Show World (June 1909)

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;one 19, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 25 COMPETITION and NOT OPPOSITION PROMOTES PROSPERITY Independent Motion Pictures For Sale We control exclusively for the American market Motion Picture Films made by the following European manufacturers: Clarendon Film Co., England Comerio, Italy Cricks CBh Martin, England Hepworth Mfg. Co., Ltd., England R. W. Paul, England Walturdaw, Ltd., England Warwick Trading Co., Ltd., England Williamson Kine Co.,Ltd., England Wrench Film Co., England Ambrosio, Italy Aquila, Italy Continental Warwick Co., France Deutsche Bioscop, Germany Eclair, France Germania, Germany Stella, France Pineschi, Italy Itala, Italy Lux, France Messter, Germany Hispato, Spain Drankoff, Russia ALL LEGITIMATE EXCHANGES CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH OUR FILMS. ALL CORRESPONDENCE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. international projecting ant Probuctng Co. SCHILLER BUILDING, CHICAGO INDEPENDENT SERVICE IS THE BEST BECAUSE YOUR NEIGHBOR IS NOT SHOWING THE SAME SUBJECTS YOU ARE — A Independent exchanges and exhibitors will have at their disposal eight¬ een to twenty- one carefully selected reels weekly. We Have No Exclusive Agencies The product of these firms is unexcelled and combines the highest de¬ gree of photo¬ graphic per¬ fection with originality of subjects. The Finest Moving Pictures in the World