Variety (June 1919)

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!■' ■■ wmzmmmmmm 10 ' "••■:.:. BUR LES Q U E i .' • r, !' r-'v . i «■•-. ■ - .-■■ " - .-■■. fc-: "vi- ru.. ;re thi ilit M r. r THEATRICAL OPERATING CO. DISSOLVES AND SELLS ASSETS "Bon Tona," "20th Century Maids" and "Million Dollar Dolla" Among Corporation's Enterprises. Shows Continue on Columbia Circuit. Company Held Burlesque Managers in Directorate. CABARET i The Burlesque Operating Co. has dis- solved, at the same time disposing of its assets, by sale. Among the latter were three Columbia Circuit attrac- tions, "Bon Tons," "20th. Century Maids" and "Million Dollar Dolls." These will be continued over the Col- umbia Circuit by the purchasers, who are Columbia men. The "Bon Tons" was taken by Sam Scribher and Rud K Hynicka; the "Million Dollar Dolls" has been acquired by John G. Jermon (Jacobs & Jermon and the '20th Cen- tury Maids" by. Hurtig & Seainon, Gus Hill and Henry C. Jacobs (Jacobs and Jermon). Mr. Jacobs has leased his half interest in the "Maids" show to Hurtig & Seamon and Hill for five years. The Burlesque Operating Co. has been sort of a mysterious operator upon the Columbia Wheel. It has produced many shows, always with the single line of its title published as "presenting." Report several years ago when the corporation was formed was to the effect several of the prin- cipal burlesque managers had gotten together in this company to save, aid and produce shows undertaken by financially embarrassed or incompetent producers. With the rapid advance of burlesque at that time, some such in- stitution was deemed desirable. With burlesque passing through a couple of prosperous seasons and- virtually all the Columbia attractions self sustain- ing, the need for the Operating Co. may have passed, with its consequent dissolution. The names of the bur- lesque managers interested in the Op- erating Co. were never made public. John G. Jermon was the stager for the company's shows and it is believed that some of the men mentioned as pur- ciiasers of the Operating Co.'s shows are the same men who practically form- ed the company. BURLESQUE ENGAGEMENTS. Jos. K Watson, who has been play- ing with Barney Gerard's "Girls De- Luxe," has been re-engaged for next season. ' Harry Hastings has signed (Miss) Vic Dayton for next season. She will appear in the "Razzle Dazzle" show featured as the "Model of Models." Hazel Lorraine is to spend three years under Mr. Hastings' direction, also, to support Dan Coleman in Hastings' Big Show. Jimmie Hazard (Spielman and Hazzard) is another new addition to the same show for next season. M PEEK-A-B00" ABROAD. American burlesque is to debut into English legitimate circles in the fall, with Jean Bedini's "Peek-a-Boo" the current hit at the Columbia the attrac- tion. Two London managers have of- fered to house the show. One is Sey- mour Hicks, who is anxious to place the show in the Princess in October. Bedini's attraction is to be billed as an American burlesque show and it will be the first regular piece of its kind to be shown in England Larry Cebeila*, who sailed for Lon- don this week, is to consider the sec- ond offer in behalf of Bedini, who in- tends taking over "Peek-a-Boo" intact, if possible. iCebellas is to stage the new Andre Chariot revue in London, due to open in August. The American beauty chorus of six girls will follow later. To date but four of the sextette have been selected and it may be that two English show girls will be added to make up the half dozen. CHORUS BONUS AND SALARY. Advertisements in this issue of Variety calling for chorus girls denote extreme activity by burlesque mana- gers in that department. Hurtig & Seamon offer girls $22.50 weekly, and a bonus of $50 to each girl who plays a full season with one of their shows. Billy Watson counters on this by stating in his advertisement he will pay chorus girls $25 a week, comment- ing upon the offer of the bonus through summarizing the difference in dollars in salary for a full season between his advanced figure and the