Show World (October 1909)

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16 THE SHOW WORLD October 30 , i 9Bi LAEMMLE HOME FROM LONG EUROP EAN TRIP Finds Germany Leader in Moving Picture Business With Russia a Close Second—Imp Films Growing in Favor. Carl Laemmle returned to Chicago last week after a four months’ sojourn in Europe, during which time he not only inspected the theatoriums of Europe, but gave considerable attention to the moving picture trade in general. When seen at his offices in Lake street, Mr. Laemmle said: "Despite the fact that my health has been good and I am glad to be back again under the Stars and Stripes, I have had a most pleasant vacation. I landed at Bremen, and from there went to my home at Lampheim where I spent several days. From there I went to Carlsbad where I enjoyed the famous ‘waters’ for one month. From there X went to Nuerem- berg, thence to Stuttgart, Berlin, Frank¬ fort, Munich and to other points. Qermany Leads. “X found that conditions in the mov¬ ing picture business in Germany have been better for the past season than ever before, despite the fact that they have had very hot weather. Germany is considered the best market in Eu¬ rope for moving pictures and I am not at all surprised at this in view of the interest taken in them by the general public. The price of admission is seven and a half cents and twelve and a half cents in our money and the highest price is about twenty cents. In Berlin and other large cities, drinks and sand¬ wiches may be bought in the houses, but these are served in a dignified man¬ ner. The shows are usually continu¬ ous, beginning early in the afternoon. “Russia, strange to say, is the sec¬ ond best market in Europe for moving pictures. France offers a small market for any make outside of Pathe Freres, who own most of the houses. “I visited Friederichshofen where I saw Zeppelin in his airship. The Reichstag was there in a body on this particular day. The airship continued in the air for six hours and sailed over Lake Constance and back. It made all kinds of evolutions; down and up again. It is notable that the noise of the pro- pellors could be heard for half a mile. Negotiates for Airship. “I struck Frankfort during the avia¬ tor week, when Bleriot and other well- known aviators were there. At Frank¬ fort, by the way, I became so fascinated with the airship proposition that I ne¬ gotiated for one of them. “In Stuttgart I saw the German Em¬ peror and Empress, the King and Queen of Nuremburg, the King of Saxony, Count Zeppelin and other German not¬ ables. The Emperor reviewed 120,000 soldiers belonging to the armies of Ba¬ varia, Wurtemberg, and Baden, the manoeuvers lasting four hours. At Marienbad, which is but one hour from Carlsbad, I saw King Edward. “I left Germany for Paris at the be¬ ginning of October and stayed there several days. I was most fortunate in meeting J. J. Murdock there as well as Mr. Magerstadt, treasurer of the In¬ ternational company and Senator Lori- mer who was there on business con¬ nected with the Water Ways Commis- “Paris is thriving in amusements. From Paris I went to London. In Lon¬ don the Independent and so-called ‘trust 1 manufacturers are having an even break. I was much surprised to see a number of good moving picture houses in London, whereas, two years ago there were practically none. They charge six and twelve cents for admis¬ sion. I was informed on good authority that one of these London houses did a business amounting to five hundred dollars in one week. Will G. Barker was most courteous to me there, while in Paris, Charles Heifer showed me every courtesy. In Berlin I was es¬ corted everywhere by Jules Kleenbaum. Has Stormy Voyage. “Referring again to London. It might be well to add for the benefit of Ameri¬ can exhibitors, that their English cou¬ sins are particularly fortunate in that all kinds of amusements are close'd in that city on Sunday, except the moving picture shows. “We had a most stormy trip back across the ocean, as you probably have heard. The boat, Kaiser Wilhelm II en¬ countered the stormiest sea it had met in twenty years. I was one of eleven passengers who partook of all the meals served on the boat. “I received a wireless message from all my managers while still four hun¬ dred miles out at sea. “I saw the first release of the IMP films when I landed and to say the least I am tickled to death. The first production is far better than I ex¬ pected; in fact I am sure that the first IMP release is far and away ahead of the first releases of the ‘trust’ film fac¬ tories; indeed some of those factories have not arrived at a stage of competi¬ tion with it after two years’ effort. “The IMP productions will be the best of their kind in the country. We will stop at nothing to assure this. They will be sold throughout the civil¬ ized world. We will shortly open a main European distributing office in Berlin, with branches in London, Paris, Rome, Vienna and St. Petersburg. “Regarding our music business I am much pleased. It has done exceedingly well. Our songs are now on sale in all the leading department stores through¬ out the United States. Our hit song is being featured this week at Hammer- stein’s New York, following a success¬ ful feature week at the Colonial in New Y'ork. The Keith and Proctor houses are advertising the fact, also, that they are using, exclusively the Laemmle Film Service, which ought to help some. They say it is ‘the greatest in the world.’ This, I believe is the first time in the history of the independent move¬ ment that such a thing has been done. "I am glad to note that the Na¬ tional Independent Moving Picture Al¬ liance of America has been formed. It will bring the renters closer together and do away with a great deal of un¬ certainty which has existed in the Mr. Laemmle was accompanied on his European trip by his wife and Julius Laemmle, his son, and Rosabel, his daughter. William H. Swanson Writes An Open Letter Concerning Proposed Law That Would Work Hardship. The new ordinance governing moving picture theaters as introduced in the city council, is meeting with objection from many managers, because it changes the classification of these places of amusement. The following letter has been sent out by William H. Swanson, secretary of the National Independent Moving Picture alliance: “Dear Sir: The moving picture theater ordinance came up before the council committee last Friday and after dis¬ cussion was continued until next Fri¬ day, October 29. Your particular atten¬ tion is called to the fact that the the¬ aters are classified and that theaters giving exhibitions consisting of moving pictures solely are in the fourth class, with a license fee of $200. After an argument by the writer, the council committee agreed to include an illus¬ trated song singer. “If vaudeville is used it would put a Bennett’s Dramatic Exchange Suite 405—59 DEARBORN STREET—Cor. Randolph ^Oldest Established Exchange in Chicago FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE UPON OUR BOOKS, INCLUDING THE BEST The “ STARBUCKS” by Opie Read, now released from litigation. Is filled with quaint humor, homely sayings, epigrams, and is one of the great plays of the last twenty years. There is a fortune in it for some bright manager. SEND FOR TERMS. For stock or otherwise. Sole Agent for 100 Plays Western Agent for 500 lave recently purchased “REAPING THE HARVEST,” with printing, “STATES ATTORNEY” _1 “A MAD MARRIAGE.” Strong plays for repertoire or stock. Terms exceedingly low. Also have a full line Book Plays. ADDRESS A. MILO BENNETT MANACE R Third Release of “Imp” Films it 99 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, A splendid, high-class drama that will grip the human interest from the jump and hold it until the last foot is reeled off! The kind of stuff you and I have wanted for years but had a darned hard time getting. Length 850 feet and no cheat¬ ing on measurements! Ask for it. And by the way, is your name on my regular weekly mailing list, Mr. Exhibitor? If not, send it in. I want you to get all the bulletins I’m firing out every week. Isn’t This a Dandy Letter? It’s from the NATIONAL BOARD OF CENSORSHIP! And you know what that means. Read it: “Gentlemen—We wish to congratulate yon upon the choice of subject and the interesting presentation of the film entitled “Hiawatha," ■ the first product of your company. It is an auspicious beginning for a new - — J — that will no doubt help in many ways to dignify the motion . >u continued success, we remain, very truly yours, - Walter Storey, Censorship Secretary."! Have you had “Hiawatha” yet? And “Love’s Stratagem”? Yes? Then you’ll insist on getting “Destiny.” CARL LAEMMLE, President Independent Moving Pictures Co. of America 111 East 14th Street New York City moving- picture theater in first class. This would place it under the building laws for that class of theater and would necessitate remodeling to comply with such laws, which are very stringent. “While, of course the license fee is also raised, that in itself is not so serious as the classification of the¬ aters. The Alliance is watching this matter closely for the interest of all concerned, and asks for your support in this direction. “At the last meeting, the Question of a permanent exhibitors’ organization was brought up, and the majority of those present were in favor of it.” 1 Goudron to See Opening. Paul Goudron, agent for national Theatrical company, livan & Considine’" ‘ ’ i i van -v. consiaine s oesi will go to Des Moines, la., next Snncay ‘tend the" opening of theater, which takes place® _ house will play stack will be under the managed® Messrs. Elbert & Getchel, -bis. HiirjerL <x vjretunci, jn Unique theater under . „ Moines. The Unique pla^^K & Considine acts and is booked by “ r - Goudron. “Two Merry Tramps” Prosper. “Two Merry Tramps,” which began ts eleventh season in Beloit, Wis., early n August, has been meeting with much success this season, according to all "" company Kempt Makes Statement reports. The roster of ___ includes the following: Bessie Bennett, Margaret McDonald, Corinne McDonald, Dolly Fielding, Dorothy Howard, June Floodas, Adilene Lahey, Ada Adair, Min¬ nie Allyn, J. A. Weaner, Lou Peterson, Ben Heater, Eskel Eifford, Gay E. Don¬ nelly, Harry Vaugn, Roy Floodas, R. A. Jackson, Sherman McVenn, Mgr. J. K. Fred S. Kempf, builder and manage of the Kempf Model City, a cam™ attraction, writes to say th^^HR Ellswortn is not manager of the City, as was intimated in a recent car toon of the Patterson show. Muckenfuss Gets In Line. eliminating tj .... .in all his contract pending the printing of the new 10