Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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18 Action B B SHOTS FROM CONSTRUCTION By GHOST WRITER— DORIE To my great dismay I find myself writing the column this month — reason . . . BETTY BOW is a busy girl these days. Well could be with visiting relatives from the east, bowling, and of course keeping up the morale of the Army, Navy and Marines. Well Betts you asked for it so I'll do my best. We're very sorry to hear about ED SINCLAIR'S recent ankle injury. Your coworkers in Landscape and we too miss you. Hope you are back soon, Ed. On the Missing Persons List is MARILYN LAVIN, formerly of our Grip Department. She joined her husband, LT. JIMMY LAVIN in Sajinas. COM COOLEY and her husband are vacationing in Arizona. Due to these vacancies WALLY KNAPP of Prop and Min. has been stationed in the Grip Room with SAMMY "Bowler" DUCA until further orders. DUMONT MAINE is gaining quite a reputation as "Egg King." Don't worry, Dumont, they kidded you about those chickens when you first had them but do you recall the egg and chicken shortage? . . . Well, you know the rest. HELEN SNYDER has been appointed by our Chief Steward BENNIE BENSON, Paint Shop, to act as Junior Stewardess for our department. Such a little thing to have so much responsibility! EDDIE HAAS, late of the STAHL company, has promised us more of his beautiful garden flowers this summer. We hold open house every day so visit us sometime and view some of Eddie's prize blooms. There's a gremlin in our office who insists on giving people names other than those their proud parents bestowed upon them. Hence KAY HOLLINGWORTH to you but "Flossie" to everyone else. However, this gremlin refuses to answer to "Pee Wee" or the like. Well just to cause a slight disturbance when this appears in print, "Pee Wee is Helen Snyder. Oh, by the way, we have two gentlemen in the Construction Department who have found a new hobby . . . fishing! Hobbies are swell but please Phil and George no more worms in the office. WANDA KAHNE in the Plaster Shop is in desperate need of an apartment. If you know of one dial 720 quick. Thanks, we knew you'd help, but those of you who are in the same boat, please don't dial 41 I and tell me off. Honest ah's gist tryin' to help a lil gal from de south. Here's one time a man will have the last word for I'd like you to read this interesting letter from S/SGT. BILL GOLDMAN who is now somewhere in Egypt and wrote the following to BEN WURT7EL on May 7. "It's Sunday night, eight forty-five o'clock and pretty slow here in the station. I just finished answering a letter from Shir DOROTHY BURKE, Mechanical Effects, changes the numbers on our Service Flag. Patrolmen LEONARD O. WINTERTON and JOHN F. DELYEA look on with pride. ley that got lost on the way and has been trying to find me for eight months. The main topic over here is when the invasion will begin and from what I understand it's also the main topic in the States. Last night the Red Cross had open house for officers and the Brass Hats were all there looking over our sanctuary, the Red Cross Is exclusively for enlisted men and only about once a year are the officers allowed to crash. His Majesty the King of Egypt was there and I had the honor of meeting him and even swapping jokes with him. King Farouk is typically English — he was educated at Oxford. His pride and joy is a jeep our Government gave him and he can be seen riding around town all by himself in his upholstered jeep. Tonight he was around again and he played 'Cornin' Round the Mountain' on the Red Cross accordian while I sang it. I didn't like his playing and he didn't like my singing so . . . Ich hub im in drehrt . . . note to censor: this is not code. And Incidentally if you have doubts about the authencity (spelled wrong) of my story I'm going to have a picture taken with him. We've heard about A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN. As a matter of fact we have a column In one of our papers, titled 'A Soldier Grows in Brooklyn' ... we must have an efficient Publicity Department. "Time drags In Egypt and many times I find myself dreaming of the Lot and my friends and the family. I've been here so long that I'm not even homesick any longer. I think I've lost my perspective of just what the States are like. From what I hear I hope they don't start taking family men, it's bad enough the way it Is. You must have a problem with the labor situation according to some of the stuff I read. Traffic is starting to come In now so I'll sign off for awhile and I'll be awaiting your next letter. Please remember me to everyone In the family and the people that still remember me on the Lot." GRIP DEPARTMENT By WALTER E. PITCHMAN That slow spell last month gave us all an opportunity to breathe again like human beings. Wow . . . does the old place hum when things get rolling! It gives us a chance to hang up the old overalls to dry. CHAS. ROSE has a big special on his hands. He'll tour the majority of the major air bases in Southern California for Winged Victory ... a story on the order of "This Is the Army." FRANK McARDLE using desperate measures finally made the show. Glen McWilliams will photograph. LEO McCreary battling for cameraman JOE LASHELLE, who took on Laura — a chiller diller — should have it in the bag by now. BENNETT, PAZELLI, FARRELL and DAVIS had a hand in the dirty business. BRUCE HUNSAKER and WENDELL JONES are busy with other people's unfinished business. WALTER FAXON and troupe should be able to vote in Utah as citizens before they return. Someone mentioned that the Florida unit had returned ... As if I'm Interested In AL THAYER and company. Director LLOYD BACON should have his Sunday Dinner for a Soldier half eaten by the time this hits the print . . . Can't say as to who the crew will be. LOGAN More Precious Than DIAMONDS Are WAR BONDS Sth War Bond Drive June 12th to July Sth WM. E. PHILLIPS CO. Largest Catalog Jewelers in the W est 7TH FLOOR METROPOLITAN BLDG. 315 WEST FIFTH ST. L. A. 13 It Costs Less to Buy Where It Costs Less to Sell ■ : Mutual 1321 ' ' :