Variety (June 1919)

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J ■■.Ifcv •.:'•■ : - ; K £j ■■■■'■■ - : -'"- -■■• " ' -■■■■ "• '- ■••• ;.':.'vU"-::V ' ',.'.' ■ ...-■-, . ■ - M ■'-"-V': •''- ■."/--" tf . 4 , S ' DR. S. M. FRANK IUKQKON DENTIST tf Wfc? "'^""'.Kw (THRU DOOM ABOVE 43RB ST.) MS EIQ i ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Palace Theatre BaUdlns. New York City LOS ANGELES Orpkcum Mollis Mclntyre Harry Holman CHICAGO - Majeatle L Cavanaugh Co Moscont Bros Clark ft Verdi Arnaut Bros Grace DeMar Henry Toomer Co Cervo Samrof ft Sonl 3 Johns State Lake Marmeln & Scboole Gene Greene Maud Earl Co Edwin George Hersh^l Handler Patrlcola ft MyerB Ann Gray "Birds of Feather" Bailey & Cowan SAN FRANCISCO Orpheum (Sunday Opening) Barnes & Crawford Sheila Terry Co Bronson & Baldwin Trizle Frlganza "Melody Garden" Libonattl Morgan Dancers Lloyd & Wells Morris ft Campbell Clifford Walker Jack Lavler Mme D'Aures Garclnettl Bros Ioleen Sisters WESTERN VAUDEVILLE State-Lake Theatre Boildins, Chicago CHICAGO Hippodrome Brengk's Models Lovls London Sid Lewis KlutlngB Animals Bell & Wood Jay Raymond 3 Melvln Bros (Others to fill) Bob White, "Cheyenne Days" (Two to fill) MINNEAPOLIS Grand Jess & Dell • Corp Joe Nathan (Two to fill) Palace Fon Gue ft Haw WES MOINES, IA. Roth ft Roberts Empr 2 Carltons Sallle Bradsbaw McLain Gates Co DePace Bros Co 3 Macks (One to nil) 2d half Morris Roberts & S Bord'u & Sllverm'n Marrigot Troupe 2d half Slmiko Duo "Girls of 61" "The Lemon- Hong Kong Myst (One to flll) DULUTH Grand Montambo & Wells Kerr & Ensign Williams ft Taylor "Making Movies" Earle ft Edwards 8 Vassar Girls B & J Crelghton (One to flll) ROCKFORD, ILL. Palace Mystic Hanson S Mitchell ft Mitch Stephens ft Bordea Gus Erdman Marzellas Birds 2d half Frank Hall Co $14 l&'IOOM^tfK 1 5 Minutes Iron All Theatre* OverlookliB Central Park $16 u i5/e e k" SUITES KZJZZ CoaiUMli ef Parlor, Bedroom ami Bath Light, Airy, 'with All Improvement* REISENWEBER'S HOTEL 58th Street and Columbus Circle New York City (One to flll) 2d half Harry Sterling • Al H White Co Victoria Trio Florence Rayfleld "Making Movies" E. ST. LOIJIS, ILL. Erbera Wanda Eastman & Moore Schwartz Bros 2d half Rosle Rifle.Co Paul Bauwens* "Shrapnel Dodgers" GRANITE CITY Washington (22) Loshe & Sterling (One to flll) (28-26) 8 Wheelers Mack & Velmar (26-28) Capps Family Davey Jamleson MADISON Orpheum HosHl Ross ft Thorn Dale & Burch Alf Ripon "Cheyenne Days" 2d half Marzellas Birds Stephens ft Bordea Lillian Wataon Paul Klelst Co (One to nil) MEMPHIS Orpheum "The Only Girl" MILWAUKEE Palace E & E Adair Lillian Watson "Girls of Altitude" (Three to flll) 2d half Billy Klnkald Mystic Garden I. H1MMSKDINGCR « sWtVhV* 7 Jew-el*™ to Ik* Frefasntea UWSJTT Mrm AOSIPTKB Taj. m VARIETY • "' ;> •'": $ -'•"?'