Show World (October 1909)

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26 THE SHOW WORLD ALL CHICAGO IS RAVING ABOUT CHICAGO We've only been in business three weeks and have the biggest hit in town. Going with the following h r house, eh? And we’re going SOMETIME, SWEETHEART MINE, SOMEWHERE DO YOU? DON’T YOU? WILL YOU? WON’T YOU? 1 Beautiful High Class lillii A NOVELTY WALTZ SONG. ANV ACT CAN USE THIS ONE. SEND STAMPS FOR PROF. COPIES AND ORCHESTRATIONS IN ANY KEY. WE ALSO PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING: WAY OUT IN UTAH OH, YOU TEASE MARY JANE,SHE’SCOT ANOTHER SISTER AIRY FAIRY CASTLE LAND 152 - 1 S 8 Janice Street, CHICAGO Miss Keim has a big following in Chi¬ cago, and that she has a sweet and winsome personality, but her present vehicle is not a very good one. To be sure it contains a clever idea, but it is not worked out effectively, and as presented at the present time, does not create any great stir or enthusiasm. It -is one of those sketches in which the players turn tables on the audience. The playlet develops swiftly in what the audience supposes is a tragedy, when all of a sudden it is made known, the chief figures are simply re- a play. Allan Murnane, also the Chauncey M. Keim, a stiff, stilted and ineffective recruit from the north side stock house is seen as the author of the play in the play, and the stage director of the rehearsal. Monday night, Miss Keim, and in fact all three of the play¬ ers were greeted with prolonged ap¬ plause by people from the north side, and flowers were piled over the foot¬ lights much in the fashion in vogue at the Bush Temple on opening nights. Miss Keim wears some stunning gowns, “ • ‘ t her sketch is not more effective. Bird Millman, and her two assistants, who has returned from London, holds Millman seems on the wire, and hops silver strand. The Millman l pretty A daint middle of ___ . _ _ Girls from Melody Lane. It is a high class act, and one that has numerous unusual and very pleasing features. Re¬ duced to common parlance, it is a fe¬ male Quartet. It is composed of four Chicago girls, each one pretty and pe¬ tite and each one with a good voice. The act is new to Chicago, but it has been heard in New York, where it was a decided hit at the Fifth Avenue the¬ ater. The young women in this act are Ada Adair, Eleanor Elliott, Anne Hath¬ away and Nina Barbour. Their voices blend nicely, and their solo work is commendable. Miss Eleanor Elliott, the mezzo soprano, is well known in Chi¬ cago and has a voice of unusual sweet¬ ness and effectiveness. The girls dress daintily and the little song interlude is s compelled t< t worthy.—W. R. I Star. skips along the shining, is though she had wings. Let is a good one, and it le also. And there are monkeys in the bill, also, and several of them. Miss Maud Rochez presents what she calls “A Night in a Monkey Music Hail,” and it is a very funny interlude between the acts and antics of the human players. There is a mon¬ key orchestra out in front, with a leader, who is quite as excitable as Creatore, and a little stage on which several simians perform. A strong monkey in tights lifts some heavy weights, another one juggles with his feet, and another one performs on the trapeze, while still another one plays a sort of monkey tune on a musical instrument. The simians are bright and they give a surprising performance. Along near the close of the perfor¬ mance James Harrigan, who is billed as the great eccentric juggler, arrives on the scene, and he is a hit from be¬ ginning to end. He might well be called the William Jennings Bryan of the vaudeville stage, for he has an oratorical way with him, and he “kids” his audiences, and works them up to a high state of hiliarity with his serio¬ comic speeches. During his performance of some neat tricks with cigar boxes, he keeps up a running fire of comment, and he often levels sallies at his audiences that hit the bull’s eye every time. He quotes liberally from the lines of the players in the hill with him, and his talks are topical also, and are right down to the minute. Emma Francis, a good dancer who carries two vigorous young Arabs with her, offers a brisk and original aerobatic dancing number that is diverting and well worth seeing at any time. Neal Abel