Show World (April 1908)

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April 18, 1908. THE SHOW WORLD 19 Correspondence ALTOONA, PA. By N. S. Westbrook. ALTOONA, April 11. — VI TAG RAP H FILMS 12 Cents per Foot. Ready Tuesday, April 14th DANCING LEGS Copyright 1908 by The Vitagrapb Co. of America Two young- people visit a dancing- academy. The professor becomes disgusted with his pupils, severs their bodies at the waist. The limbs and trunks get mixed and upon leaving the academy the “near dancers” have all kinds of troubles. Length 480 Feet Dora, A Rustic Idyll father S The b™y^V^taidefare^rivelffrom the^d hom^ Ten years later the banished son dies; his widow and little a p> s tu S re e s y P ifo t'o graphic a% The Vitagraph Company of America .EL 109 Randolph^Street .oSSft ,5, RuS-Ceci.e COSTUME -aus sun, NEW SUN THEATRE, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Hea P ^n d 10-U Pany b ‘ g retUrnS ' HUman