■'. '■''; ' v ': : £''?0$w0M 25 YORK Alf Rlpon L Piplfax & Accplce (Two to flll) ST. LOUIS Grand 7ada Clayton Dunlap ft Virden Harold Kennedy Lohse & Sterling Ferro & Couler Ktlduff May & A Kingsbury & Muns Hall ft Shapiro E Francis ft Arabs Hialto Rosie Rifle Co Davie Jameison Page Hack & Mack (Two to flll) 2d half The Bimbos Eastman & Moore Schwartz Bros Redmond & Wells Willie Bros Skydome Bimbo & James Redmond & Wells H & K Sutton 2d half Wanda Mack & Velmar Hana & Hanoaka ST. PAUL Palace Earle & Edwards Bord'u & Sllverm'n 8 Vassar Girls B & J Crelghton "Rising Generation 2d half 3 Macks Roth & Roberts DePace Bros Co "Rising Generation" (One to fill) SIOUX CITY, IA. Orpheum Hodge Podge Rev Maker & Reford L & M Hart Mason Keeler Co Fred Lewis The Rials 2d half Wilton ft Venus "Poughkeepsle" Angel & Fuller Jim McWllllams Fashions a la Carte (One to flll) TERRB HAUTE Hippodrome Andrus & George Hudson ft Jones Willie Bros Grace Wallace & B (One to fill) 2d half Wheeler Trio Folsom ft Brown The Mclntyres Clay Crouch WINNIPEG Strand Myers ft Knlse 8 Andre Girls Bert Lewis 8 Whirlwinds 2d half Edward ft Lillian 3 Moran Sisters Payton ft Hlckey Levan ft Miller MARCUS LOEW Putnam Building, New York City NEW YORK CITY Americas ♦Armento & Bedubl •Walker & West Fennell ft Tyson •Dietrich Vincent Oklahoma 6 •Dora Hilton Co ♦Arthur DeVoy Co Exposition 4 8 Maxims 2d half •Mason & Doyle Kamerer ft Howlan Adonis & Co Tabor ft Greene •Larry Reilly Co Crane Sisters Maurice Samuels Co Nell McKlnley (One to flll) Victoria Harlequin Trio •Griffith & Werden Girl In Basket •LeVan & DeVlne Welsh Mealy & M 2d half Wilbur & Lyke Wood Young ft Phil Hen shaw ft Avery Ward & King; Rose Revue Lincoln Square Wilbur ft Lyke Josephine Leonhart Earl & Curtis Hawthorne ft Cook Equillo Bros 2d half Sabbott ft Brooks Harmless Bug Armstrong ft Schra Welsh Mealy ft M (One to flll) Greeley Square Mason & Dohl Crane Sisters Rolllnson ft King Wheeler & Potter Armstrong ft 8 Casting Melos 2d half 3 Maxims Josephine Leonhart Dietrich Vincent Arthur DeVoy Co. Hawthorne ft Cook Deiancey St, •Juliette Bush •Harrison ft Burr •Jack Reddy "Mimic World" 2d half Blanche Sloane Al Tyler Dunham ft O'Malley •"Girl in Basket" Sherman Van & H Techow's Cats National Beck & Stone Henshaw & Avery S & M Hughes (One to fill) 2d half •Juliette Bush Rolllnson ft King Hilton ft Levattor LaFollette Co Orpheum Sellna's Circus Kamerer & Howlan Dunham.& O'Malley M Samuels Co Nell McKinley Rose Revue 2d half LeVeaux Laing ft Green Harrison & Burr Holmes ft LeVere Billy Schoen Casting Melos Boulevard Adonis & Co Tyler & Crollus Harmless Bur; Keegan & O'Rourke Sherman Van ft Hy 2d half Dunedln Duo Dora Hilton Co Anderson ft Rean Adrian Avenue B. Wilson ft Whitman Al Rlcardo LaToair ft Gold Manning Fealy ft K Mario & Duffy 2d half Walker & West Cranberries Phil Baker Co Berrlck Bros (One to flll) BROOKLYN Metropolitan Techow's Cats Lalng ft Green •O Handworth Co Ward ft King LaFollette Co 2d half Equillo Bros Storey & Clark Regal ft Mack Levan ft DeVlne S ft M Hughes. Palace Beck