Show World (April 1909)

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Jraouri A ZEPHYR from"smowjwe^ uaW ° eredith, Editor. (Office under the editor’s hat.) (The object of The Brei tain without making its 1 A change was made in property men at the opera house in Eau Claire, Wis., recently, and when the first company came along the new stage hand was more than anxious to please the travelers. When the stage manager directed him to bring the “bunch” from the other side ' went across and talked CHICAGO, APRIL 23, 1909 No. 17 PITHY PERSONALITIES. Counting money—Fred Busey. Starring in stock—Adelaide Keim. Losing with a smile—Earl Burgess. Calling down his agent—Al. G. Field. Laying awake at nights—A. L. Erlan- Sizing up Salome dancers—Harry Chap¬ pell. Dreaming golden dreams—Oliver La- badie. Busy with his own thoughts—Herbert