Show World (October 1909)

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THE SHOW WORLD October 30 ,1 1 f Cook Discovered the North ]Pole and the profession have discovered the real song hit "of the year TENNESSEE Anybody can sing this song. Great for single, duet, sister act, trio, quartette, sextette, black face, [white [face, musical act, soubrette, minstrel, burlesque, musical comedy, dumb act, sketch; in fact this song is great for any kind of an act. Send for this Natural Song Hit of the Year to-day. Do it now. Don’t postpone writing until tomorrow. Be one of the first to sing this sensation. Published in 7 keys by HARRY L. NEWMAN, SW« H.u«, Chicago, Illinois Sunlight ention Show World when writi LIVE NEWS TOPICS OF THE WEEK ARKANSAS. little Bock—Charles T. Taylor, for¬ mer manager of the Capital theater, will return to Little Rock November 2 from New York, where he has been for some time. It is not known here what Mr. Taylor intends to do. Van Buren—King’s Theater, in this city, was partially destroyed by fire. The origin of the Are Is unknown. The loss is estimated at $3,000. The Bitt¬ ner Dramatic company had just put its baggage in the theater, prepar¬ atory to a week’s engagement, when the "— —s discovered, and all the baggage Hill City—Fire of unknown origin at Hill City today destroyed the theater and three other buildings. FLORIDA. Jacksonville—R. M. Feltus, in charge of the Barnum & Bailey advertising car No. 2 was here recently billing the town. The Duval theater, under the management of James B. Delcher has more attractions booked than ever be¬ fore.—SAWYER. Athens—The Sells-Floto circus I tried stock shows for several weeks and finding that the patronage was not sufficient to meet expenses, he next tried vaudeville for three weeks. This was even more disastrous. At¬ tachments poured and the box office re¬ ceipts were held to pay back salaries. Manager Pike was game and held on to the last ditch although he claimed to have lost every cent he possessed. It is understood his musical instru¬ ments, used by the “Musical Pikes,’’ were sent out of the city just three hours before they were to be attached. No doubt the Pikes will resume their act on the road after an experience that will make them sadder and wiser. COLORADO. Ha Junta—La Junta Rink opened for the season October 18. The interior of the rink has been repainted and deco¬ rated in an artistic manner; the floor has also been revamped and is in fine condition. A large number of skaters and spectators were present. Samuel E. Beyhemer is again in charge of the rink. He is very popular with all the skaters, and under his management the rink will undoubtedly have as large a patronage as it did last season. C. W. Wonderley is now sole owner of the Electric theater, as he has secur¬ ed the interest owned by Mrs. C. H. Adkins. This is a popular nickel show and has had a good business since it opened more than two years ago. The La Junta theater management recently changed from H. H. Bourne to S. Dun- kin, who is giving vaudeville in con¬ nection with moving pictures, other than on regular road show nights. Busi¬ ness is good.—PORTER. CONNECTICUT. New Haven—A small panic was nar¬ rowly averted during a performance of “The Round Up,” at the Grand last week, when “Frank,” the star horse, re¬ fused to budge, choking the passage that leads onto the stage, and causing what promised to be a stampede among the other horses. Quick work on the part of the experienced horsemen with the show only seemed to increase the trou¬ ble, until the arrival of Manager Hend¬ ricks, of the Grand, whose arrival caused Frank to meander meekly onto the stage in the nick of time. The re¬ port is current that Manager Hendricks has signed as Broncho Buster with the Two Bills.—WOODIN. CALIFORNIA. San Diego—The proposed ordinance Introduced by City Attorney Andrews, which, if adopted, would close practi¬ cally every theater in the city, including the Garrick, was taken up for consider¬ ation by the common council at the committee of the whole meeting. The measure was voted down. had been, for several days previous, handbills scattered around town cal- ‘ ' injure the show, the tents ’ ’ "l performances. culated „ _ were packed at__ _ Sells-Floto circus is by far the best - -- -Athens. _ is a clean show from start to finish and all the acts excellently carried out. A number of the acts deserve special mention, among which are: The Rhoda Royal Troupe of High School Horses, The Nelson Family, The Armour Team of Grays, The Iron Jaw Butterfly act of the LaTell and Ellell Sisters, and the flying act of The Nelsons. All these high class performances go to make up one of the best circuses that has ever visited this part of the country. The equipment of the entire show is new, which adds wonderfully to the appear¬ ance of the parade and to the whole show. F. L. Purcell, press agent for the show, says that in every town they have been in they have heard nothing but praise for the entire show. The show was well advertised throughout the surrounding country and the crowds who flocked to Athens saw what they came to see, a good show.—KELLY. IOWA. Mason City—“The Girl From the U. S. A." played at the Wilson theater Saturday to excellent business. H. N. Newell, proprietor of the airdome open¬ ed last week with a bill including John Sullivan and his sparring partner Jake Kilrain but 'has again closed owing to the cold weather. The intention was to continue the winter season twith vaudeville, but owing to the inability to provide proper heating arrangements the idea was abandoned and the house will undoubtedly be dark during the ensuing season. Arthur & Heffner, managers of the Bijou continue to do S. R. O. business with motion pictures and Sullivan & Consldine’s vaudeville and are planning an enlargement of their seating capacity to handle the enormous patronage which the house has been favored with.