Show World (October 1908)

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FIRE PANIC AVERTED BY MANAGER’S RUSE An M. P. Audience Quietly Dismissed While Fire Bums on Next Floor—Theatorium Is Undamaged. CRAWFORD SECURES BIJOU AT LOUISVILLE In Conjunction With Princess Amusement Company, St. Louis Film Man Elaborates Already Large Chain of Theaters. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 24. "Something is wrong with the machine and we can’t give our show; we wish everybody would pass out. All money will be refunded at the door.” LATE RINK NOTES ter last week, where he showed to packed houses. Mr. D. R. Keedwell, manager of the Louisville, Ky„ Sept. 24. The Bijou theater in Market street has passed into the hands of the Princess Amusement Company of this city, and the Crawford Film Company, of St. NOTICE TO AGENTS AND ARTISTS sar«s.“Asrws , i."si;