Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX STUDIO CLUB dcficrn. OCTOBER, 1943 VOLUME 4. Number 10 ^dltoria {Staff Editor Assistant Editor Jane Emerson Joel E. Hawley Action's Cover Lloyd Harting rteri Maintenantics A. O, Williams 4 The Processions E. L. McManigal 4 Pen Pushers Personals Pete Lake 5 The Script Tease Audre Rochlen 5 Thru The Finder Bob Tobey 6 Make-Up Eddie Sowders 7 Cafe Society News Edith Blllmyer 7 The Plaster Cracks Wanda Kahne 7 Shavings From The Mill A. P. "Whizzer" White 8 Transportation Jo Bonome 9 Sparks From the Arcs "Yankee" 9 Tapping Around Geneva Sawyer 9 Keeping Tab Ruth Rosander I I The Best of The News From The Props Marie Kramchak 1 1 Lacquer Lane Benny Benson 1 1 Time Marches On Spencer Cloner 12 Mechanical Effects News Dorothy Burke 12 Lab Gab Fawn Farrar 13 Grip Walter Fitchman 13 Men's Wardrobe Hazel Shirk 14 Fate Steps In Ed La Bart 14 Laborelates Irish Roche 14 Out of the Waste Basket Paul F. Cook 15 Go Western Jack Kessler 15 Sersen Shots Virginia Godfrey 16 Say It With Blood Norman Reilly Raine 3 A Sad Fact 20th Century-Fox Bowling League 10 Jack Kessler 8 September 15, 1943 Safety News Group Insurance ^peciaid 12 Jimmie Dinneen 13 M. Hamilton 1 3 Our Service Reporter Reports 20th Century-Fox Office Employees' Guild Letters From Boys in Service Extras Needed Henry Arnstein 19 16 17-18 18 20th Century-Fox Studio Club ACTION Is published monthly at 10201 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 35. California, by and for the membership of 20th Century-Fox Studio Club, Subscription price $1.00 per year. Single copy 15c. Advertising rates furnished on reguest. Telephone: BRadshaw 2-2141, Station MOV. Entered as Second Class matter, April 2, 1942, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the act of March 3, 1879.