Show World (October 1908)

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THE SHOW WORLD October 3, 1908. HOW Can I Know About a Film Service Be= fore I Use It ? — ask the cautious exhibitor. After you have contracted it is costly to make a - change. ■ The Answer Look up the Com¬ pany’s RECORD. Investigate their INTEGRITY. The “NATIONAL SERVICE’ courts investigation. THE NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY - INCORPORATED - 62 North Clark Street CHICAGO, ILL. Fast Trains Day and Night Chicago, Indianapolis, Dayton, Cincinnati and West Baden French Lick Springs and Louisville City Ticket Office: 182 CLARK STREET. CHICAGO AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY 90 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. ILL. 19 W. Eighteenth St., NEW YORK. N. Y. 70 Franklin Street. BOSTON. MASS. 1235 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The Peacock Has the Colors but the Stork Delivers the Goods..., The Film Peacocks promise you all the colors of the rainbow. Why chase a rainbow? Our Film Stork maket I you feel as though you were born anew, and brings new life to your theatre. Let our film rental service be your stork. All our customers are boosters because we satisfy them by giving them as fine a film service as is obtainable. We Equip Theatres Complete All Makes of Machines and Supplies WE HAVE NO BRANCHES WE DO NOT SUB-RENT STANDARD FILM 77 DEARBORN STREET EXCHANGE (UNDER DIRECTION OF JOSEPH HOPP) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS INDEPENDENT FILMS IN TEXAS Alamo Film Exchange Main Office 405 Main St., Dallas, Tex. Branch Office 304 Conroy Bldg. San Antonio, Tex. AMERICAN MUTDSCOPE l BIOGRAPH CO. New Yo Build Figure Eights and Coasters That get the money. Let us figure with you either on contract, concession basis or joint ownership. COASTER CONSTRUCTION CO., "‘f.S,'*" Chicago, III. CAROLYN A. McCLURE, The Well-Known Soubrette, in T he Special Messenger A Playlet of the Civil War. Management of d F. CEILLEY, c Time 20 Minutes. Full Stage. Staged by Frank Marlon. Holcombe 's Rube Band and Anna Woodward THE GREATEST HIT ON THE VAUDEVILLE STAGE IN YEARS Ten Minute curtains at finish Ask Chicagoans ADDRESS WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION Dr. C. E. GOULDING At 182 State Street, Chicago, Caters ti Profession. Strictly high class sen Mention THE SHOW WORLD when yoi and receive 50 per cent discount. .. - —. - • Pianist. Double S & D. Soubrette. Heavy Woman.-CharacterWoman with specialty. Apply CLARKYDE, 641 Un-- Unity Building] Chicago WANTED GAIETY THEATRE Thirty Thousand Feet New Film Qq New Subject Write for it now. International Film Mfg. Co. 231-33 N. 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa GUS SUN B00K 'NG EXCHANGE CO., Inc. ■ru v vii; TO VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS The Branch Offices of the Gus Sun Booking Ex- Sun booking Exchange’co^'pSS'su'n TheSe B'dg., Springfield, O.,Headquarters and Booking e without delay. CHEAP p* CHAIRS ETHEL MAY THE MYSTERY GIRL” CAL1LHUFF LargestFilm and Slide Renting Bureau. Machines, Latest Slides and Supplies. Songs Illustrated. Catalogue free. Fourth and Green Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 2d Week Sept. 21, DOMINION Theater, Winnepeg, Can. Western Dramatic Exchange Managers wanting reliable people write 127 LaSalle St.,nr.Madison,Chicago,Hi. P. J. RIDQE, Manager. including Singing, Dancinf Written, Coached and lg, Dramatic A 1 Rehearsed. AMATEURS—no matter located our goods can reac_ „ prepared to dress your plays Bmym. shortest production or a in offering pro¬ fessional costumes for amateur perform- |Bs. Write us for our very liberal terms HORN 4 SONS, PHILADELPHIA, P»- ‘ WANSON’S Service— ALWAYS THE BERT | WM. H. SWANSON 4 CO. = CHICAGO ===== 1 ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY OMAHA NEW ORLEANS RICHMOND Our Talking Pictures are being talked about LARGEST SONG SLIDE RENTERS IN THE WORLD The only safe way of avoiding getting repeaters is to get your song slides from HARSTN & CO. 138 E. 14th Streat NEW YORK, N.T. Never Closed