Show World (June 1909)

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2 THE SHOW WORLD June 1^, HAVE YOU A LITTLE WHITE ELEPHANT IN YOUR HOME? I want you to remer.ber one thing always, namely, that I built up the biggest and best film renting business in the world by catering to the so-called “Little Fellows. ” In other words I owe my success to them more than to anyone else. And if you think I am the sort of a fellow who will forget it, you’ve got me sized up wrong. Now then, I am going to protect my customers, big or little, through thick and thin. I am not going to let any man suffer because he does business with me. No one has ever suffered for it yet, and no one is going to. If you have more confidence in the film trust than you have in me, don’t give me your patronage. Let me tell you once for all that the film trust people KNOW that the International Projecting & Producing Company and the Laemmle Film Service have “Got the Goods on Them” and that there is no possible way of stopping the grand march of progress of the Independent movement. You’ve got to take my word of honor for these facts temporarily, and those who do so will come out triumphant and smiling. The independent films are causing a sensation wherever they are shown, and they’ll do that same thing for you from the very day you begin to use them. Meanwhile quit paying that $2 per week for a license to live. For every $2 you pay out now you’ll kick your¬ self later on. Write to any of my eight big offices and climb into the independent prosperity wagon. CARL LAEMMLE, President The Laemmle Film Service Headquarters, 196=198 Lake St., Chicago PORTLAND MINNEAPOLIS SALT LAKE CITY EVANSVILLE m ore. m a. minn. vtah ind. OMAHA DENVER. MONTREAL [NEB. COL. CAN. |The Biggest and Best Film Renter in the Whole World.