J. Theobald and Company's extra special illustrated catalogue of magic lanterns, slides and apparatus (circa 1900)

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162 OPTICAL LANTERN SLIDES. SEASON 1892-3. PROM SPEOIALLT PREPARED DRAWINGS. ALLEGORICAL SCRIPTURE STORIES. Agathos ; or the whole Armour of God. 1 “ All my faithful followers must tread in my footsteps ** 2 They set off in high spirits into the land where the evil beast lay ^ 8 Some always watched while the others rested 4 “ Time enough to run and fetch it when I see the Dragon coming 6 One indeed there was of the tr* op who would not give in to their way* 6 He was walking lightly hometo his te it, through the pleasant summer evening air 7 He fell upon the ground, and the evil beast devoured him 8 Long time he lay hid in a wood bordering on the camp 9 And fell tooth and nail upon the soldiers 10 He thought he saw his Prince standing near him 11 There was a dreadful battle between that good soldier of the Lord and the fieroa enemy 12 He could see the form of his roaster coming to him The Ravens in the Famine. 1 Introduction 2 And now they were busy flying here and there 8 The man threw them each a lump of bread and piece of meat 4 They then passed over a land where everything was dry and burnt up 5 Kneeling by the side of a little brook that lose high up in the cave 6 The great lavens as they flow in and laid down the meat 7 To dress the meat at the cave’s mouth The Man in the Dungeon. 1 How could he be sleeping so gently ? 2 There were four other so’diers asleep outside it 5 And could he sleep so if he were indeed a wicked man t 4 {effect) Jesus Christ was there 6 {effect) They prayed rery earnestly, and no doubt their prayers were heard 6 {effect) Perhaps he dreams of the first time he went 7 See, he starts in his sleep and opens his eyes 8 {effect) Is it one of God’s angels? 9 But now they stand before the iron gate 10 {effect) It too opens of its own accord 11 The Summer night breeze upon Peter’s forehead was a very pleasant feeling; 12 Ue went in and told them what groat things the Lord had done for him The Children and the Lion. 1 They were a little girl and boy, and they were good and obedient children 2 “ My dear children, I am going to take yon away from this house ” 8 As they were running out, their father called them to him 4 Each took the other’s hand, and tliey walked quite sadly 6 At the first call be stood by her si le, and she could see the lion turn from her 6 Her father took her in his arms, and told her not to fear