Show World (October 1909)

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28 Send for our Stock List of TENTS United States Tent & Awning Co. 22-28 North Desplaine. Street, CHICAGO E Portable Lights For All Purposes The Bolte & Weyer Co. 8 E. Michigan St. CHICAGO .... ILLINOIS THE SHOW WORLD GET YOUR INDEPENDENT FILM SERVICE FROM W. E.GREENE Film Exchange The Oldest and Largest Independent Film Exchange in New England 228 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. A Member of the National Independent Moving Picture Alliance Branch Office: 511A Congress Street, Portland, Me. October 30, m ARE YOU SHO FEWSTYLESOF LITHOCRAP PAPER INVESTIGATE OUR LINE Special Stock Lithograph Paper You may find just what you help you out. With m engrav crosslining it looks like'special pap Low prices on small quantities SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Block Work, Type Work, Dates, et< ACKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHO. KANSAS CITY IOW I MVIXT12RS )2 Knickerbocker Theatre Euili INDIANAPOLIS CINCINNATI DAYTON -TAKE THE— MONON LIMITEI The After-Theatre Train LEAVES CHICAGO - - 11:30 P. ARRIVES INDIANAPOLIS - 4:22 A ARRIVES CINCINNATI - 7:40 A ARRIVES DAYTON - - MONON ROUT This is a finely equipped train, cairyins teen section electric^ighted^leep^rfor Mia 16-sect electric lighted sleeper for Cincinnati; also section Drawing Room electric lighted tin for Dayton. All sleepers openfor — Chicago at 9:30 p! M^' Train leaves Dearborn Depot to all theatres. ■.; City Ticket Office, . . 182 CLARK ' ’Phone Central 5487. RHODA ROYAL IS READY WHITE TOP COLLAPSES FOR BIRMINGHAM DATE AND IMPRISONS MAN Well-Known Circus JMan Visits Southern Cityjand Prepares for Big Season BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 25.—Rhoda Royal, managing director of the Rhoda Royal Two Ring Circus Hippodrome and Wild West, was in Birmingham today conferring with M. D. Stradford, chair¬ man of the circus committee of the Shrine Temple, under whose auspices Mr. Royal will exhibit here this win¬ ter. The arrangements are well under way and Mr. Stradford and his com¬ mittees are hard at work. After in¬ specting the arena in the South Side Riding Academy, where the circus will be given, Mr. Royal stated that the building was well adapted for his pur¬ pose, although some slight alterations will be made in the seating arrange¬ ments in order to provide for a greater capacity. The Royal circus this season prom¬ ises to be much larger than last season and for the first time this fall the cir¬ cus king announced a number of his feature acts. The Seigrist family of aerialists, introducing Charley Seigrist, whose peer never stepped into a saw¬ dust arena, will divide honors with the Tybell-Julian sisters, known from one end of the world to the other. Among the bareback riders Mr. Royal has en¬ gaged for the winter are the famous Rooneys, the Duttons, Charlie Rooney and Ab Johnson. The Nelson family of acrobats, fifteen In number, will be featured, as will Paul Brachard, John Agee, ‘‘prince of all rough riders,” Chad Wertz, “champion double somersault leaper of the world;” Captain Walter C. Sharpe and his troop of sixteen ex- United States cavalrymen; the Maynard sisters in a novel wire act, the Sylvan sisters in a new contortion presenta- ' tion, and many other high class artists. The famed Royal high school horses will be seen, and among the riders en¬ gaged to show them are John and Nel¬ lie Carroll, Austin King, Miss Carrie ; Noremburg, Miss Ida Miaco,'Miss May King, Miss Violet Agee, Miss Tillite Bartik and George Brown. A new creation in equine presenta¬ tion will be Mr. Royal’s musical horses, directed by Miss Carrie Noremburg. This act has just been perfected and will be presented to the public for the first time at the opening performance in Memphis in November. The Bartik troupe of Russian dancers, twelve in number, will be with the show, and the clown contingent, twenty in all, will be headed by Dick Ford, Phil Dar¬ ling, George Clayton, Billie Jameson and George Worth. The Birmingham engagement of the Rhoda Royal Shows should be a record- breaker. General Representative H. S. Maddy was here in conference with Mr. Royal and completed arrangements for the local billing. The Royal show has a full line of special lithographs and a handsome advance herald. that General Manager C. T. Kennedy of the Great Parker Shows, has closed a contract for 1910 with J. A. Darnaby of this city, stipulating a salary and percentage not to fall below $5,000 a Mr. Darnaby is well known to every manager of note in the west. He is the author of three plays with music, “The Fall Guy,” “Beautiful Bagdad” and “A White Elephant,” the latter now being in preparation. “A White Elephant” Will be booked under the auspices of Elks In the larger cities, Mr. and Mrs. Darnaby directing and staging the play. Anne Saunders (Mrs. Darnaby) will direct the musical rehearsals and put on the dancing numbers. To Join Rhoda Royal. The Tybell-Julian sisters, whirling teeth aerialists and tight wire artists, will be with the Rhoda Royal Indoor Circus this winter. These artists have been identified with a number of the larger circus organizations, and will un¬ doubtedly prove a great feature with the Royal show. Storm Strikes Circus in Indiana Town and CausesjMu Excitement and Some Little Danger