Show World (March 1908)

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March 28, 1908. THE SHOW WORLD moving picture -e William Marks, Joseph Rohlandson, John H. ____-jeking i nee of intimidation, hi against exhibitors, bi a _ „_fountain head and sun _id the Edison Manufacturing Co. ini court for violation of the Latham patent, am not in a position to speak for the Bi< graph Co. as to its course in the near fi but considering the events which ha\ raiien place recently it would be the naturs sequence to bring suits against users ( films licensed by the Edison Mfg. Co. fc - - the Latham patent. policy to protect to the utmoi ompany in ^ bringing^ £ Bdurel is purely commercial, i e familiar e of pro- igthen any^pretens.ora to annoy these ivho ^e^u^ing films supplied by inde- ... ,vrhfl.n aes. rather than to prose- ‘SaS ue rnaterial^ aj in a 4 court of 3 ju institution of suil lastic language, threatening innumerable aw suits against infringers, wherever found, he claims under the Latham patent will ie pushed to a speedy decision, and if suc- essful the Biograph Co. will then be in a losition to secure injunctions instanter igainst anybody who uses films of any make tpon a machine or camera which infringes ts patent rights. Inasmuch as this ques- I'ilm Service Committeeman J ■cure a better footing nd the validity of the a-- ill not be bolstered up by the nun i 'Thh= e< iiling of numerous suits ^c lat they are attempting to drive u [dependent films into the Edison ci uestionable methods. characteristic feeling of stubborn: le average American which promp iolate his principles of independenc Proceeding is Commercial. “I atn firmly convinced that the i Edison, had ad- tained within a ed the validity of the Edison claims, I^ook up the matter with them, and quote from their reply as follows: ‘We never advised that the Edison film patent was valid, and we never considered it valid.’ Importance of Opinion. ’ “Those who are familiar with the history e defeated Edison ring picture cam- i the e United State “It is worthy second suit broui issue of the film garded the lega lightly that they y Edison upon his re¬ status of the claim but entered a, i initted all the facts plainant, he has no Edison withdrew his could be rendered. -- of our films will be .ny exhibitor who ’ e defended fi - The Biograph C defense of the various Seaver Discusses Litigation. if the e sensitized surface a r bringing iens and t in rapid „ Chica o Create Monopoly. ^ apparatus fe-^pyrol r will c s refers Slower 0 U°iW°St ° f atl inata “ ce case, where the decision of the upper court snows the most profound investigation and unanimity of opinion, has not followed the upper court; and I do not believe that the attorneys for'the Edison Manufacturing Co. can cite a single instance of a parallel case ■n which such procedure was had. I have previously shown that the rights M the Biograph Co. t think the Edison Manu- be shown a court decision in its favor be- “In fact both myself and Mr. W. R. Co- zart, who have promoted the Protective Association, and are using Independent films feel that we have been siio-htefi i... sued by Edison. We derstand why they iepender jriook m i joke, a fau n h 1 ’ articipants instead r by v withstanding whli the ui Sht alleged the Latham patent. Biograph and Latham Patents. mt? tI Jf, co «rts declare the Latham pat- th?-oK lia - it wiu be within the power of cM n ^ loeraph Co - to dictate how the ma- “ml be used which involve this Patent. They will have the right to de¬ statement regarding Mr. Berst’s visit to Chi- “I returned from Chicago last week and am satisfied with the conditions of our trade in the middle west. Everything seems to improve and the exchanges are beginning to feel the f the Association. A few, it is , .lplain, but not as they did bef*-e last convention, and the majority are kick- more against their competitors, who are TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; It having come to our notice that certain firms, members of the Film Service Association, have sent letters broadcast containing the statement that any exhibitor who uses Independent films will be liable to having his theatre closed or taken away from him, we invite the recipient of any such letter to send it to us with an affidavit stating the manner in which it was received. If similar threats are made verbally, obtain the presence of a witness if possible and send us affidavits testifying to the threats made. This form of intimidation makes the offender liable to severe penalties. Kleine Optical Co. 52 State St. CHICAGO, ILL. it the nickelodeo: Company, made of value, and the e that W. E. ( :ime. uur presence was quickly h nd created quite a panic among the 3 of the Edison patents. All sorts sports were circulated during my sb ireign n admit that the opposition has won out [VO different ways. First, the foreign successful in getting manufacturers have bee: quantity of old considered as heir shelves for w how the Tn- ok this name as not depend on stood for this are many intelligent 7 me/among them. The second success of the opposition is to have permitted each customer to select what pleases him and not to oblige anyone to give a stand¬ ing order. But these clever foreign manu¬ facturers omitted to add that it would have been impossible for them to obtain standing irders fron ” reason tha. _„ _ wholeblot^: I doubt whether such a customer "Besides the two successes mentioned, the fqrqign manufacturers enjoy also another advantage, which must not be overlooked. They rent their lucky customers all the films that remain on their hands on account of being too poor a quality to sell. (In fact, I agree with them that this was the only resource when standing orders were not enforced.) really very clever; they even revive old patents. niieh attention he opposition; li l to make good mms. l ou, r service to your customers, -tisfaction and make more Specialist—v in any line is The Man That Gets Results You prefer a Specialist in Medicine and in Law, then why not patronize a Specialist for your Film Rental Service We limit ourselves to the rental of Films and Song Slides and by devoting our time and attention exclusively to this branch of optical projection, we have become Masters of the Business. We are Members £ Film Service Association and are equipping our service with films made only by Edison. Pathe, Selig, Essenay, Lubin, Melies and Kalem, without which a satisfactory service cannot be had, because only those manufacturers who have qualified as makers of good films are eligible to license. We have an abundance of The Best That’s Made in films and song slides; we keep them in first-class condi¬ tion; discard any that have become damaged to unfit them for further satisfactory service; keep a record of the class of subjects preferred by each of our customers; a record of what they have had; give careful attention to selections; ship promptly; are painstaking and obliging, and that’s why We Hold Our Customers Let us show you what we can do for the bank account of a Motion Picture Theatre. Write at once for terms. i Theatre Film Service Co., Room 129,85 Dearborn St., Chicago |