Show World (October 1909)

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THE SHOW WORLD 111 iE; October 30, 1909. SHOVING PICTURE NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD DELAWARE. Wilmington— A. Hirschman will erect la moving picture theater in this city. !lt wil' “ "><> Palace In wM to known”as the Palace. I GEORGIA. I Americas— The Bickford moving pic ' lire woC destroved bv fire UBilvBP _ iiuiu iiiuviiie theater here was destroyed by INDIANA. rovansnort—Tom Thomas is making .. (A start a moving picture Lozansport—Tom Thomas is making arrangements to start a moving picture riogiuiiport—W. H. Lindsay will open a moving picture theater. New Albany—The Grand Amusement (Co. will erect a moving picture theater ^Brazil—Dr. E. G. Glasgo has purchas¬ ed the Nlckeldom on West National Avenue of A. E. Kestor. Pt. Wayne—George W. Killen is plan¬ ning to open a new moving picture 'theater here. Newton—M. B. Huckins and W. C. Barlow have bought the Electric theater from Mr. Barngrover. Osage—Bert Ellis is preparing to open a moving picture theater here. Lake Mills—Cook & Hildreth will erect ^ moving picture theater in the Clear Lake—A. R. Martin has pur¬ chased the Jewell moving picture theater and contemplates making a number of improvements before open¬ ing to the public. KENTUCKY. Dayton—The Casino Amusement Co. was granted a license to conduct a mov¬ ing picture theater here. KANSAS. Ft. Scott—M. Henderson, of Atchison, will erect a moving picture theater in a half interest in the Lyric theater in this city. St. Louis—The Independence Amuse¬ ment company has awarded the contract for the erection of a moving .picture theater to the Hartmand Constructon company. Centralia—C. C. Jennings is making arrangements to open a new electric theater here. Union—L. J. Fink will erect a moving picture theater in this city in the near future. Carondelet Sta., St. Louis—G. Ber- meinger is erecting a . moving picture theater at the corner of Michigan and Robert avenues. Oibion City—The Crystal Palace mov- ing picture, owned by Mr. Alyea, was destroyed by Are. Carthage—Ralph Davis will engage in the moving picture theater business in Chicago—George G. Newberry & Co., have purchased the property at the cor¬ ner of Independence place and Forty- eighth avenue, as a site for a large vaudeville theatre. Springfield— The Dunbar Moving Pic¬ ture theater, in this city, was damaged by fire. Loss is partially covered by Insurance. . Piatt—E. E. Eiger, of Gibson City, has just opened a moving picture theater in ChUJioothe—The Dreamland Co., of lie city, contemplates the purchase of » moving picture theater at Henry, at an early date, which will be immediately ^Colchester—William Dickerson & Son, , of this city, have just opened a moving picture theater here. IOWA. Waterloo—John Foley has sold his moving picture theater, known as Fairy¬ land, to Geo. Woods. „ . ; Parkersburg—H. F. Greenfield, for¬ merly of Grundy Center, Iowa, has just moved here, and will erect a moving picture theatre. _ _ C. Foster will erect I moving picture theatre In this city in the near future. Boston—The Washburn Realty Trust Co. will erect a moving picture theatre at Rutland, Vt., as soon as a suitable site can be found. Holyoke—T. W. Cavanaugh will erect a theater here at an early date for light vaudeville and moving pictures. St. Paul—Geo. Benz & Sons have the contract for the erection of a theater Virginia.—I. S. Mashtaehln will open a moving picture and vaudeville theater In the near future. MICHIGAN. Newyago—The Rhinehart & Wade’s moving picture theater here was dam¬ aged by fire. MARYLAND. Delmar—Nennle L. Culver has pur¬ chased the Interest of Harry L. Ellis in the moving picture theater. Baltimore—The moving picture the¬ ater owned by the Red Mill Amusement Co., will be enlarged at an early date. MONTANA. Butte—The Alcazaar moving picture theater at this city was damaged by Buffalo—C. Fowler has remodeled the Harmonia dancing hall Into a moving picture theater with seating capacity of 800. Buffalo—Samuel Berman will erect a picture theater here. Buffalo—A. J. Koch will erect a mov¬ ing picture theater at this place. Leroy—Robert U. Chriswell has sold his interest In the Theatorlum to Dee Belson and Claude Bailey, of Oakfield. New York—Benj. F. Hudson Is pre¬ paring