and Dave Irwin, are seen i in a black-face -dialogue with singing num¬ bers, and they are popular entertainers with some new material, while Summers and Horn, in Joe Weber makeup, offer some stale and some new jokes and do the usual German comedy entertain¬ ment. It is understood that the players have recently made hurried change in their act, hence it is not going as well as it did on Pantages’ time. The boys are at work on new material and will probably be able to put up a good en¬ tertainment. The Brothers Permane, in clown makeup, give the bill a circus flavor, and offer some diverting antics. The Masiroff Troupe of Russian dan¬ cers open the bill with a whirlwind of Slavic dances. They appear in the peasant garb of Russia, and start the ball rolling with vigor and vim. Taken all in all, the bill is above the usual order of merit and deserves the hearty applause and appreciation it receives. An ordinary bill is offered at the Star theater this week. Aside from one or two acts the performance lacks both features and novelties. The Kalinow- ski brothers, Italia, Smerl and Kessner, and Maltese and company, who appeared at the Criterion last week, had their acts reviewed in the last issue of the Show World. The team of Innes & Ryan offers an amusing act, called “Smartly Dressed.” They are pleasing entertainers. Apple & Rossie, who are hilled as the “Heidelberg Students,” put over some fair stuff. Billy Van, a burnt cork comedian, is the hit of the show with his songs and sayings. The Ca¬ mille Trio, clever bar performers, and the Kinodrome pictures closed the pro¬ gram.—H. J. B. formance and th cancel. The Holman Brothers, who opened, had no difficulty in “making good.” Rita Redmond got several encores, while Herbert Lloyd and his company in a pot pourri of nonsense, passed the winning post without difficulty. The act of Cameron and Gaylord formerly, Cameron and Flanagan has lost none of Its Interest-holding qualities through the exchange of Bonny Gaylord for Flanagan, and in consequence was ex¬ tremely well received. The Romany Opera Company, perhaps the highest class organization of its kind now in vaudeville has been vastly improved by the exchange of some of its older mem¬ bers for new. Alice Loretta and Dog, a most original act, won its desert In meritorious applause. Geo. W. Day, al¬ though unannounced, held his audience even longer than his allotment of time. Byron and Langdon offered an ex¬ tremely funny act and were repeatedly encored. Cecelia Loftus was recalled many times.—W. M. Grand Opera House. Miss Eleanor Robson returned to Chi¬ cago Monday evening after a two years’ absence, and received a welcome, the heartiness of which proved the high esteem in which she is held. The “Dawn ■ l Tomorrow” is a play well suited ' " ' peculiar Miss Robson’- _ it Mrs. Frances Hodj handled thoughts in Burnett has — _„_ _ emotions that __ been perplexing problems to each of us in such a sane, convincing man¬ ner that the result is both satisfying and stimulating. Specialties, Staple Goods and Novelties Suitable for Prizes, Souvenirs, Premiums and favors for SKating RinKs, Games and 5c. Theatres. We have big variety & Send For FREE Catalogue. N. SHURE CO. 220-222 Madison Street [WHOLESALE] CHICAGO, ILLINOIS “In Panama,” a musical comedy for¬ merly used by the Rogers Brothers, : Miss Robson’s beautifully modulated the attraction at the Crown theater this week. It would be like telling story to review this offering, „ __ review this offering, as much _ been said about it in days gone by. The presenting company consists of many people who no doubt have been identified with something else besides musical attractions. Gus Adams and George Guhl head the organization, ap¬ pearing in the parts formerly created by the Rogers brothers, Gus and Max. They are good entertainers. The bal¬ ance of the company endeavors to please and do to a certain extent, but some of the principals have poor singing voices. The scenery looks as though it had just arrived from the store house, hut then one can’t he too critical when a Broadway musical success is offered at popular prices.