Show World (July 1909)

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July 10, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 9 GOODWIN’S GILDED FOOL OFFERED ST. LOUISANS Nat, Himself, Plays Chauncy Short to Big Success—DeWolf Hopper and Lackaye Other Strong Attractions BY BASIL WEBB. ST. LOUIS, July 7. Nat Goodwin demonstrated that he has lost nothing through his long separation from Chauncy Short, the Gilded Fool, in ji which capacity he appeared at Del- mar Dramatic theater last Sun¬ day. He is the same “fool” who used to move us to smiles and tears, the same fool who invests his money in M. and T.; the same pathetic figure when he finds that his life’s hap¬ piness is appar¬ ently slipping through his grasp. The' audiences at Delmar are finding something more than the sentimental appreciation of a player who enjoyed a position of high repute for many years in “The Gilded Fool.” The en¬ tertainment was intrinsically appeal¬ ing and the cleverness of the humor, the pathos of the play, as well as the familiar mannerisms of the star seemed far more to their liking than the heavier production of Mrs. Leslie Carter and O’Neill, the stars who pre-. ceded Goodwin at the theater. Then, moreover, this play gives opportuni¬ ties to some of the other members of the -company, which was a relief ap¬ preciated by patrons of the house. Let the star who wants to do all the acting go into vaudeville and try a monologue. The roles of Miss Ruth- ven, Bannister Strange, Jacob Howell and Perkins were interpreted to the satisfaction of everybody by Francis Ring, George Farren, William Mc- Vev and Neill O’Brien. The Bros. Oppenheimmer shook the dust of comic opera from their feet at the West End Heights this week and opened the theater with vaude¬ ville. Nearly every principal who had appeared in the musical stock also appeared on the initial vaudeville bill. The only two new-comers were Jessie Russell and her sister, who won popu¬ lar favor in their strikingly novel elec¬ trical and fencing act. Rice and Cady proved themselves to be far more at home when on the stage alone than when surrounded by a company. Fraulein Lillian Herlein charmed eV m? one her delightful singing. The Wilson Brothers, German co¬ medians _ and yodelers, top the list at Mannions Park this week. This is just the act for the South Side vaude- house, which principally relies on Teutonic patronage. Billy Barry, Jr.,_ and his wife present a sketch which proved their power as fun- makers. Barry, who is the son of the late eccentric Irish _ comedian of the same name, bids fair to out-rival his talented father. Sig. Reinfeld’s Lady Minstrels have made such a hit at Lemp’s Park that tney are playing a return engagement this week to crowded houses. De Wolf Hopper appeared in his favorite production, “Wang,” at the ueinw Operatic theater and proved conclusively that "his popularity is by no means on the'wane. As usual, it was rather hard to tell whether the audience came to see the production of Wang” or to hear Hopper recite ms masterpiece, “Casey at the Bat.” os usual, b-" dint of overwhelming ap¬ plause, the house made Hopper un- derstand that he was expected to ren- oer this comedy baseball classic and rL U . , th ? ^ enial star granted the eouest of the house and as usual the ecitation went with a scream from start to finish. The production was staged under the management of He'- bert A. Crjpps and was done with that sense of thoroughness which stamps all the Delmar productions. While Cripps by no means over¬ shadows the usual producer, Stam¬ mers, still, as Cripps was the original producer of “Wang” it was thought by Manager Fishell that his presence would insure a production of the opera which would be as good as the orig¬ inal. Hopper absolutely defies Father Time and is as fresh in his comedy and singing as he has ever been. It part, and with the exception of the sentimental touches he gets all that can be got out of the role. Of the support, Walter Gilbert’s work as “Landry Court” earned the most fa¬ vorable comment. Of the women, Miss Frances Neilson as “Laura Dearborn” gained the lion’s share of applause. Willie Weston is the head-liner of a sparkling bill at Forest Park High¬ lands. Weston sings comic songs of his own make and earns the public’s gratitude by singing these songs so that the words can be understood. Easily his best hit is “My Cousin Caroose.” This song is spiced with ample humor and the audience cer¬ tainly caught on. The Be Garra Sis¬ ters made a distinct hit with their dancing specialty. It is gratifying that they make their act distinctly a dancing feature and do not attempt to spoil their good work by some inane singing, as so many dancers do. Flanagan and Edwards appeared in the old stand-bv sketch, “On and Off.” James R. Edwards, who has offici¬ ated for the past year as the local HOVERING OVER ST. LOUIS—WILL HE ALIGHT? was a noticeable fact that Elvia Crox Seabrooke, who plays the character parts with the Delmar stock company, was the original prima donna of the production. Anna Tasker now plays the role originated by Miss Seabrooke, who is not at all backward in praising the par excellent work of this young prima donna. Dorothy Webb emerged with colors flying. She is an exceed¬ ingly