Show World (April 1908)

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April 18, 1908. THE SHOW WORLD 11 iSESwS 4Hs£“— 1 “ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! It having come to our notice that certain firms, members of the Film Service Association, have sent letters broadcast containing the statement that any exhibitor who uses Independent films will be liable to having his theatre closed or taken away from him, we invite the recipient of any such letter to send it to us with an affidavit stating the manner in which it was If similar threats are made verbally, obtain the presence of a witness if possible and send us affidavits testifying to the threats made. This form of intimidation makes the offender liable to severe penalties. Kleine Optical Co. 52 State St. CHICAGO, ILL. THIS WEEK’S CHICAGO BILLS AT _ PLAYHOUSES