Show World (November 1909)

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November 20, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 17 George Kleine Announces that he has secured Exclusive Rights to the Magnificent Motion Pictures of the Famous JOHNSON-KETCHEL which took place at Coff- j II M I k V I roth’s Arena, Colma, Cal., U U11 I LO I October 16, 1909, for EXHIBITION PURPOSES IN LICENSED THEA¬ TRES IN THE UNITED STATES. Best Motion Pictures of a Public Event Ever Taken. Fine Photo¬ graphic Quality with Every Face in the Vast Throng at the Ringside Easily Recognizable, Showing Knockdown of Johnson Followed by Dramatic Climax of Knockout of Ketchel. EXCLUSIVE STATE RIGHTS of this Sensational Feature Film is Offered for Sale, for Use in Li¬ censed Theatres. Write or Wire at Once for Territory and Terms to GEORGE KLEINE , 52 State St., Chicago HYPNOTIST SENDS MAN INTO LASTI NG SLEEP Subject Succumbs to Heart Failure While Under a Hypnotic Spell in a New Jersey Town BY WILLIAM JAY STEWART. NEW YORK, Nov. 17.—In the pre¬ sence of three physicians and four nurses, all ready to give aid, William E. Davenport, for ten years a hypnotist, made a futile effort in the Somerset hospital at Somerville, N. J., to restore ‘.o life—or consciousness, r~ v — -1 delighting Chicago audiences the Morris houses with his clever ' e south. The monk how- one south on account of to boom his appearance advance representative for the Chicago Fight Moving Picture company. lee Hickman, a comedian who is well known in Chicago, is a member of the Bon Ton Burlesquers, which appeared at the Euson theater last week. J. K. O’Neil and Senator Haney were In Chicago to secure hookings for their new vaudeville act, "My Rose,” a one- act Irish playlet. The act was put on for the first time at the Warrington theater, and it is said to have made a most favorable impression. The laVelles, whirlwind dancers, have signed with the "Gay Masqueraders,” the attraction this week at the Star & The George Amusement company are arranging to send out another St. Elmo company, which will probably open on Thanksgiving day. The Cliffords, cessful season v jugglers, closed a si ?ith Gollmar Bros.' c The remarkable success of Fay, 2 Coleys and Fay on the Orpheum circuit is most gratifying to their many Chi¬ cago friends. The act was very highly spoken of when at the Majestic recently and is one of the most deserving which has been produced In Chicago in a long time. Tess and Bunehu and Hazel Alger are going along merrily on the Pantages’ time and their sister act is being very well liked in the west. Mildred Morton has been in Chicago for two or three weeks arranging a rep¬ ertoire of songs to be used iu her forth¬ coming tour. While Billy Windom had no baby car¬ riage at the Wilson Avenue for the last half of this week, this small detail did not interfere with his act going well. Instead of the regular song used for tne introduction he sprang a coon song. It n: