Show World (February 1908)

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iruary 22» 1908. THE SHOW WORLD [OVING PICTURE MEN IN SOUND ORGANIZATION The licensing of operators will be taken up by the Association, and all questions per¬ taining to the proper safeguards to be es¬ tablished for the physical protection of the Working in harmony with municipal au¬ thorities, relieving the commonwealth of the burden of regulating such phases of the in¬ dustry as need attention, the Film Service Association is in a position to uplift the industry, and compel universal recognition "-notography as a factor in the world of _s which have been a source of annoyance and loss to the film renter will be eliminated. It is probable that many mem¬ bers of the Association do not realize the [ing from united action. The i have disappeared aim service, as'no members of the initiative is doing the right thing WITHOUT BEIING I OU). Next to doing the thing without being told is to do it when you are = - TOLD OINCE —========== STANDARD FILM EXCHANGE CHICAGO, ILL. veloped a family tt eludes in Hard to : startling finish. v Novelty Machine Company. ovelty Machine company of : •cle Swing ( s patents am itrolled by 1 Calehuff looses by Fire. mmmm 2,000 FT. OF FILM FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD CONDITION G CADri 277 Park Ave., CHICAGO . OMDLL Second Flat Baldw in' Open for 1908. All 1 11 , “CALIFORNIA ARROW'' rSSS-S HURRY and get on with that great big United States Film Exchange. Always there with the goods. Prompt ser¬ vice—all the headliners and then some. Send for our lists—(please specify lists). We have no old moth-eaten catalogues. United States Film Exchange Randolph and Dearborn Streets , CHICAGO, ILL. heal Estate Board Building