Show World (October 1909)

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THE SHOW WORLD October 30 , jj ACTORS’ UNION AFTER NONUNION ARTIST! Trouble Is brewing for the nonunion artists who will play Chicago in the future if the present plans of "— Actors’ Union, No. 4 of Chicago s every indication points terialize, and_...v..™-__ *._- to their successful conclusion the small¬ er vaudeville houses will all become unionized or face a serious crisis. The slogan of the union members is “Union- e Houses!" and every effort is be¬ ing made to have such a condition brought about, and the master stroke has been made now that the matter will be presented in official form to the American Federation of Labor through authorized representatives from the Smaller Vaudeville Theaters Must Become Unionized or Face a Serious Crisis—New Organizations in Sight 3e t ‘?, a ww tt ^ of , d ° ubt U no A > 'the generat beheTamM t its that they will get Drone/™ nition in the matter. The SnionS no longer make open war on Wa f burne and Irving, but Doyle « ticnlar. will he a ti,. :_' 111 P&W, Cline ) pay c t because he Union Acts and Union Cards. From the moving picture operator the artist playing the house - ™i card must be shown, and this is tne proposition that will be put before the ; the refusal of i pay the union I its decision, there it will remain for Jme time to come. The union at its meeting sent a committee consisting of have granted every concession asked by federation of labor, _ some of the agencies __ scale has forced the union artists __ resort to drastic measures to bring them to time. Now that the union has de¬ creed that the matter be placed in its proper light before the American Fed¬ eration of Labor and its support enlist¬ ed, the artists, agents and house man¬ agers will anxiously await its decision. And if the federation decides to rally to the support of the union in its fight, Charles Lawrence, chairman; William Sanguine, Patrick and Thomas Dalton and Daniel Healy to confer with Doyle, asking him if he intended to pay _ union scale, in addition to using the form of contract. Doyle replied the union, paying all acts the union scale, and have offered not the slightest objection to using the new form of con¬ tract. The association has co™ to the terms desired by the union. union scale.. „ , ized, the union expects that Doyle 5 be forced to pay the increase f last year’s figures. * Unions Are Forming. The latest gossip along the R this week r__ _ ^ Hebrew artists in Chicago intended i apply for a union charter and thi the negro artists also had their ey that he would pay the increase __ ___ tain acts and to others would engage them below the scale. If they- - the artists started a loud clamor some weeks ago that they be removed from the blacklist, Washburne & Irving will t libert > play —„ — work for the amount offered them. As a result of the visit, the com¬ mittee returned to the hall and made — unsatisfactory report. As his name >rt of the union in its fight, foregone conclusion that i ) ® rs . ,: ' ien had never been declared unfair at a regular meeting of the union, the mem- v.™ «•„- there placed hIm under —_future, unless the unexpected happens. Many of the union artists, when approached on the subject of the U. B. A. matter by a Show World man, were unanimous in the belief that Wash¬ burne & Irving should be recognized by the union inasmuch as they had shown every willingness to do all ' " union asked. capable of holding di PICTURE HOUSES MAY SHUT DOWN SUNDAY __.JSrlf CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE « DELMAR& DEXTER W3EH*