Show World (August 1908)

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THE SHOW WORLD August 8, 1908. The Chronophone Pictures that really sing and talk WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL PICTURES RIGHT—PRICES RIGHT Hundreds of Subjects—Ask Us About It Quick—You Must Have It FIRST COME FIRST SERVED GAUMONT CO. jO ‘‘S' 124 East 25th Street NEW YORK S'’ HALLBERG ELECTRIC ECONOMIZER Saves 60% to 90% ; on bills for M. P. Lamp and Spot Light Current. Fully approved, fully guaranteed Hallberg 3,COO Candle Power Flaming Arc Lamps bring the people to you. Write today for prices. 32 Greenwich Ave., THE INDEPENDENT FILM EXCHANGE 1609=10 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO We buy the best subjects from 15 manufacturers outside of the Combination. Our clients are protected by the Biograph Company of America. We have forced prices from $100 down to $25 a week. 20th Century Optiscope Co. Films, Motion Picture Machines and Supplies 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago Kansas City. Mo. Shukert Building Ogden, Utah.Eccles Build~ INDEPENDENT FILMS IN TEXAS Alamo Film Exchange | 304 Conroy Building San Antonio, = Texas , We control exclusively for TEXAS, Motion Picture Films made by the fol¬ lowing companies: FRENCH FACTORIES Gaumont .Paris Urban-Eclipse .Paris ENGLISH FACTORIES »an-Eclipse .Lond . /alturdaw .Londoi Clarendon Film Co...,Londoi ITALIAN FACTORIES . . Turin [ AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BIOGRAPH CO. New York Premier Artists m Undisputed Arenic Champions^ Singling 'Bpos'ww'I^z Of. eater than them all Famous Jackson Family Including Leo Jackson, phenomenal Cyclist of the century. Most marvelous troupe of cyclists the world has ever seen. John Miller The World’s Greatest Contortionist. Third Season. At Liberty Next Winter. James Dutton 4 Co. Triple Trap Carrying Novelty. A Real Society Act. Baker Troupe Original Comedy Creation. Fastest Cycle Act. Try and Catch It. ART JARVIS Eccentric Comique. Mule Hurdle with His Original Pad Dog Finish. The Flying Jordans 10 in Number; 6 Lady Leapers; 2 Lady Catchers. Big Feature with the Show. 0 hnR Agee 4 Burns p The World’s Undefeated Ropeing and Riding Act. Billy Howard & Violet Esher Closed a successful season of 18 weeks on the Western Vaudeville Managers’ Association. Am not swell headed, hut pretty fair Dutch Come¬ dian. Still do not furnish hotel transportation, hut still with Ringling Broohers. 8 Cornallas Male and Female Acrobats.