amount of the bonus. Billy Watson's "Beef Trust" specie of chorus girls will no longer be seen with his show on the Columbia Wheel, the executives having requested Wat- son to engage girls between the weights of 115 and 160 hereafter. Watson originally introduced the heavier women in burlesque carrying a two or three-ton chorus around the circuit with his show. .NEW ACTS. Harry Lander, of the Lander Broth- ers' act, has been engaged as a fea- ture in Jack Singer's Behman Show for next season, where he will do his tramp specialty (I. N. Weber.) Sam Berk (formerly Berk and White) and Valda Smith. Singing and danc- ing (Chas. Bornhaupt). "The Sophie Tucker of Burlesque." Julia Morgan has been engaged for a leading role in Fred Gerhardy's "Mischief Makers." Miss Morgan is a recruit from the show's chorus ranks, where she hid un- der the nom-de-burlesque of Kitty Van, her powerful voice earning her the promotion. She is to be billed as the "Sophie Tucker of Burlesque." Two Remaining Out Late. "The Sight Seers" and the "Bur- lesque Wonder Show" are announced to close June 16. All other Columbia and American burlesque shows are announced to close by June 9. IF YOU DON'T ADVERTISE IN VARIETY DON'T ADVERTISE Doraldina'» Turkish Harem Dance, lately evolved by her for the Paradise Room at Reisenweber's, would draw business to a cemetery. It's exactly what the name implies, but Doraldina does it so well she is credited with an artistic success rather than espionage. There isn't much doubt but this dance is the most daring in its style that Broadway has seen, yet the curse is taken off through the suppleness of the dancer, her physical attractiveness and that she is fully, if lightly, clothed. In novelty dancing Doraldina started in the lead of her contemporaries and has always remained so far enough ahead of the best of them that no one could catch up with her. She has worked off about 15 pounds since re- turning to Reisenweber's and is now doing the best series of dances she has ever done. Her old Hula Hula dance, performed with much more grace than when Doraldina first did it a few years ago, still is the best Hawaiian dance New York has witnessed. Her Lar- umba Shiver dance is a creation in the way the girl does it. Doraldina leaves the Paradise Room within a week or so, her contract with Reisenweber's then expiring. She has been doing a very fair business there, bringing a class crowd to the place with many spenders among them. Sophie Tucker's Beefsteak at Reisen- weber's last Friday night, was a de- cided hit. It occurred after hours, starting at 1.30 in the morning. Sophie herself was the hostess, with only professional friends invited, although Jimmy Hussey was there. It was Miss Tucker's manner of acknowledgment to the bunch of their generousness in subscribing to the enjoyment of the Sophie Tucker Room. Miss . Tucker mentioning her intention to the Reis- enweber management, the house asked permission to take charge of the en- tire affair as a co-token of apprecia- tion. The only fluke of the evening was when the Sophie Tucker Kings of Syncopation (now renamed and otherwise known as her orchestra) re- fused to donate their services in the grill room where the Beefsteak was held. Miss Tucker is preparing to cast the musical piece William Morris is to produce for her. Tommy Gray is writing the book and lyrics. It may be entitled "Say Soph." The music will probably be composed by Frank Westphal. The Reisenweber dining room will close in a few days, for the summer. The present Tucker Room is to have a new revue, with Miss Tucker moving to the Paradise Room. The Shelbourne at Brighton has add- ed "jazzing in the air" as well as on the dance floor to the attractions of the resort. The Lieut. Tim Brymn Jazz Band of the 350th Artillery is playing ' concerts and dance music at the Brighton and the aerial features are also furnished by ex-service men. Lieut. Louis Goldberg and a circus of Canadian and allied flyers perform stunts each afternoon in front of the Shelbourne. George Walsh, of the Jazz Phiends, and