ft Stone Al Tyler D Sothern 8 Armstrong ft James Klmarva Japs 2d half Ferraros Ward ft Pryor Lord ft Fuller Manning Fealy ft K (One to flll) Fulton Smlletta Sisters Nelson Waring ft A Regal ft Mack Billy Schoen 2d half Sellna's Circus Griffith ft Worden O Handworth Co Exposition 4 Oklahoma 4 De Kalb •Foley ft Mascslnio Sabbott ft Brooks Holmes ft LeVere •Hilton ft Levattor Dunedln Duo 2d half •Aldine ft Wright •Jack Reddy "Mimic World" Warwick Ferraros Storey ft Clark Cranberries Bert Walton Ward ft Pryor 2d half Wilson ft Whitman Howard ft Jenkins Armstrong ft James Mario ft Duffy (One to fill) ATLANTA Grand Cowboy Williams ft D Watklns ft William Lord Roberts Co (Two to flll) 2d half Jesson ft Jesson 5 Avollons (Three to All) BALTIMORE Hippodrome Louis Leo * Fred Weber Co Gorman Bros "Just a Girl" BIRMINGHAM Bijoo Hanlon ft Arthur Lillian Ronair Coffman ft Carroll Jerome ft Albright LaPetite Jennie Col 2d half ■- (Same as Atlanta 1st half) BOSTON Orpheum Harrah ft Jacquelln Bennington ft Scott Henry J Kelly Norton Sher Co Swartz ft Clifford Esquimaux ft Seal 2d half Juggling DeLiBle Gertrude Rose Doris Lester 8 Carson & Willard "Help Police" (One to flll) CHICAGO McVlckera Allison Scott ft Chrystle Julian Hall Lang & Ward Brady ft Mahoney Novellos Hardy Berry ft Mis FALL RIVER, MAS Bijou Juggling DeLtale Gertrude Rose Doris Lester 3 Carson ft Willard "Help Police" 2d half Bennington ft Scott Henry J Kelly Norton Sher Co Swartz ft Clifford Esquimaux ft seal ILKA MARIE DEEL In "TEARS" Circuit HAMILTON, CAN. Loew Hip Raymond Malcolm ft LaMar Gallerinl ft Son Friend ft Downing Chalfonte Sis HOBOKEN, N. J. Loew Dolly & Calamo Louise ft Camion Subers ft Romalne Lorlng ft Smith Blanche Sloane 2d half Cooper ft Henry Keegan ft O'Rourke Smlletta Sisters (One to flll) KANSAS CITY, MO. Empress Robb ft Robinson Beatrice Lambert Beresford Lovett C Harris ft Lyman Shea ft Bowman 2t half Forrest ft Church Simpson ft Moore Nelson ft Cronin Rev Frank Groman Margot Francois Co MEMPHIS - Lyceum Sherman ft Rose Knowles ft Hurst Fagg ft White John O'Malley 2d half Witt ft Winters (Same as Birming- ham 1st half) MONTREAL Loew Burke ft Kendall Bayes ft England Bernardl Patrick ft Otto Reslsta NEW ORLEANS Crescent (Sunday Opening) Bolger Bros Mason ft Cole Baraban ft Grohs Walter James 8. Regals 2d half Sherman ft Rose Knowles ft Hurst Fagg ft White John O'Malley Witt ft Winters NEW ROCHELLB Loew Berrlck Bros Howard & Jenkins Phil Baker Co 2d half Walsh & Edwards Bert Walton D Sothern 3 PALISADE PARK Loew Paula Rice Scully ft S Tower act Holden * PITTSBURG Lyceum O K Legal Dawson Lanigan ft C Mr ft MrB LaCoBta Carl McCullough Herbert Brooks Co PROVIDENCE, R. I. Emery . The Brightons Frank Ward Gillen Carleton Co Bevan ft Flint Maxwell Quintet 2d half The Parshleys Peggy Brooks Cook' ft Oatman Kane ft Herman Harishma Bros ST. LOUIS Garrlek Ed ft Joe Smith Van ft Pearce Hawthbrne's Mins Ash ft Hyarhs Bender & Herr ' 2d half (Same as Kansas City 1st half) SPRINGFIELD B'way The Parshleys Peggy Brooks Cook ft Oatman Kane & Herman Harlshlma Bros 2d half The Brightons Frank Ward Gillen Carleton Co Bevan ft Flint Maxwell Quintet TORONTO Younge Jordan Girls Estelle Girls Est'elle Bully Goetz ft Duffy Douglas Family Barron ft Burt Wllhat Troupe PANTAGES CIRCUIT New York and Chicago Offices BUTTE, MONT. Paatagea (21-24) (Same bill plays Anaconda 25; Mis- soula 26.) Primrose MlnstrelB Revue DeLuxe Lawrence & Edwds Booth & Leander Florence Rayfleld LeRoy ft Dresner — Singer's Midgets CALGARY Pantagea < 21-24) BroslD'j ft Brown Stewrt ft Olive He)' People Hello Br & West L.ehard The Great Dorothy Lewis DENVER Pantagea Mile Blanca Co Valentine Vox Tuscano Bros Mlnnettl ft Sedolll Dorothy Roy Klass & Termini MINNEAPOLIS Pantagea (Sunday Opening) Jarvla Revue Canfleid ft Rose Porter J White Co LaPetite Elva Morak Sisters OAKLAND Pantagea (Sunday Opening) Denishawn Dancers Raines ft Goodrich Gordon ft Ray Stempede Riders Eddie Rosb Jimmy Brltt OGDEN Pantairee (26-28) "Miss 1920" "Who Is He" Irene Trevette McLallan ft Carson 3 Weston sis DR. JULIAN SIEGEL Official Dentist to the N. V. A. 14* Bramwiy (Putnam Bonding), N«w York 3 Maesses J Glfford Mel Klee R Whlttaker Co EDMONTON, CAN. Pantagea Bell ft Eva Angell & Fuller Ziegler Tlvins Co Creamer Barton &S "Her Left Shoulder GREAT FALLS Panto ares (24-25) (Same bill plays Helena 26) Novelty Minstrels The Cromwells Submarine F 7 Argo & Va Sis Juliet Dlka Green ft Pugh LOS ANGELES Pantnites Hooster Girls Ben Linn J G Sparks Co PORTLAND, ORE. Pantagea Will Morris Victoria 4 Maldle DeLong ' Stever & Lovejoy Harris & Munnion "Some Baby" REC.INA, CAN. Pnntaaea (23-25) (Same bill plays Saskatoon 26-28) Joe Jackson Bobble Henshaw The Shattucks Rlalto Quartet- Gllraln Danoers Gaylord ft Herron SALT LAKE I'nntitKca Bullet Proof Lady Beth ChalllB Haush Lavelle Collnls Dancers Chas F Semon 4 Danubes I / • SAN DIEGO Pantagea - Gautler's Toyshop Fox & Brltt Wllllard's Fantasy Rookie Lewis Harry Tusda Joe & Rosle Moy SAN FANCISCO Pantagea (Sunday Opening) Caltes Bros Race ft Edge v Ruth St Denis Co Joe Reed Alice Teddy Co Abrams & John SEATTLE Pantagea Empire Quartet Leila Shaw Co Cliff Clark Nadell & Follette Dalz Monks Joe Fanton Co SPOKANE Pantagea Amoros ft Obey Song & Dance Rev Bert Melrose Meyers & Weaver Betty Brooks "Lots & Lots" •. • ' TACOMftv'""^ Pantagea. •'.-'.••'.•■-, AnderBon'B Revue Kajlyama Fay & Jack Smith: Helen Jackley Hager ft Goodwin Rhooda ft Crampton VANCOUVER Pantagea ':•'•■•• Kelly Field Players Joo Darcy ^ ' 4 Rennees . ;••!. S & A Beverly . ;,'; Monroe ft Grant •> "Victoria, b. d "' Pantagea Schepp's Circus . : : Samaroff Trio -t • S Tetter Septet Cook ft Loren».;;.i: Arthur Lloyd Josephine Davis ;i Pantagea Imperial Quintet . Ray ft Emma Dean Ray Conlin ! KV 1 .Retter Bros v:^, 3 Romanoff Sis !