Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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Editor Assistant Editor (^ditoriai Tom Doyle Action's Cover. . False Weiss Staff Photographer Lloyd Harting Robert L. Gunn l^eporterA Prop and Miniature Walter Michalsky 4 Lacquer Lane Benny Benson 10 Transportation News Tom Krause 4 Maintenantics A. O. Williams 10 Laborelates Irish Roche 4 Carpet and Canvas Bascom Shoaf 1 1 Lab Gab David Goldfarb 5 Over the Tripod Syd Ragin 1 1 Gas Stretchers Ed La Bart 6 Keeping Tab Ruth Rosander 12 Postal Packin' Mamas Marilyn Nelson 6 Script Tease Eve Golden 13 Cafe Society Juanita Bonfiglio 7 Musical Notes May Stanhope 13 Processions E. L. McManigal 7 Grip Department Walter E. Pitchman 14 Men's Wardrobe Hazel Shirk 8 Go Western Jack Kessler 15 Fox Tales Frank B. Dossier 8 Nursery Tales Jim Briggs 15 Sparks from the Arcs Lee Dunbar 9 Art Department Helen Etzler 16 Research Notes James J. Earie 9 The Plaster Cracks Wanda Kahne 16 Sersen Shots Virginia Godfrey 9 Left Wing Willie Schraeder 17 ^peciatA Biography of Our President 3 Prestidigitator Par Excellence Ed La Bart 5 Hail and Farewell 3 Citizen Jagores . 6 Your Share of Freedom Claudette Wood 3 A Good Job for You 12 Legion of Merit Award 3 Safety News Jimmie Dinneen 14 Surprise Party 4 Letters from Servicemen TCF Bowling League 17. 18, 19. 20 Ike Danning 15 2Dth Century-Fox Studio Club ACTION Is published monthly at 10201 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 35, California, by and for the membership of 20th Century-Fox Studio Club Subscription price $1.00 per year. Single copy 15c. Advertising rates furnished on request. Telephone: BRadshaw 2-2161. Entered as Second Class matter April 2, 1942, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the act of March 3, 1879.