J. Theobald and Company's extra special illustrated catalogue of magic lanterns, slides and apparatus (circa 1900)

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THE HUMAN STOMACH In Health, and under Alcoholic Excitement and Disease, from the Dissections of T. Sewell, M.D. Description by Dr. Lees in Lantern Readings 1 Internal surface of a stomach in a healthy state a Stomach of the moderate drinker bloodshot 3 Stomach of the habitual drunkard 4 Ulcerated stomach of the drunkard 5 „ ,, after a debauch 6 Contracted cankerous stomach of a spirit drinker J Stomach of an individual ,;ho died of delirium tremens Sold, ^coloured only, 36s. the set. PRODIGAL SON Service of Song By permission of the Sunday School Union. 1 Hymn: How blest is he who ne’er consents. 2 Hymn: Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth. 3 Hymn: Guide us Saviour in the nar- row way of truth. ■i Hymn: Why should we covet the joy of a day. Hymn: W eeping will not save me. Hymn: Still I am singing, Jesus of thee. The Good Shepherd. Hymn: There is joy in heaven with the angels. Lost piece of silver. Hymn: same as No. 7. t Parable of the prodigal. A certain man had two sous. Hymn: O walk the path of glory. i t Prodigal; and he took his journey into a far country. Hymn: O help us, dear Saviour, to walk in thy ways. 11 Prodigal feeding the swine. Hrmn: Look u|>, thou poor neglected one. 12 I will arise and go to my father. Hymn: I will arise. 13 His father saw him and had compassion. Hymn: Though my days are dark with trouble. 14 Bring forth the best robe and put it on him. Hymn: O lead me to Jesns. 15 Now the elder son was in the fields. Hymn: To God above from all below. 16 11c was angry and would not go in. Hymn: Angry words, O let them never. 17 i e was lost and is found. Hymn: Lot u^ 8i>cnk well of thy brother. X Hymn: There is joy in heaven, t Hymn: The stars how bright they shine. 245 20 Hymn; Sweet Saviour, bless us as we Pilgrifi^s Progress^ Christiana^ Hohj Wxit*, and Prodigal Son. S*^.?'vtces of Song may be had, with Hymns, large type, or ?vith Musi-. CHILDREN’S MESSIAH. Service of Song. By permission of the Sunday School Union. 1 John the Baptist. Hymn: Thi Angelic Host. 2 The annunciation to the Shepherds. Hymn: Song of the Angels. 3 Wise men guided by the star. Hymn: Epiphany Hymn. 4 Christ in the Temple with the doctors. Hymn: Triumph. 5 The temptation. Hymn: Solicitude, 6 The baptism of Jesus. Hymn: Nazar- eth. 7 Sermon on the Mount. Hymn: Christ on the Mount. 8 Christ stilleth the storm. Hymn: The storm, 9 Jesus blessing little children. Hymn- I heard the voice of Jesus say. 10 The Good Shepherd. Hymn: Out Shepherd. 11 Christ feeding the multitude. Hynm: German. 12 Christ s entry into Jerusalem. Hymn Bradford. IS The crucifixion of Christ. Hymn- Nass:m. 14 The burial of Christ Hymn: Watford, 15 The resurrection of Christ. Hymn: Victory. Ifi Christ’s Second Coming Hymn Neander. The Hymns with this series nave the mnsic and hymns combined. JOSEPH ” Sersnee <tf Song. By permission if the Sunday School Union. 1 Hymn; Tell us the good old story. 2 Joseph in his coat of many colours. Hymn . See, see, then, anger rise. 3 Joseph telling his dream to his brethren Hymn : God moves in a mysterious way. 4 Joseph oast into the pit. Hymn: One there is above all others; from the Bradford. Also 4a, a Welsh air. 6 Joseph sold to the Egyptians. Hymn : Farewell home and kindred. 6 Joseph’.s brethren showing bis coat of many colours to their father. Hymn: When :mr heads are bowed with woe. 7 Joseph as steward in Potiphar's houee. Hymn: Thy Master's gold muounted. 8 Joseph interpreting Pharoab's servant’s Hymn: Give to the winds thj fvsrs.