—H. J. B. voice, joyousness, sincerity and charm were given full scope in her interpre¬ tation of the London waif “Glad”—the subtlety of a great art being used in delivering the message of the self-pro¬ tection of goodness. The local color of the Coster scene veil worked up,' the handling of American Music Hall. It was a well varied bill which was presented this week at the American , practically without exception, the numbers were enjoyed by the audience. The printed program was rearranged before the Monday night performance and the artists were arrayed in this or¬ der: Holman Bros., Rita Redmond. Her¬ bert Lloyd, Cameron and Gaylord, Ro- — Opera Company, Intermission, Loretta and dog, Geo. Day, Byron and Langdon, Cecelia Loftus and pictures. The erstwhile “Cissy” Loftus closed the bill and Geo. W. Day was inter¬ spersed by reason of the Notes from the Chicago Operator! 1 Union. “Why is a kilowatt?”—Cootagl Business must be good for “Hu Manzel has a new suit of ttfl Fuqua wishes to announce going to serve a banquet to visory board. Friend (the dutch comedian) has ' ... been spending his time in ___ concern. Oh, you free ticket Joe! has gone in training to collect! collect I i, don't, i go lifting any pianos. Well, how much do you want ^What do you live on Sprocket? (ansi Mullins. Who was the red headed girl yi were with Moore? “Oh you executive board.” Kid Co Are you paid up? “I love my Shamrock but. Oh yonf ‘ Bankroll.”—Tommy Payne. ! Hustling Bill Cameron is the author¬ ity o How do you like your new job, Spro- ket (Clifford) first assistant When looking for advice see Morey A. Cohen, second assistant T manager. “I rise to a point of order.' Smith. Shuster, the gentleman with t_ ton Holmes is a high flier, that is, he took a high fly on a point of personal privilege. “You are out of order Moore, *!*!?’:”?. SIT DOWN!” Take your hat off, 50c fln< “You can’t do it.”—Ricker. “Pay it, pay it.”—Kuhns. “I love my three in one but, Oh you one drop oil.—Louie Riner. “I am building a new home in West Ravenswood, I if woods.”—Coles. t ^ Remember, the union label is Inside the cigar. $50.00 and costs. Forberg is still grinding at the Troc- adero. Did you get your license? “I think it is cheaper to mo to pay rent.” $00.00 Sproket L. Riner and Bro. J. Friend W— — Halsted and Madison streets in an the London fog being particularly well Mrs. Burnett has wisely avoided many opportunities for vivid effect, keeping the dramatic action subservient to the main theme, “a faithful dependence on Divine guidance.” The comprehensive attention to details added greatly to the forceful work of Fuller Mellish. The following gave fine support: Brandon Hurst, William Sauter, B. Race Dun- robin, Ada Dwyer.—F. B. M. its oi a new projecting ----- will prbject natural colors. Friend saw this machine has — B, ” 8r strenuously objects. Menzel, the man who never about 11 p. m- running sleeps, was seen about 11 p. m- up Milwaukee avenue. We think n« had a clue to a member who owes twc- George J. Gilmore the king oMM north side was overheard telling Runkle the advantages of non-noun'- mable films. To prove it George invited - him to come up to his theater. (UP) I risrht. and three" Alights too. . T right, and three' Alights A crowd (B. P. White) just with a new and bright idea, so to adjourn. le In Garrick. Maxine Elliott, tall, stately and as beautiful as ever, is offering at the Garrick theater a new play called “The Chaperon.” It is by Marion Fairfax, and it is an inconsequential play, and yet, withal, very amusing and diverting. It offers Miss Elliott opportunity to ap¬ pear in bedraggled attire and also in immaculate dress. There is a germ of a pretty story in the piece, and as the play affords Miss Elliott many oppor¬ tunities to look beautiful, what more does the public desire? For those who love clean, wholesome and optimistic en¬ tertainment, “The Chaperon” will prove eminently satisfactory. Miss Elliott has a well-balanced company with her, and the piece is produced in an elegant and tasteful style.—W. R. D. Mabel McCane. Mabel McCane, the ta'ented and j netic young singing commedienne. picture adorns the front page ® „ <-- !- appearing issue, is now p ac iflc-1 ssr « — .sfE BSSS ’ffi" l&JSWJf metropolitan musical productions. > has a pleasing way with nerui , , mands favor from her . a “wMslng- her cute mannerisms and splendid ing have won her wide recognition ^ , an entertainer. Miss McCane also MJ r‘