•'..;; HodklnB -;a^ pi . ?vv;yB ■'W:« Hodkins-Pantagei Booking! DALLAS, TEX. Jefteraon Mareena ft Delton Jazz Mack ft Almee Golden Bird .. Daniels ft Walters "World Wide Revu HOUSTON, TEX. Prince, Joe Deeley ft Sis Paul Moher McConnell ft Simps Van ft Vernon Magazine Girls MUSKOGEE B'way (22-23) Fritchle Ulmark' Brink ft H S Miller Kent Co Barnes ft Freeman .4 Bards . ACKERMAN & HARRIS CIRCUIT, San Franclice OBXA CITY, OKLA Liberty: .^. P Pedrlnl & Monks Waizer ft Dyer, - v Chas Lindholm Co Trovato 4 Bards SAN ANTONIO'"^' Royal ,- Zara Carmen Tr; - Lowe ft Baker Sis McKays Scotch Key Noodles Fagao -v /. Durkin Dogs tv- ; v WACO, TBXy n Orpheum r- Frltchie rjlmrak Brink ft H 5 Miller Kent Co Barnes ft Freeman 4 Naosses 'm "¥.& BAKERSFIELD Hippodrome (22-24) ReRo ft Helrnar Dougherty ft Sinola Quaker City 4 (25-26) Delmore & Moore Trlbble & Thomas Wyoming Trio LONG BEACH Hippodrome Erol ■ Snow Sigworth ft S Harry Evans Co Helene Trio . . 2d half 2 ABtrellas Lamey & Pearson Delmore Fisher & D Jimmy Lyons LOS ANGELES Hippodrome Jimmy Gallon Infield & Noble Propellor .Trio Chase & La Tour Johnson Dean Rev 2d half Reo ft Helmar Clay & Robinson Appier ft Appier Lillian Do Vere Helene Trio SACRAMENTO Hippodrome Gus Henderson Variety Four Adams Trio Donaldson ft Gerald Jane O'Rourke Co Dora Dean Sunbea 2d half Moat & Mullen Luckie ft Yost "Days of Long Ago" The Newmans Abyssinian Three BAN DIEGO _ ^: Hippodrome ' 2 Astrellas ' Jolly Wild CO •' ■; ■-;■;. Chase ft La Tour Gertrude Graves;;' ;: Waldatein ft Daley 2d half . *';, Infield ft Noble Dunham ft Edward Kline ft Klifton Johnson Dean Rev Jimmy Gallon V SAN FRANCISCO Chalno/' ~r l: (Sunday Opening) Lockhart & Laddie, Cleveland ft Trelea DeWilt Strdss & De Stone ft Manning Fitch Cooper Hippodrome •.. • (Sunday opening) Chief Blue Cloud Alma Grant Co Marietta Manikins Clnire Hansen Co Aerial Sneils .::■'•" STOCKTON .-3^:- Hlppodrome York ft Marks Delmore & Moore Wyoming Trio Mareena Delton & TAFT, CAL. (22) , : Llylllan De Vere , Lamey ft Pearson Emll ft P Wllle : Hayes ft Hardy ., B. S. MOSS CIRCUIT 729 Seventh Ave., New York City BALTIMORE Garden Les Dahna 3 Hart & Girls B ft B Wheeler Chas Ahearn Tr PHILADELPHIA Broadway Dancing Kennedys Chung Hwa Four Wilbur Swootman "Bon Voyage" 2d half Allman ft Woods Freeman Benton Co Foster & Soamon Slatko's Roll!cker8 Croud Key a Jewell ft Pal Freeman Benton Co Foster & Seamon Tommy Allen Co 2d half Dnnclng Kennedys Phillips & Fern Eueene Emmett Emily Smiley Co Chung Hwa Four "Bon Voyage" Globe...; ,: _4i Reddlngton ft Grant Bernard & Meyers ■ Rogay ft Lorraine .. Lear Edmundson ft M Girls ft Fall Guys Winkle ft Dean A J Scotch Kennedy ft Burt Duquesne 4 Asahl Troupe TRENTON, N. jr. State Young ft Ladell \ Phillips ft Fern Ray mo ft Crosby 2d half Jewell ft Pal Cook & Vernon Eckort ft Moore WASHINGTON, D. C. Conmon . Lllllnn's Dogs Rector Weber A L Murray Sisters •,. Dave Roth "Oh You Melody" .. '-■' >'■•■ i ' \\TSx ■'.. j'r.'- ijfci** ■ 1 .. * 5 1 '