Show World (October 1909)

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THE SHOW WORLD October 30 ,1909. Is Entertained by Priends. D. J. Grauman, well-known amuse¬ ment purveyor of the Pacific coast, and known wherever theatricals are familiar, Is a visitor in Chicago this week, being Mr. Grauman. “Every report I have ■received is encouraging, and even though there may be ‘hard times’ in the east, and possibly in the middle west, there is no such a thing on the Pacific •coast, or in the event of there being ‘hard times,’ it has not affected the the- A banquet was tendered Mr. Grauman at the La Salle hotel Thursday night, and it proved an event long to be re¬ membered. “St. Elmo” Road Show Boster. The following is the roster of the “St. Elmo” company, which will take to the road next week. This company will offer the Grace Hayward version, which has been pronounced as a pleasing dramatization: Dorothy Fairfax, Jo¬ sephine Ramdell, Viola Hart, Fay Stev¬ ens, Wm. Dale, Lester Howard, Ray a Swartwood and Thos. Ma- SHOOTS HIS ACTRESS WIFE; KILLS HIMSELF .. —_ _ being —- _j New York, where he will determine the future of a couple of the¬ aters he is building in San Francisco. Mr. Grauman is stopping at the La Salle, but prefers to hang out at the Saratoga, where vaudeville headquarters William H. Short Tries to Murder His Spouse and Turns Revolver on Himself With Fatal Results. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 28.—En- have been established. He shakes hands with nearly everyone who comes in the hotel, and if there is an actor in town who doesn’t have a speaking acquaint¬ ance with “Pop” it is a reflection on the acquaintance and not by any raged because his chorus gir __ _ ferred a life on the stage to his com¬ panionship, William H. Short of New York city Saturday, in the Union sta- “ -* Washington, shot and perhaps fatally wounded her and then _ „ bullet crashing through his temple. He died an hour later at the Casualty hos¬ tile Saratoga the other evening and was forced to attend the performance of the Cohan & Harris Minstrels at the Audi¬ torium Tuesday night. He was given quite an ovation, as five of the min¬ strels have played Grauman’s house at -=- wm Oakland, John King, various 1______ Harry Von Fossen and Alexander and Scott. On Monday night Mr. Grauman took In the performance at the American Music Hall. Bonnie Gaylord, Loretta —■* “— -*— "— —| Romany —— —’ dog, Ben, a.w„u.a.„j Opera company (formerly Zingala), who are on that bill, have appeared at Mr. ■Grauman’s ’Frisco houses. "Business on the coast is great,” said pital. Mrs. Short had just alighted from a cab, which was also occupied by her husband and her girl friend, and was hurrying to catch a train for Pittsburg, when Short, without warning, whipped a revolver from his pocket and fired three bullets into his wife’s back. Hun¬ dreds of persons saw the tragedy. The woman, who now lies near death in the Casualty hospital, is known to the stage as Evelyn Howard and played in Washington last week with the “Motor Girl” company. She was formerly Ev¬ elyn Lewis of Jacksonville, Fla., and married Short, who is a native of Liv¬ ingston, Ala., about seven years ago. They lived in New York, where he was employed as a bookkeeper in a bank, but soon after their marriage the man got into the clutches of the law through al¬ leged misappropriation of funds, Mrs. Short told the police when she regained consciousness at the hospital, that her husband had served a term in Sing Sing. Through necessity, Mrs. Short said, she drifted to the stage as a s of 1 Wife Rebuffs Him. Short recently was paroled from pris¬ on, Mrs. Short said, and began a new start in life. He importuned his wife to return to him, but she declined, and he followed her here. Reaching this city Friday afternoon, Short registered under an assumed name at the hotel where his wife was stop¬ ping. He endeavored to persuade his wife to quit the stage and return to New York with him. Mrs. Short per¬ sisted that she had won her right to her own independence, and again re¬ fused. Accompanied by Miss Maude Caldwell, another member of the the- the station Short made his final en¬ treaty. He was again rebuffed, and the tragedy ensued. Fires Three Shots. To eyewitnesses it appeared that Mrs. Short, much terrified, had jumped from *’-- ■*- up at the west portico the cab dr_ ______ of the station and had attempted_, when Short pulled his revolver and rush¬ ing at the woman, fired a bullet into her shoulder. She fell at the first shot, and the man then stood over her and sent “ -bullets through her body. Without a moment’s hesitation, evi¬ dently believing he had killed his wife. Short turned the revolver upon himself and sent a bullet into his right temple. He fell at the feet of his unconscious wife. Miss Caldwell was detained by the police as an eyewitness, but upon Sho ' death soon afterward she was released and was permitted to proceed company to Pittsburg. NEW YORK, Oct. 28.