat to that gentleman. Charles W. Collins, dramatic editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean, termed Robert Ede¬ son’s play. Classmates, a Jack ” ' drama and piffling pabulum for the Illinois theater, Chicago. Ben Greet has given up of Shakespeare al fresco. Experience ested discussion a production of The Follies of 1907 returns torium, Chicago, and Mr. Hyde 5 theory that - - mediocre company settings cannot be exc - fashionabl duced to compete with other theaters o: ing burlesque. Coincidentally, the Pari Model will be offered at the Illinois, i tingeing Chicago theatricals with a Z feld raciness. I recently played i _^ ,..e chorus g who has kept all t s wondering v' ' Lonesome Town has found New York c dial where it found Chicago cool. the play fail ii with costumes and scenery, should r handwriting on the wall. Blanche Bates, if we may belie Opera house, Chicago, West. The case. Bates vs. Belascc, „ 1 discussed In the rural districts. ‘Noodles” Fagan, champion newsboy of world, is appearing in vaudeville in new act, 'Vod-vll. During the course of act Mr. Fagan sings Italian, Irish and ragtime songs and gives an imitation of Henry Miller delivering his lecture on Breggism. The College theater. Chicago, has an unique attache, by name George Cullen. Until recently he was a poet, artist, car¬ toonist. and expert box office man. Last week Mr. Cullen went all the way and appeared with success in She Stoops to Conquer. The Prince of PiUen closed Its tour re- Birmingham, Ala. It was an- WORLD:—Yo contemplated, beginning at Syd- majorlty of the company re- _ .cave their homes and Broadway firesides, so a new company will play the Pixley-Luders piece abroad. Chauncey Olcott is dickering with Ber- ird Shaw for a Celtic drama for next During one of Mr. Olcott’s recent nounced t engagements h s termed by a reviewer .... kitchen's delight.” The reviewer till alive, but watchful. Lillian Shaw, a clever delineator of Yid- ish types and one of the first to sing “My ir editorial v**w x.,.. Instructive and timely. ...x.. «„xvx of the composers is botn lightening and amusing. I don’t know wh er it has occurred to them, however ninety-nine per cent of the mu; songs and instrumental, published copyrighted in the names of tJ ers. Also, It probably has not the composers and musicians _ same source of evil, the phonograph music roll people, are instrumental In ing thousands of copies of their efl Also, it undoubtedly has not occurred either THE SHOW WORLD or the co offices of the phonogrj ubllshers In s reproduced, _ ' - advertising ) song writer, am with _ . - roll people v>, their publications on their respective ords. If a journal of the scope and nltude of THE SHOW WORLD is to champion the cause of the mush .. ....... .... publishers' ducers, under be compelled that royalty .... __ publishers get gratis under present Hoyt's A Milk White Flag last engaged the attention of the stock pany at the Baker theater, Portland, William Gleason, Howard Russell and ’ bel Seymour portrayed the leading Kamsay Morris, who _ _ and Nine, is now busily engaged on a new play for Bayone Whipple. The name of the “thriller” has not yet been given out to an expectant public. Lawrence Eddinger W. Barnum as the reprobate Duncan Irving in support of R^m n Classmates. Thus perlsheth holds several medals Theodore Roberts, tl: ugais of The Right of Way, rent issue of The Liv publication. Lawrence Grattan, a prominent x**.,*. of the Chicago Witching Hour companj -- ^ Texas ~ - .... pi critics and audil Barrymore’s play which Evening Jour- Biscusses Music Copyright Bill. CHICAGO, Of course, the Kittredge measure, pay royalties, but