Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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.TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX f T U D I O CLUB. MARCH, 1944 VOLUME 5. NUMBER 3 Editor Assistant Editor Editorial Joel E. Hawley Action's Cover False Weiss Staff Photographer . Lloyd Harting Robert L. Gunn i/^eporterd Sersen Shots Virginia Godfrey 3 Shavings from the Mill A. P. "Whizzer" White 4 Cafe Society News Edith Billmyer 5 Nursery Tales Jim Briggs 5 Prop Pops Bessie Mae Moocha 6 Transportation News Floyd Maxwell 6 Through the Finder Bob Tobey 7 Maintenantics A. O. Williams 9 Grip Department Walter E. Fitchman 10 Sparks from the Arcs Lee Dunbar The Script Tease 10 Plaster-Cracks Wanda Kahne II Keeping Tab Ruth Rosander II Musical Notes May Stanhope 12 Men's Wardrobe Hazel Shirk 14 B, B. Shots from Construction Betty Bow 14 Lab Gab Dave Goldfarb 15 Time Marches On Spencer Cloner 15 Research Notes James J. Earie 16 Go Western Jack Kessler 16 Lacquer Lane Benny Benson 17 Celia Hilsenrad 18 Speciaii Group Insurance Safety News Jimmy Dineen Deductions and Democracy Ed La Bart Tokyo Calling 3 Bowling League John McCafferty 13 4 Letters from the Boys in Service 18, 19, 20 9 Return Engagement 18 12 Group Insurance Plan 19 20th Century-Fox Studio Club ACTION is published monthly at 10201 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 35, California, by and for the membership of 20th Cent“~-r<»« Studio Club. Subscription price $l.0C per year. Single copy 15c. Advertising rates furn'shed on requesK Telephone: BRadshaw 2-2161. r.ntered as Second Class matter. April 2. 1942, at the Post O^ice at Los Angeles, California, under the act of March 3, 1879.