—H. V. B. INDIANA. Evansville—The Servant in the House, with Tyrone Power as the leading man, had good business at the Wells-Bijou October 18 and 19. S. Miller Kent, 24 in “A Dry Town.” Also had good busi ness. The Orpheum, under the man¬ agement of Chas Sweeton is doing a nice business. On the 22nd, Mr. Sweet¬ on arranged a minstrel show composed of local talent and it was a credit to his undertaking.—OBERDORFER. Wabash—Harter’s New Theater is to be the name of Harter’s opera house, as Wabash knows it according to Earl Clauve, who announces that he has leased the play house. He states that the new house will be opened Octdber 28. He will run burlesque from St. Louis, Chicago and Indianapolis and promises first class plays. Later on he will also have vaudeville. Logansport—This city is certainly getting its share of shows. It’s either a solid week of repertoire or a week of one night stands. Both theatres are doing the same thing. Manager Sipe of the Broadway has had four straight weeks of repertoire and has a few more weeks to follow. Manager Smythe of the Nelson, has resigned and Mr. Maxwell, late of the Maxwell-Hall stock company has taken charge. The Nelson had the Blue Mouse, Oct. 21, and played to a large audience. Miss Deyo as the Blue Mouse and Inda Pal¬ mer, as Mrs. Lewellyn, were exceedingly good. From this attraction it looks like the Nelson was going to get some of the Shubert productions. Jesse Morgan has opened the old Lyric with vaude¬ ville. The theater was originally one of the Amon’s Crystal theaters. Mor¬ gan is again calling it the crystal.— WARD. Richmond—The new Murray theatre, of the Sun & Murray vaudeville circuit had an auspicious opening in this city last week. Washington — Washington’s new amusement place, the Majestic theater, opened for the first time with a mat¬ inee last week. Peru—The first real sign of the close of the season of the Hagenbeck-Wallaee shows became apparent Saturday night, when advance car No. 1, in charge of A1 Osborne, arrived in this city over the Lake Erie from the south, having closed at Dyersburg, Tenn., which ’ while others have departed _ _ homes in various parts of the country. Mr. Osborne left for Chicago. Bill car No. 2 follows a week behind car No. 1 and will arrive in Peru next Saturday night. No. 2 is in charge of Foster Burns. The circus season will end in about two weeks and the prop¬ erty will arrive in the city about the 12 th of November to go into winter quarters. Vincennes—Dewy Campbell, who has very successfully managed the Airdome at Washington, Ind., for the past year, has left for Joplin, Mo., where he will manage a vaudeville theatre under the auspices of the Hodgkins circuit.— BELL. ILLINOIS. Urbana—Lew Dockstader’s minstrels will appear at the Illinois next Monday evening and the Urbana Commercial club and ladies will attend in a body. A sell out is assured. The club attends one attraction each year, paying for the tickets out of the treasury. “Girls” will be the attraction of the following evening. Champaign—Howard Engert, a mem¬ ber of The Merry Widow company, which appeared at the Walker, Monday evening, fainted during the performance and is now a patient at Shurtz Bros.’ sanitarium. He recently submitted to an operation for appendicitis and resum¬ ed work too soon. Nothing serious is anticipated. Marion—There is scarcely a day that some advance agent is not in the city figuring with Manager Roland or Man¬ ager Clark for dates for ;-- “* the t ot visited ___J attraction. Last night Mercer Bros, presented at the New Roland the “Cry Baby,” to large business.—JENKINS. of the Lyric theater _ companied by his wife and daughter. The Lyric here is controlled by “ same company that operates the at Dubuque. Belvidere— F. F. Pitts of Pekin, Ill,, has taken over the Lyric theater in city and will open for business on urday afternoon, when a matinee be given. Danville—It was not the first visi at least one of the members of the 1 Mouse company to Danville when troupe reached here, Oct 2!. — Wright, one of the cast and whose hus¬ band controls an interest in th has visited here several times, h ents formerly residing here. Aw years ago her father, who was i ber of the Soldiers’ Home, die and her mother, who resided m Home in Oaklawn, passed away afterward. Mrs. Wright h~ Danville since the burial until last week. Mattoon —Craig & Craig, as attorneys for Henley & Hughes, recently filed su against Nathan Stein of the W theater, and his former partner, Morr s Fleckles of Chicago. The suit is for $200 for legal sente Early in the summer Stein & Fiecnes desired to close their partnership and engaged Henley & Hughes to attend <" the business. Fleckles sold out u share in the business to an^^^K here, the deal being closed n Oiicaga When Henley & Hughes finished tMr work the theatrical man, it is alleged, refused to pay them for their hence the suit. . Deputy Sheriff Aye secured service Stein. IOWA. Burlington —At the house, Geneva Harris, lington girl, scored as agent ^f*or MSgg age? 1 M. 0f S. tl Scovill’s 1S home.-^e house force of the Lyric theater now cons sts of Manager J. H. Daly; Walter £ an experienced machine 0 P®S& r I { the Ruth Ewing, pianist, formerly of th Grand Opera house- and1* *gg 8 are^^rawiifg S hig r " crovyds 65 ^?^!^ Lydc dependent pictures? *$g$*!*. . Pathe French actors, was offered W™, tendance at “The Palace thlflwy -.,. short time ago your corresponded, ited In Peoria, Ill. He f 0 Un J?„„? Sanu- rington, of the Grand, and Henry o meyer, Jr., of the Majestic, doing ! pr» perous business.—The house the Majestic consists of the gen, H. Sandmeyer, Jr., manager, »oy treasurer; C. J. Isele. assistant treas er; Mrs. Marsters, press J ervl a c ,A c tor; tonio Dinufrio, musical dlrecw . Charles Morgenstern, stage “vnilW Lou Morgenstern. . properties, vvi McLinden, electrician; T. s *' ea ’ t g ln g doorman; James Llst ®P’ doorman: agent; H. Faines, gaUerydqora““ J. Moran, house officer; Otto a ess, UMBERGER. r-facobi have Lemaxs —Morton and Cajacou ^ leased the opera house m Grand Opera a former JBur-