—Records at po¬ lice headquarters disclosed, according to the police, that Short was arrested here on Sept. 2, 1904, on charges of grand larceny and forgery at a steamship pier as he and his wife were about to em¬ bark for Savannah, Ga. When placed under arrest Short whipped out a revolver and tried to shoot himself, but was prevented by the detectives. He made a second attempt on his life on the stairs at police head¬ quarters, drawing a razor from his pocket and slashing himself on the left side of the throat. Sept. 15, 1904, according to the rec¬ ords, he pleaded guilty before Judge Mc¬ Mahon in the Court of General Sessions and was sentenced to nine years’ im¬ prisonment in Sing Sing. He was pre- Head of Milwaukee Police n<m„-. Criticizes the Play and Say, P & nt It Is Tissue of ImpoBsibUitiM. MILWAUKEE, uu. as.—"Th. „ ings of shyster lawyers, taken m magnified by journalistic muckrakJi? and prepared by a so-called nln™., 5 atrical company, she left the hotel for the station. She vainly tried to elude her husband, but the latter got into the cab and continued to plead with her to from the stage. When they reached ,1 the "delectation of ?l‘ a a degenerate stage.” 16 Vm\ Such is Chief of Policy John T. j ans .', 1 is uuei OI police John T ■5HPS” scathing arraignment of Third Degree,” Charles Klein’s dr.™ dealing with alleged police method??? extorting confess one us 01 dealing with alleged poliisj^K extorting confessions from persona pected of crime, which is now beta* r, sented at the Davidson theater “ g pte ‘ Chief Janssen’s condemnation of ti. play is the more notable, coming as i does from a police official of thirtv years’ standing, who has been the pS dent of the American Association V- Police Chiefs and who has the remit? tion of being one of the best “coX Sion getters” in America. And not onto has Chief Janssen the reputation of » “confession getter,” but it is a matter of record that confessions obtained hv him have invariably stood every test even in the few instances when a re! pudiation of the statements was under- "I cannot conceive," said Chief Jans¬ sen, in discussing the play, ‘‘how per¬ sons with any pretense to intelligence can be fooled and taken in by such » tissue of manifest imnnmri h—an presented by the Klein play. A ment’s reflection would comdnoo ea Dy me Jiiein play. A mo¬ ment's reflection would convince any person of the absurdity of the whole proposition. But as the average person does not reflect much on these subjects and as the misstatements regarding the police which are set forth in ‘The Third ana as me m. police which are set rorth in ‘The Third Degree’ have been to a great extent fostered by an irresponsible press, I believe the play to be a .- improper performance.” Girls Balk at Tights. PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 26.-Rather than appear in tights before the same people with whom they had mixed in society at home, Kathryn and Adelaide Anshuntz, former members <ff Pitts-, burg’s most exclusive social set, have resigned from the cast of “The Motor Girl,” and the show opened in the Alvin HYPNOTIST ARRESTED STOCK MANAGERS ARE ON COMPLAINT OF WIFE TAKING TO VAUDEVILLE Entertainer on Pacific Coast Is Accused of Abandoning His Wife and Is Placed in Jail. Elliott and Marvin Decide to Offer Variety Between Acts of Their Weekly Dramatic Offerings. OXNARD, Cal., Oct. 23.