conscientious worker, carefully studying every action to suit the word. Berenice Mershon as “Gillette” played and sang with considerable vigor arid was generously applauded for her efforts. Wilton Lackaye will have to rack his brains considerably to remember when he was treated with more en¬ thusiastic applause than that which greeted him in his opening night at the Suburban Garden, where he ap¬ peared in “The Pit.” After the cur¬ tain had been rung down on the great scene in the pit, he was recalled fully a dozen times, and at last was per¬ suaded to make a short curtain speech. This latter brought out the fact that Lackaye can act far easier than he can talk. Lackaye filled the role of "Curtis Jadwin” in his charac¬ teristically convincing manner. He has the build and appearance for the manager of the Wm. H. Swanson Film Exchange, retires from his posi¬ tion on Saturday next. Edwards has been associated with Swanson for some years now and has worked mighty hard to bring about that suc¬ cess which has attended his efforts. Now he feels that some rest is due him. Swanson tried in vain to get him to stay, but Edwards was adam¬ ant; he considered that he deserved a rest and that St. Louis was too hot in the summer time for him. Conse¬ quently on Saturday next he leaves, with his wife, to spend the rest of the summer camping on the lake shore near Saginaw, Mich. His retirement is a great local loss, as Edwards was easily the best posted man in the mov¬ ing picture business in St. Louis. During his stay in St. Louis in charge of a film exchange Edwards has done more than any other man to estab- ' lish this city as the stronghold of the independent movement. Next fall Ed¬ wards intends to go into the film rental business on his own account, being of the opinion that if he is able to make money for an employer he certainly ought to be able to make money for himself. Nat Goodwin, it seems, has played the titular role in “The Gilded Fool” so many times that he cannot always shake off his identity afteg he has left his dressing room. It has been stated that counting the first performance at Delmar Dramatic theater, Goodwin has played the “Gilded Fool” two thousand times, and on Monday, when he bet on Bill Papke we all knew that he had played the gilded fool to the tune of two thousand. It would seem as though everyone had profited by the lesson of the play save the star himself. It is well known that Goodwin is a good loser, but it must be hard luck for him to have to trudge the streets of St. Louis and to be confronted all the time with post¬ ers something like this: NAT. C. GOODWIN. “The Gilded Fool.” And then all Goodwin can do is to sorrowfully gaze at the wallet which should have contained the mazuma earned playing “The Gilded Fool,” but alas also lost playing the gilded fool. Such is the irony of life. PUBLISHING COMPANY INCORPORATED MONDAY. ALBANY, N. Y., July 6.—Play¬ wrights and librettists who have been unable to get their efforts before man¬ agers through lack of influence or other reasons, will be glad to learn that the Head-Westman Publishing Company, of New York City, was in¬ corporated here today. The company will puolish all manner of theatrical material and sheet music and will purchase available material of this na¬ ture, according to the articles of in¬ corporation. The concern has a cap¬ ital stock of $25,000 and the directors are George W. Head, Jr., Theodore Westman and William J. Bowman, all of New York City.—CARDOZE. Music Society Incorporated. ALBANY, N. Y., July 7.—The In¬ ternational Chamber Music Society, of New York, has been incorporated with the secretary of state with a cap¬ ital stock of $10,000. The concern will employ singers, conductors and musicians and will encourage mus¬ icals and entertainments. It will op¬ erate throughout the entire United States and in foreign countries. The directors are Robert E. Johnston, Lulu G. Bried and Maurice A. Kraus, all of New York City. The principal office will be in New York City.— CARDOZE. New Amusement Company. ALBANY, N. Y., July 8.—Articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state recently by the Snell Amusement Company of New York. The concern will manage and lease theaters and has a capital stock of $25,000. The directors are Alice B. Butler, Julia Wall and Bradford Butler, all of Brooklyn.—CARDOZE. Mixup on Broadway. NEW YORK, July 7.—Because they came to blows on Broadway, William S. Cleveland, a theatrical booking agent of 1402 Broadway, and John S. Berger, proprietor of Berger’s circus, found themselves prisoners in the Tenderloin Police Station, each accused of assault by the other. They said that the dispute which ended in blows arose from a booking made by Cleveland six months ago. Both were soon bailed out. Sommers at Richmond. RICHMOND, IND., July 7.—Harry G. Sommers of New York, lessee of the Gennett theater, was in the city last week making an inspection of his local house. He stated that there will be several changes made in the theater this coming season, but that the work will be completed by Sep¬ tember i. The season will open about September 15.—HAMILTON. Closed the Season. RICHMOND, IND., July 6.—The new Phillips theater closed the season July 3. It will reopen September 1.— HAMILTON.