Show World (June 1909)

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THE SHOW WORLD 29 K FERRIS MAKES A SURPRISING OFFER. Rs Manager Donates to icii, Fund Provided Minister Will Play a Part for Him. Minneapolis, June 15. lessionals who visit Min- ; acquainted' with Rev. G. chaplain of the Actors’ fiance, member of the T. and all round good fellow. Mr. ill holds church services in the theater every Sunday morning name of the People’s ch, and there is always a good ker E artists and performers is anxious to have his congrega- housed in a building of its own last week he was in receipt of an froth his friend, Dick Ferris, the onaife actor-manager, of a gift rdslie building fund of a gener- percentage from the last week’s pts of the Ferris stock corn¬ 's summer season here, ic offer was made upon the con- 11 that Rev. Morrill take the part minister in the play to be put on he his added the proviso that he llovved to talk direct to the peo- n the audience for a few minutes, is seriously considering the prop- r, Morrill has dedicated every new ter that has been built in Minne- is in years, married several les oh top of the tower at Won- tad, and in many other ways red that he will be able to appear itably behind the footlights. — 1NES. LIAN IS ONE OF FOUR BEST DRAWERS. illian S ed hie Saturday night and it ed that the year’s profits are the in the history of this wonder- With the exception of tde Adams, Ethel Barrymore and ziScheff there is not a femalestar fcelwofession who draws so well dissjpussell, if a statement made man in an executive capacity is dSLillian Russell will be seen season in “The Widow’s Might” will begin her New York engage- ' at the Liberty on Sep. 6. Vaudeville Houses Combine. ^^Eharleston, S. C., June 8. audeville rivalry in this city has le to. an end by the consolidation Ihe ptademy, which is leased by VinBht Amusement company and several theaters and theatoriums rated by the Pastime Amusement ipany- which have consolidated ^^Brulership of a new organi- '1 called The Colonial Amuse- company, and the close com- Mwhich meant good bills is ^Hated, although the officers .. 1 W ass °ciation assure Charles- r »s that the quality of the offer- •Pfnot deteriorate.—BLANK. Theater Nears Completion. jvBulamazoo, Mich., June 14. he Fuller is rapidly nearing com- tion and will open Sept. 15 with age’s Castle Square Opera Com- ^^■‘Madame Butterfly.” The is located in the center of the y and will have a seating capacity 1,400. Horace J. Fuller, a wug citizen of Kalamazoo, is erect- ! the house. Stair and Havlin will it the booking while E. D. Stair is ®*d as manager. — MEISTER- To Open July 12. e . s treets, which is being built by Rus- —“flew and the Shuberts, is rapidly long completion and will be ready opening July 12. The work on is being done in record ^^Bdering the fact that it is to * strictly modern first-class house. FILMS FOR RENT Everything New (Except Eugene Cline) EUGENE CLINE 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago Distributing Office: Eugene Cline, 268 S. State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Hfnbeptnbtnt Jfilmfi FOR RENT All Subjects personally se¬ lected by Wm. H. Swanson Independent Service Means Individual Service All of the Swanson Offices receive a full supply of New Independent Subjects Weekly. ALL MAKES OF MACHINES Supply parts for Edison and Powers machines, 20 per cent, discount. Send for descriptive pamphlet of the Swanson Lamp House, Rheostat and Picture Machine Stand. BEST ON THE MARKET Wm. H. Swanson & Co. AMERICA’S LARGEST FILM EXCHANGE 160-162-164 Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. WM. H. SWANSON ST. LOUIS FILM CO. 200-202-204 North Seventh Street ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI WM. H. SWANSON OMAHA FILM CO. I(j’6 So. Fourteenth Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA NEW PLAY EVERY WEEK DURING THE SUMMER. The Shuberts Form a Producing Com¬ pany to Try Out Warm Weather Offerings at Washington. Washington, D. C., June 16. The Shuberts will make Washing¬ ton a producing center! A stock company is to be installed at the Belasco theater which will of¬ fer a new and untried play every week for two months, according to an¬ nouncements. The plays which are found worthy will be sent on tour this fall. The new company will give its first performance on June 81. There will be only two matinees per week—on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The opening bill will be “The Son of His Father,” a new modern play in four acts. The play will be produced un¬ der the stage direction of E. F. Bost- wick. The company includes Frederick Perry, Edward Emery, A. H. Van Bu- ren, George Howell, William Rossell, Frederick Burton, Willis Martin, Charles D. Pitt, Ogden Stevens, Paul Taylor, John Emerson, Beatrice Mor¬ gan, Laurette Taylor, Virginia Pear¬ son, Elsie Esmond, Marion Ballou, Ina Goldsmith, Caroline Locke, Fola La Follette, Alice Fremyear and Ag¬ nes Marc. HAPPENINGS WITH THE TENT “REP.” COMPANIES. Fairbury, Neb., June 15. It rained so hard on the opening night of the engagement of the A. S'. Lewis com¬ pany that no performance was given. On> Tuesday night the show had a big crowd in spite of the threatening weather. A. S. Lewis and Ruth Rob¬ inson are the principal artists. The band and orchestra is a splendid one —DENNEY. Windber, Pa., June 15. The Keyes Sisters stock company (un¬ der canvas) is doing a big business here this week. Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 14. The Shortridge Shows under canvas played here last week to capacity at every show, and owing to their splendid re¬ ception have decided to stay another week. The roster of thfe-'company is as follows: F. M. Shortridge, owner and manager;- Harry S. Hopping, gen¬ eral agent; H. W. Lindsey, stage di¬ rector; Mrs, Shortridge and Mrs. Hop¬ ping, tickets; W. H. Hartigan, Otto Hill, Will Mansberger, Carl Hall, Chas. Shapero, Leroy Fink, Mae Boyce, Virginia Hill, Anna Jones, Master Harold Hill, F. A. South, B. Hibler, S. E. Lester and J, Levine. The company carries its own band and orchestra and have a strong reper¬ toire of plays. They go to Eagle. Grove next week.—KEB. Pittsburg, Pa., June 17. The Bijou ,is playing vaudeville at five and ten-cent prices. The announcement that the Shuberts had secured this thea¬ ter seems to have been incorrect. Klaw & Erlanger and S. F. Nixon bought the property, according to later re- McCarty Rehearsing Show. Pine Bluff, Ark., June 15. Lawrence McCarty, who has pre¬ sented Damon and Pythias more than three hundred and fifty times in the United States for the benefit of va¬ rious lodges of the order of Knights of Pythias, is here rehearsing a com¬ pany of forty players, in preparation for a production in July.—ETTER. Spooner Route Changed. Atlanta, Ga., June 14. Mrs. Spooner and her company are back in this city, the route having been changed so that the organization will appear here for two weeks more, beginning today. The plays to be used will be selected from the Spoon¬ er New York successes.