Norman Carp, of the Knickerbock- er Hotel, N. Y., have joined the Black and White Melody Boys. J. B. Franklin, the melody merchant's agent, is nego- tiating in a deal to send them on a tour of South America for 8 months. Several hotel proprietors from the Canal Zone are in New York looking for talent for their cabarets. They are experiencing unusual difficulty in spite of attractive inducements, due to the difficulty in securing passports. The hotel people offer a six-month con- tract with board, room* and transpor- tation both ways. Joe Mann, local cabaret agent, left yesterday (May 29) to attend the open- ing of his Riverside Park Enterprises, in Newport News, Va. Following the opening of his cabaret revue he will return to New York. Cabaret bookings by Max Rogers include for Metropole Hotel, Panama, Kelsey and Sprague, Montrose and Girlie (Miss), Tony Southern and Ber- nard J. Dalen. • Daly, Hodgens and Buckley have been .placed under contract for the summer to appear at the Suburban Hotel, opposite the race track, Balti- more, Md. v~" Wilbur Levering, formerly connected with Billy Sharp's forces, is now with Charles Cornell, producing and stag- ing cabaret revues. Paul Salvain, of the Cafe de Paris, is back in town after a couple of months' absence out West, recuperat- ing from an illness. Henry Fink, of the Ritz, Brooklyn, is staging and producing the new revue for Reisenweber's Columbus Circle. :. ■ AMONG THE MUSIC MEN. George Edwardes, formerly with the Joe Morris Music Co., Is now connected with Jos. W. Stern & Co. Jack Neal, formerly In vaudeville with Grade Leonard, Is now with McCarthy and Fisher. • The employes of the Enterprise Music Co. will hold an entertainment and ball at the McAlpln Monday evening, Jane 0. Fred Day, of the British music publishing house of Francis Day & Hunter, has left for London after concluding some business here. "I Know What It Means to Be Lonesome," written and published by Kendis & Brockman, was purchased by Feist, last week. Richard Gerard, a songwriter. Is back on the Rialto after a year's sojourn in France with the A. E. F. T. B. Harms, of Francis, Day and Hunter, has bought the song hit, "Yearning," from Daniels & Wilson. Victor Arden's "Honeymoon," published by the Triangle Music Co., has been taken over by Jos. W. Stern & Co., who will be the sole selling agents hereafter. Jack Mills, erstwhile professional manager for McCarthy-Fisher, is going Into the music publishing business on his own hook, beginning July 1st. Sam Coslow has resigned as professional manager for Kerry Mills and Is now writing for Kendis and Brockman. George Northup, estwhlle Chi. "Loophound," Is dividing his time In New York between playing at the College Arms and "plugging" for McCarthy and Fisher. Abel Green and Sam Carlow have placed a new number with Charles K. Harris, entitled "Daddies," based on David Belasco's produc- tion of the same name. Eddie Nelson and Harry Pease havo placed a new comedy number with Shapiro-Bern- stein, called "Any Little Baby That's a Lovln' Little Baby." Weston Wilson, Junior partner of the San Francisco music publishing bouse of Daniels & WUson, Is In New York, where he will assume temporary charge of their New York ofSce. • - I T.3ZQE i . - - m • ■*! -'" ■ ':>' . - 3§ \J Early last Saturday morning at. Longport, N. J., F. E. Belcher, vice-president and sec- retary of the music publishing house of Jerome H. Remlck & Co., married Flo Hart, of "Look and Listen," which played Atlantic City, last week. The mayor of Longport per- formed the ceremony. Mrs. W. L. Smith, the bride's mother, attended the bride, with a few friends witnessing the ceremony. "Taps" again "scopped" the entire local publishing field, by getting across an exclusive "plug" at the various meetings of the Salva- tion Army, In the large hotels, for the purpose of raising funds. "Taps" pulled the same stunt with the 77th Division parade, when in the only official car allowed on the course, he had the various bands plug the McCarthy- Fisher numbers. ■ ■ "- ■ » -.- HI . ■ .1 A i i i :! , 4 v