plans for remodeling northwest corner of Bowery and Bayard street Into a moving picture theater by Fred¬ erick W. Whltridge. NEW JERSEY. Redbank—Ryan & Evans have rented the Birdsall building and will install a moving picture theater. Paterson—The Paterson Show com¬ pany has purchased the moving picture theater In this city. OHIO. Portsmouth—The Orphium Theater Is the name of a new moving picture theater now under course of construc- Daytou—D. A. Herman has just open¬ ed a moving picture theater at McClure and Richard streets. Covington—Jack Thomas will erect a moving picture theater in this city in E. Liverpooi—The Laurel Hollow Pearl Co. will erect a moving picture and vaudeville theater in this city at an early date. OREGON. Portland—S. Calvin Hailig will erect a theater in this city in the near future. Philadelphia— N. J. Hayes is preparing to erect a moving picture theater at Broad street and Erie avenue. Jacob Naschold has completed the plans and specifications for a moving picture theater on Fifty-second street. Fess- mier & Son have been awarded the con¬ tract to erect a moving picture theater on Germantown avenue, for Dr. Geo. F. Steumpig. The Girard Avenue Real Estate Co. will erect a large moving picture theater In Third street, below Girard avenue. Exeter—Emory Yates is making ar¬ rangements to start a moving picture Omaha—According to the present plans, C. C. Collins will be local man¬ ager of the new Morris theater, which Is to be built In this city. Chattanooga—Manager Neal, of the Lyric moving picture theater, has de¬ cided to make extensive improvements to the structure. UTAH. Brigham City—J. B. Ellis, of Ogden, will engage in the moving picture thea¬ ter business in this city in the near ___Whitehouse of Dem- ing will open a moving picture and vaudeville show here. Deming—Frank Whitehouse has sold his Interest in the electric theater here to his partner, Frank Barb. Granite Palls—W. W. Robe has open¬ ed an electric theater here. WYOMING. Sheridan—Walter Y. Newlin has pur¬ chased a half interest in the Pastime theater. I j WISCONSIN. Milwaukee—The Clyboum Street Mov¬ ing Picture Theater, here, was damaged Pond du Lac—The Royal Theater Co. will improve their moving picture thea¬ ter at an early date. WILDE’S GREAT GHOST STORY IN VAUDEVILLE DAUPHINE STOCK OUT; THEATER CLOSES DOORS “The Picture of Dorian Grey” Will Find Its Way to the Var- Walter [Baldwin* and Henry Greeijwall Decide to Give Up iety Stage—Interesting Minneapolis Theatrical News. Resident Company Venture. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct 28.—It Is an¬ nounced here that Templar Saxe, the well-known writer, is at work putting (Oscar Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian "-ey” into vaudeville form for the Or- eum circuit. This story is considered some quarters — -fug r'—“* Current features ____the different vaudeville houses include the Curzon Sisters, at the Orpheum; Hill and Syl- 'greatest "ghost viany. at the Unique, and Charles J. S Burkhardt and Company at the Miles. —i city is enjoying the unusual ad¬ vantage of having two first-class attrac¬ tions this week with the original New York casts—“The Third Degree” and The Witching Hour.” ! Visiting artists and managers are al¬ ways surprised at the continuous large business done by the Unique theater here. It has been a big money maker for Owner J. E. Rogers and the S. & c. people ever since it was opened. In tftion. oontInually increasing corjipe- I Nubenstein, nleee of Anton Ruben- stein, the composer, will he seen here « the Orpheum, having been se- feli 3 f0r that olrcuit by Morris Meyer- l»3t? es J ’ Morton, an Orpheum fa- I M™ te ’ secured $2,000 for one week in hou^e« T «f k *v recently ’ .Paying several »ffi es at the aame time and making «ght appearances daily. ei£ ar li a . De , Mar has cancelled her for- ^“tracts and will be seen here at engagement™ after a few eastern Minneanni? 0 ^? th Thompson, the young Duke*o? 0 sSw C n Or i made good as the Louis James k in Henry Vni ’" with apoUs* m?,.? I i ai3erla ’ the former Mlnne- 1 sfile Dtavio 1 ?ii h ^ s ..^ r,tten a vau de- sMfe. WA" "» I song C ^ r i?e r nc - h ’. the well-known local I , »o B new Z;., 1 !’ A - has written fished bv ch are being pub- , Wny and ai» 6 >,« M i ,ler Publishing com- I r and are having a good sale. ' f ^ 6 are el m,n?n Ck com P any . at the Prin- Putting on Pudd’nhead Wil- Evansville House Started. EVANSVILLE, Ind., Oot. 26.—During the past week Edward Raymond laid the first brick for the new Majestic which Is to be completed by Christmas day. While laying the brick an old gray- haired man stood •“”* had helped build some five years at,. ---,- into a theater. The old gentleman said: “The old canal ran by this place in the early fifties, when 1 helped build the mill, and now It is in the center of the city, and I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Raymond lay the first brick •* “ ’ ~ new undertaking.” Baldwin, of the Dauphlne theater, closed Its doors Saturday night and this ends the short season of stock of the Dau- phine Stock company. “Everything possible has been done for " Orleans does not want stock,” remarked Henry Greenwall. “Not even at popu¬ lar prices. Never In the history of the¬ atricals has such a company and such productions been given the public at such ridiculously low prices. I can t figure it out except as I said before that New Orleans is tired of stock. “The Octoroon” Is a play that should draw well and we have spared no expense on the production or cheapened it In any way. We gave the patrons the same elaborate production this week that they had during the season.” Walter Baldwin talked on the same lines and said It was very dishearten¬ ing tn work as they had done this sea- : the Dauphlne and then get come to love New Orleans and it was quite a disappointment to them to have to close so early,” — = J ” ” ' 1 Mr. Baldwin.— Suit Aganst a Zoo. SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Oot. 28.—A bill to foreclose on notes aggregating nearly $19,000 against C. N. McWilliams and Charles McLaughlin, representing the Illinois State Zoo Amusement company, has been filed In the Sangamon county eirouit court by Ralph N. Baker of Springfield. Baker furnished the lum¬ ber for the buildings and claims $6,400 is yet due. In addition It Is said the corporation Is unable to meet notes for $12,000 due A. L. Converse from whom the site was purchased. Much stock was sold throughout the state and the park Is fairly well equipped but as it is not reached by the street car lines never drew crowds. The ofilcers ex¬ press belief that the obligations will be met.—Madison. THE WORLD'S GREATEST AMUSEMENT NEWSPAPER. NOTICE TO NEWSDEALERS THE SHOW WORLD is the only publication, covering the entire field of entertainment, which presents the news of the week in which it is publish¬ ed. The news in these columns dates from Thursday noon until the fol¬ lowing Thursday noon. The entire weekly edition of this publication, ex¬ cepting the local circulation, is shipped out of Chicago by fast mail or ex¬ press, on or before midnight on Thursday. THE SHOW WORLD should therefore be displayed on all news-stands not later than Saturday, with the possible exception of distant coast and gulf points, where it should be dis¬ played not later than Sunday of each week. Failure to receive THE SHOW WORLD at the proper time should be brought to the attention of the publishers. 1LD is fully returnable. Enter your order with the 3ugb your regular afient today. Island will have a new fifty thousand dollar theater. The location has been secured and plans completed. The build¬ ing Is to be an office building, the thea¬ ter alone to cost $60,000, to be built un¬ der the direction of D. L. Hughes. It is claimed on good authority in Rock Island that Klaw & Erlanger are back of the project, and that it will be an¬ other stronghold for the trust in the tri- cities.—CLYDE MARTIN. License Is Raised. SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Oot. 20.—An or¬ dinance raised the license fee for mov¬ ing picture shows which charge 10 cents admission to $600 a year is being pre¬ pared by the city attorney at the re¬ quest of the council. Shows which charge 6 cents will pay $100 a year. This Is the result of several managers £&Sor ces during the state Chance for a Name. SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Oct. 28.—Mildred park, formerly a semi-pleasure ground which booked mild attractions. Is now under control of the city park board, and a prize for a name typical of the capital city has been offered.—MADI-