Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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;iation of Los Angeles. Dozens of dog owners turned out to parade their pedigreed pooches before 250 delighted dog lovers. The show was arranged by John Ehrin, TCF cutter, who is an active member in both of the clubs. The dogs’ trainer, Mr. John Campsie, put the dogs through an exhibition in Novice, Open and Utility work that kept the audience fascinated. The hour-long show was heartily enjoyed by all. The midway was a splash of color and revelry as more than a dozen games of skill spewed prizes to hundreds of lucky winners. “Win a Fish,” “Pop a Baloon,” “Pitch a Penny” were just a few of the many booths which attracted a throng of gamesters. |k Other attractions included Wanda, a ^ handwriting analyst, who revealed what the future holds in store for her many interested patrons. Bob Rhodes, IceReader, offered a fascinating display of soothsaying, also. Instead of a