Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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March 1944 11 f I j -V V been pitching. JOEL HAWLEY deserves a lot of credit for his work with the Club. (Note) Even "MOP-HEAD" has been reclassed as I -A. Maybe the friends of EDDIE PETZOLDT will be Interested in knowing that he has a very good position In one of Mexico's larger studios. We all hope EDDIE has the best of luck. THE PLASTER CRACKS By WANDA KAHNE "Excited! WHO'S EXCITED?" It seems that some of the STAFFERS are all HEPPED-UP over their new reclassification. It will put MARVIN JACOBSEN, GEORGE COOKE, HARVEY RAFFAELLI, annd LOU WURTZEL right In the LINEUP when they hear once again from deah ole Uncle Sam. This department, being short of men, was sure glad to see JIMMY DREW back after being absent for over three weeks. The GREMLINS, the team everyone is wondering about, was short one of their "ACE" bowlers this last time because of some graduation exercises. PATRICIA O'NEILL, '’ACE's" daughter, graduated from the V. N. H. S. I guess I won't have to mention names, but HIM! WHO? Oh, yes, between (brick and income tax) I dare say our one and only ATTORNEY is ready for the STRAIT-JACKET. It's a shame that a certain M. M. here in the Staff Shop has to make molds when he could be doing the PUBLIC so much good by his too — too — funny CARTOONIST. Gunnery Warrant Officer M. S. LARRY DURRELL, Marine Corps, is stationed at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside. Larry left the Staff Shop last Spring. Still overseas and doing his part in Relief Map Making is T/Sgt. A. C. NESBITT. Notice the Jap flag in the background. Map making is a pretty serious business, isn't it, AL? KEEPING TAB By RUTH ROSANDER On a midnight dark and dreary NANCY WOODCOCK weak and weary Followed IRENE FARLOW home for safety's sake Waved as someone tried to stop her Didn't know It was a copper What! No ticket? No one else would get that break If you have a lot of questions On good housekeeping suggestions Ask ANN RUSSELL, she will welcome any cal For linoleums — you scrub 'em Then with milk you rub and rub 'em And for windows use some rubbing alcohol It's a shake-down riding busses In the morning and night rushes GOLDIE COHN should know, she rides them every day But she says she isn't squawking She prefers the bus to walking To the time gate many, many miles away Through the dreadful noise and clatter We could hear a lot of chatter JIMMIE's here! We heard BEVERLY say "See my watch!" I'm so excited Wonder If we'll be Invited When she takes the fatal step some future day EDDIE HARDIN is a menace Says that he will doll up Venice As he sinks his spade into the soggy ground All the weeds must go, he glowers I shall have my grass and flowers They will be the best for miles and miles around WILMA TARCY tired of mowing Pulling weeds and cactus growing Planting things that didn't want to grow Said she'd fix that, and she meant it "I will have a man cement it!" Now her back yard is Just one big patio BETTY ANDERSON keeps bowling Finds her scores are quite consoling ELLEN BRADFORD does her share of kegling too JOSEPH DAVIS still concealing News that we should be revealing He just smiles and says there's nothing new SAL McNATT returned from Philly Says her trip was quite a dilly Her spouse CHAD went overseas for UNCLE SAM It was worth the time and money To be back East with her "honey" (By the way the coat she bought Is Bombay Lamb) It takes three whole days to make it GINNY TATE is going to bake It It's NAPOLEONS, a luscious, tasty treat Patiently, we sit here drooling Hoping GINNY isn't fooling When she says she'll bring us something good to eat On the slightest provocation IRENE changes the location Of her residence, now Burbank is her home Visas, she claims, are essentials They are part of her credentials In that foreign land when ANGER starts to roam Dapper DICK HUCKANS, head of the Story Files smiles a dimple.