—After ap¬ pearing in this city for several days as a hypnotist and mind reader, and be¬ ing invited Into the homes of some of the best families, “Prof.” A. J. Top¬ ping was placed under arrest by Mar¬ shal Kelley on Information from Chief Dlshman, stating that he was wanted In Los Angeles for wife abandonment. The arrest was unexpected and came as a surprise to many whose confidence he had gained here. Marshal Kelley was prepared to take him in the afternoon, but because he had hypnotized a man In a store win¬ dow, and might not awake him from the trance If arrested, put It off until after the evening performance. Topping, who is of a very nervous temperament, nearly collapsed when ar¬ rested. He insisted that a trick had been played upon him, but was forced to occupy a cell at the city jail. He was taken to Los Angeles In custody of Detective McKenzie. It has been discovered that Topping was formerly connected with the ori¬ ental doctors, who Invaded Los An¬ geles some months ago, and also with a phrenologist establishment on Main Until recently he lived with his wife and several children on San Julian street, but after going on the road is accused of having neglected them. Williams Goes South. Charles Williams arrived in Chicago the first of the week and is filling a vaudeville engagement at the Trocadero, on State street. He has been signed for a trip over the Inter-State time, and on his way south to open at Fort Worth, Tex., he will stop off at his home in St. Louis next week to spend a few days with relatives. Williams Is a mu¬ sical comedian and works three violins in his act. Following his time at the Majestic in Fort Worth, he will play the Majestic houses In Dallas and Houston. His comedy and music were well re¬ ceived at the Trocadero this week. Wil¬ liams Is a White Rat and visited friends at the Chicago headquarters during his leisure minutes this week. Virgil Ii. Barnett, who has been identi¬ fied with the Miller Brothers’ 101 Ranch Wild West Show this season, has ac¬ cepted an engagement with the Rhoda Royal Circus, to open at Memphis, Tenn., November 22. Vaudeville and moving pictures have now struck the stock houses with a vengeance. The managers of the popu¬ lar price houses have seen the hand¬ writing on the wall, and they are hastening to obey the warning. Next Monday Manager Elliott will Install vaudeville between the acts of “The Two Orphans” at the Bush Temple, and will keep this policy up. He will also offer moving pictures. Mr. Elliott was the “Well, Lucinda, we have reached the pinnacle at least!” Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis, known as “Hiram Birdseed” and “Aunt Lucinda,” Bert Davis recently won the “Best Clown In Circusdom” contest, conducted by the Show World, and is now with the Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill Wild West. This photograph was taken at Lookout Mountain, Tennessee—an elevation of 1,700 feet. one to originate the mixed stock and vaudeville entertainment some years ago when he was manager of the old Hop¬ kins theater. He has now determined to inaugurate the same policy at the north side house. “If the dear people want vaudeville," said Mr. Elliott, “we will give it to them. We will offer them stock plays and vaudeville and moving pictures for the price of one show and see then if they will be satisfied. ‘Doc’ Hall, dra¬ matic editor of the Chicago Journal, has suggested that we also offer free lunch and pay c~ '- *--*■ --* w 's going ti r fares, but, of course, that Charles B. Marvin, who announced that he would close his stock company and put vaudeville Into the People's the¬ ater, It seems, has changed his mind, and will retain his stock company and sandwich vaudeville In between the acts at the west side house. Fantages in Salt Lake. SALT LAKE, Oct. 25.—After endeav¬ oring for a number of years to get s foothold In this city the terests have secured the Bungalow, John Cort’s No. 2 Salt Lake house. The open¬ ing is dated for Oct. 28, when a good be presented at ten to fifty cento Both houses, the Colonial and the Bung¬ alow, will be under the supejMMB* R. A. Grant, with T ergetic young i- oigc.iv young mail of wide experience, managing the latter. The Arrington Players, with John Ince and France. Brandt, have concluded their stock en¬ gagement, and will go en tour after in- night’s performance. With the ©rpheum well established and the Sullivan ana Consldine shows soon to be seen at me new Mission theater, Salt Lake wi have three vaudeville houses jto sup port.—JOHNSON. Bruno Meets With Success. Will H. Bruno is meeting ■h i.-- the affiliated AValker-Jen® on the affiliated vvaiKei-^-- > with the jolly comedy mu.” He is supported by a strong com pany of comedians, the star, coni?3«