Show World (October 1908)

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16 THE SHOW WORLD October 17, 1908, ROBINSON SHOW MAY WIN TER AT MOBILE Looking Over Location and Will Probably Boy the Old Fair Grounds in Southern City. Mobile, Ala., Oct. 14. John Robinson has been in Mobile for several days looking over real estate with a view to purchasing a plot of land for his winter quarters. So far he has not found anything that he would close on. and has gone to Pensacola to look over a location. In all probability, if he winters South, he will buy the old fair grounds near Mobile. Owing to the action of the bill posters of the Robinson shows in posting bills mpany n s of the Blackshear Lumbe. or Mobile, soil lias been filed against the amusement company ' raised.—WIL- fourteen perfor: _ _ The miles traveled during 1908 totals 11,529. E. E. Meredith, press agent of the Hag- enbeck-Wallace Show, did not come to Chicago, but hurried to West Virginia where he has some important political as¬ signments. Mr. Meredith has been offered a place with Hagenbeck-Wallace for -* season, but has not yet made up - whether or not he will accept. W. W. (“Doc") Freeman and Ralph W. Peckham and party occupied a box at the International Amphitheater to witness the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus performance one afternoon last week. e been lost. SIX SECOND-HAND BLACK TENTS CHEAP Baker & Lockwood Mfg.Co. KANSAS CITY White Top Gossip. Under the direction of General Man¬ ager T. J. Cannon, construction work on the Kansas City Hippodrome is progress¬ ing rapidly, and it is the intention of the management to open this big amusement resort sometime around Nov. 1. Colonel Charles W. Parker, “America.’s Amusement King.” was an interested spectator at the Carl Hagenbeck-Wallace f>hows at the International Amphitheater, Chicago, last Monday night. In an inter¬ view with a SHOW WORLD representa¬ tive, Colonel Parker declared that the season of 1908, now rapidly drawing to a ■ I,I ■... I in spite ..f the mw-iiling finan¬ cial depression and the presidential cam¬ paign, proved a satisfactory one in every way. The Colonel has some ambitious plans for 1909. but was unwilling at this time to divulge the nature of same, stating that he would have an interesting THE SHOW WORLD make in the eolu” . the t s of A1 Ringling is in Baraboo. Wis.. where he is superintending the construction of a lot of new show property including wag¬ ons. etc. In lieu of this activity at the Ringling winter quarters the rumor has been revived that the Forepauvh-Sells Brothers’ Shows are to be resurrected and placed upon the road next season under the management of Mr. A1 Ringling. Arthur Davis, who has been prominent in the commissary departments of various shows in the last decade, was in Chicago that it had not been definitely settled whether the Gollmar Brothers’ show prop¬ erty would be leased for the coming sea¬ son or would be sold outright at the close of the present tour which is to conclude in the south Oct. 31. John Barton, the well known privilege manager, was in Chicago last week and it is reported that he is about to join a cir¬ cus organization now touring the south for the balance of the season. “We just closed a very successful sea¬ son and these last two weeks have been the most successful we have ever had,” says California Frank in a letter to THE SHOW WORLD. “Ak Sar Ben this season has had larger attendance than any previous season, and Miss Mamie Francis and her dare devil diving horses have been given the larger part of the credit of the success of the fair, as she was the only free attraction there except one ascension of the airship during the ten days. It was a race be¬ tween our show and Col. Hall’s Country circus and animal show for top money. There were the only two 25c attractions at the Carnival and each took off over 33,000 in ten days and at that we had three days rainy weather. The board of managers were so well pleased attractions that I have ’ with them for next seasc The Great Bugar Sho. 0=H GAS Erker Bros. Optical Co. always on hand. Re] Ether, Condensers, Colors, Bong-Slides,etc. Quick Deliveries. olivet., St. Louis, Mo, week. Mr. Tippett contemplates several changes at Fontaine Ferry and at his other parks. He reports a most success¬ ful season at all of them. This circuit is considered one of the best in the coun¬ try. Dave Flynn, the well-known comedian, is on the door at the Imperial. Wm. Wassman, of the Crystal circuit. in the city this week and contem- ... .; remodeling his house. 'S Prof. Chas. Schepp left for an extended engagement over the Western Vaudevilli Coliseum opens its rink to the publii Oct. 20. Its swimming pool has done a DON SHALLCROSS. ‘ already signed i and Alexand¬ er Si I .] .v- : dermrted 1 in the week for the Howe’s Great L don Shows where he will finish the s season of 28 weeks a ATTENTION, CIRCUS MEN FOR SALE—A magnificent Band For above property address _„ ...arted and an early opening in .. . spring is the anticipation. Jos. A. Lngar is the manager of the Combined shows. While unloading at Houston one of the leopards in the Barnum show chewed a child's arm off. Suit has been brought against the show for $25,000. McPhee and Hill, an acrobatic team at the Orpheum last week, ran into trouble when McPhee fell in making a giant swing, and broke one of the small hones in his foot. Incapacitated for work, he was for "closing,” as of necessity, when Manager Drown dug up the name of a substitute, and the act continued minus the injured acrobat, who hopes to return . SHOW WORLD, Chicago. r picture houses are being e which will make a total of t good businesi PREMIER ARTISTS Barnum and Bailey’s Greatest Show on Earth Mrs. Mary and Clown Petroff And Her Wonderful Troupe of Trained Animals. Harry LaPearl Somewhat Different Clown with the Big Hit. Charles Morosco Just Clowning. Arthiir Borella Bannack Bros f Comical Musical Acrobatic Act Prince Youturkey George Conners |A?rea\ier Artists m Undisputed Arenic Champions^ mri m "Ringling “Bros' The Famous Hobsons Equestrians with Stock. 9th Season, At Liberty fo.’ Winter. The Alvarez Balance Trapeze.