Show World (June 1909)

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19, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 23 GREATEST IN-DOOR CIRCUS IN THE WORLD The Rhoda Royal TWO RING CIRCUS Hippodrome and Wild West NOW ARRANGING BOOKINGS FOR FALL AND WINTER SEASON 1909-1910 £ LONG DISTANCE PHONE CENTRAL 1577 CABLE ADDRESS REGISTERED “RHODAROYAL” Fraternal Organiza¬ tions are Bidding for this Mighty- Enterprise Only Production of its kind in the United States Playing Under Roof Bulletin No. One What the St. Louis Papers said of This Circus Which was Wit¬ nessed by Over 100,000 People Globe-Democrat, Dec. 15 — Greatest circus performance ever seen in St. Louis —Coliseum packed to the doors. Republic, Dec. 15 —Ten thousand peo¬ ple suddenly realized that they were see -. ing the best circus performance in the history'of St. Louis. Evening Times, Dec. 15 — Barnum and Bailey nor Ringling Brothers never gave a better show. Their equine acts were never so good. Post-Dispatch, Dec. 15 — Rhoda Royal was unknown in St. Louis yesterday. Today he is the talk of the town.—Show a great hit. Last Season’s Tour included unusually successful weeks in St. Paul, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis,St. Joseph and Peoria, all under the auspices of The Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Address all Communications to RHODA ROYAL MANAGING DIRECTOR 61-65 Grand Opera House CHICAGO