Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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June, 1945 17 EMMETT A. SCHOENBAUM, Still Cameraman in the Publicity Dept, (center fop), has been with TCP for 12 years. He is shown here with his three sons. Left, CHARLES E. SCHOENBAUM, Pharmacist Mate 3/c, dental technician attached to the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton. Charles left for overseas in May of this year, and was a dental student at U.S.C. when he enlisted a year and a half ago. Center, Ensign WILLIAM J. SCHOENBAUM, on an L.S.T. at Okinawa, and was through the Leyte and Luzon invasions. His ship was officially credited with 4 Jap Zeroes during the Leyte invasion. Bill graduated with the Navy V-12 program after 2 years at Loyola and 2 years at U.S.C. and I year at Texas U. He has been in service for 2^2 years. Right is Emmett’s youngest son, Dick. He is a hospital apprentice l/c attached to the Marine base at Camp Pendleton, and was attending Loyola High School when he enlisted 7 months ago. fortunate in having BUCK PINNEY tote us. ind the stews that JESS MENDELSON can pip up at the drop of a sombrero. He eps us busy cooking and tasting the stuff all the way home. Hats off to the smiling and helpful Maintenance men, CHARLIE DOUGHTY, JOE EPSTEIN, and VERLIN TAYLOR. They're just typical of their department. Have you been down to the hospital yet to meet MORNA PYPER? There's one little lady who gets all the headaches, pains, and complaints of the entire Lot — but does she let it get her down? Brother — no!! Heaps of gardenias to you Morna, we do appreciate all the good you do for us. No doubt, you are all familiar with HENRY "you look like a million" FINK of the Barber Shop. His wonderful blarney is a terrific morale lifter. Now, girls, wouldn't you miss him if he didn't tell you that you're the prettiest girl on the lot? Brother PRYOR hasn't written much since he left on the HATHAWAY pic shooting at the New York location. However, he did write LLOYD that although he thought Washington and N. Y. are fine, not to sell Los Angeles — that is, not until he returns. Did-You-Know-Dept.: Did you know that RHODA BURSK writes the catchiest music? Wonder who's going to discover that her lyrics and melodies are super. Did you know that a chain letter for war bond stamps has been making the rounds . . . patriotic, what? More people ought to get in on this. Did you know that the Seventh War Loan Drive is on until July Seventh — and folks, just because the European War is over doesn't mean that we may slacken our efforts toward buying more and more bonds. There's that great day coming, Manana — and until then we must keep plugging along — and we will, too! Well, amigos. I'll miss you all while I'm on leave, but hope to see you soon when we return in July. Until then, get tons of sun, have barrels of fun. Adios. B.B. Shots From Construction By BETTY BOW Just a little news to let you all know that this Office is still affiliated with the Studio. First of all, we would like to have you all know that we, in the CONSTRUCTION DEPT, suffered a great loss last week with the leaving of "LITTLE MISS FIXIT" HELEN SNYDER. Helen has taken a three months leave of absence from the Studio to say at home with her pride and joy, Paul, Jr., and to await the return of her husband from overseas. In her place we have back with us DORIS TIMMERBERG FEATHERS. Doris left this office last August to be married but with the leaving of her husband for overseas duty, she has rejoined our happy little family. Suppose you have all heard by this time that GRIP DEPT. LAVIN has acquired the new title of "GRANDPOP"!! The reason being that a sweet Irish lass was born to Lt. and Mrs. JIMMIE LAVIN on the twenty-sixth of April — from what we hear, little LINDA looks as Irish as her grandfather 'how about that, Johnnie? We girls here in the Office are open for suggestions at this point of how to keep track of PHIL ADAMS and GEORGE ZUCKER — as most of you know, when you call they are always out on the stages somewhere or another. What we can't understand is, that since the' closing of the Musical Numbers in the DOLLY SISTERS, where they are now spending most of their time — but if you run into either GEORGE or PHIL somewhere on the lot, would you please have them call this Office! We are now a "House Divided"— with MR. WURTZEL now residing down in the Production Bungalow, the only visitors we ever have are those lost souls who can't find their way to the ART DEPT. A bit of news hither and yon from our CONSTRUCTION CLERKS— We welcome back HELEN GOLDMAN in the LANDSCAPE DEPT, after a recent illness. Glad to see you again, Helen, and must say you are looking as pet as ever! JACK "PEACHY" SEILER, late of the PAINT SHOP, Is now working as a Greenman In the LANDSCAPE DEPT. Say, Jack, how did you get along with those fence post holes and just as a matter of curiosity, what are they going to do with a fence away out thar on the golf course? WANDA KAHN, in the STAFF SHOP, just returned from spending thirty days with her husband, LIONEL, who was In on a well-earned furlough after two years active overseas duty ... he is now restationed in San Francisco awaiting further orders. Say, have any of you people seen the scrapbooks that MARY AGNES LUBIN, MILL OFFICE, keeps of her All-American husband, Frank? We've seen sections of it and It really is a work of art! Just as a point of Information, PHIL, we would all like to know what's going to happen to that little' "spitoon" at the house now that Louise Is coming home — and a little reminder, don't forget to do something with that carton of Five Brothers you recently bought. In closing, we would like to take' this opportunity to ask MR. HOUGH one little thing — "Now that you have nicknamed us girls here in this Office, MR. HOUGH, you couldn't be referring to our Irregularity In size, could you? Do you know what he calls us, my dear public, FOUR PENNY, SIX PENNY and EIGHT PENNY. Hope to see you next month.