Show World (January 1909)

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The iShotu HJorld THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AMUSEMENT WEEKLY published at 87 South Clark Street, Chicago, by The lShohj HIorld Publishing ( Wa RREN A. PA TRICK , General Director, th ® F e 25,190? FORTY TWO HOUSES MOVING PICTURES AT BLANEY’S IN BALTIMORE. for vaudeville imutzer to Change Policy of Many The o sing on the “stage Illter State CifCUit ' tence was suspended. Felton & Smutzer will give 42 of the will go to the Grand In Salt _. 1SKISI11 ifftlP ffis-MiPWM. MORRIS WILL WHITE RAT ATTORNEY TENDERS RESIGNATION. >n ^iTvaudelfille < Art1sts? n IRVING CIRCUIT CO. PROMISES 25 HOUSES. AND HOLBROOK LEAVE THE LA SALLE. rYCSil '^Bss-rssrs-^cs jfTsra-jsr- __J m£?k,j wsT*" “ MANY INDEPENDENTS ENTER ASSOCIATION |“ :ting and Take Action Upon New offe"